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Syntax of Hessian Dialects (SyHD)
The DFG-funded project “Syntax of Hessian Dialects (SyHD)” aims to survey, systematically index, and analyze the basic features of German dialect syntax for the first time and on a comprehensive basis, using the example of an entire German federal state (Hesse). The project strives for two central “end products”, which will be accessible online:
1) Extensive analyses of Hessian dialect syntax to be carried out in the systematic synopsis of different linguistic subdisciplines. The data will be subjected to linguistic-historical, variation-linguistic and syntax-theoretical analyses, the results of which will lead to scientific publications.
2) “Expert system on Hessian dialect syntax” with two central building blocks: the data collected within the project and processed for further syntactic analyses as well as georeferenced language maps on selected phenomena.