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Hesse-Nassau Dialect Dictionary: from the collections organised and administered by Ferdinand Wrede using all folk-culture circles and especially teachers in the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau, including Waldeck, and the former Rhenish District of Wetzlar, the Hessian province of Upper Hesse, and the Westphalian district of Wittgenstein. Initiated by Luise Berthold, continued by Hans Friebertshäuser and Heinrich J. Dingeldein.

Volume 1. A–K (in progress)

The section A-abzwicken is published at Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen.

Volume 2. L–R (published)
Involved: Berthold, Luise. Marburg 1943.

Volume 3. S (published)
Involved: Berthold, Luise / Friebertshäuser, Hans. Marburg 1967.

Volume 4. T–Z (published)
Involved: Berthold, Luise / Friebertshäuser, Hans / Dingeldein, Heinrich J. Marburg 2015.

About the further publication of the Hesse-Nassau Dictionary

The letters A to K of the Hesse-Nassau Dialect Dictionary are still being revised. Completed dictionary articles appear in advance at Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen in Marburg (, portal "Lexika".

Scientific Publications in the Context of Dictionaries

Werth, Alexander; Vielsmeier, Bernd; Aumann, Stefan: Hessen-Nassauisches Wörterbuch (HNWb). In: Alexandra N. Lenz und Philipp Stöckle (Hgg.): Germanistische Dialektlexikographie zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart 2021, S. 201-223.  

Vielsmeier, Bernd (2022). Das Hessen-Nassauische Wörterbuch. Sprachspuren: Berichte aus dem Deutschen Sprachatlas 2(1).

Mederake, Nathalie (2024). MundART-Festival: Ein Wörterbuch zu Gast in Eschenburg. In: Sprachspuren: Berichte aus dem Deutschen Sprachatlas 4(7).