Main Content

Tips for Authors

Guidelines for essays

Guidelines for reports

Guideline for reviews

For over a century, ZDL has published relevant manuscripts on dialectology and variational linguistics as well as on other core linguistic topics.

We ask that essays, contributions to debates, reports, reviews and review copies be sent only to the address of the editorial board. As an internationally peer-reviewed journal, the Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik (ZDL) publishes double-blind peer reviewed articles only. Guidelines for setting up manuscripts are available at the top of this page. The editors are not liable for unsolicited manuscripts. Unsolicited review copies cannot be guaranteed a review.

The original contributions offered to the editorial office may not be published simultaneously in other publications. With the acceptance for publication, the author transfers the exclusive publishing right to the publisher for the period until the copyright expires. This includes in particular the right to produce electronic versions and store them in databases, as well as the right to reproduce and distribute them online and offline.

Orders for individual issues and subscriptions are placed through bookstores or the publisher. Offprints can be ordered against payment upon receipt of the galley proofs.

Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to the . If special characters (including IPA symbols) or drawings/figures appear in the manuscript, a PDF file should also be submitted. Maps, drawings/figures (if possible in black and white), tables and the like should be numbered consecutively and inserted at the correct spot in the document, and they should be signed. In addition, please attach the image files as separate image files to the typescript. Manuscripts should have a title and a short abstract in both German and English as well as six keywords each in German and in English. 

No changes can be made to the galley proofs vis-à-vis the manuscript after the fact for cost reasons.