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List of invited speakers
Invited and confirmed
Anil Alexander - Attila Andics - Volker Dellwo - Emma Holmes - Jody Kreiman - Nadine Lavan - Susannah Levi - Sahil Luthra - Kirsty McDougall - Carolyn McGettigan - Laura Rachman - Claudia Roswandowitz - Romi Zäske
Anil Alexander
Oxford Wave Research |
Anil is the CEO and director of research of Oxford Wave Research. His areas of interest and experience are forensic speaker recognition and audio processing. | [back to top] |
Attila Andics |
Department of Ethology, Neuroethology of Communication Lab, University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary |
Attila is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethology, University of Budapest, Hungary. He works on vocal processing across species. He uses fMRI to investigate voice-sensitive areas in the dog’s brain. | [back to top] |
Volker Dellwo |
Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland |
Volker is a Professor of Phonetics and Phonology at the University Zurich, Switzerland. He is a phonetician with specific interest in between-speaker variation of certain phonetic features, particularly temporal ones. His work interfaces with forensic phonetics and dialectology. | [back to top] |
Emma Holmes |
Emma is a Lecturer in Speech, Hearing & Phonetic Sciences at the University College London, UK. She is particularly interested in how auditory cognition (e.g., attention and prior knowledge) affects our perception of speech and other sounds, and how these processes are affected by hearing loss. | [back to top] |
Jody Kreiman |
Department of Linguistics at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, US |
Jody is a Professor at the Department of Linguistics at UCLA, US. She is working on voice identity perception with a focus on acoustic parameters carrying voice-specific information. She uses psychoacoustics and computational modeling as research methods. | [back to top] |
Nadine Lavan |
School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK |
Nadine is a Lecturer in Psychology/Biological Psychology at Queen Mary University, UK. She is interested in the perception of person characteristics from voices and how person perception interacts with other sources of information such as faces or person familiarity. She mainly uses behavioural methods but also neuroimaging to answer her research questions. | |
Susannah Levi |
Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, Acoustic Phonetics and Perception Lab (APPL), New York University, New York, US |
Susannah is an Associate Professor at New York University, US. Her research interest is on how aspects of a listener (e.g., languages spoken, reading ability, language ability) and of a spoken utterance (e.g., native versus non-native speech, talker familiarity, semantic predictability) interact during processing. | |
Sahil Luthra |
Sahil is a Postdoctoral Researcher based at Carnegie Mellon University (USA). He works on how acoustic variability affects speech perception and by examining how prior knowledge, online statistical learning and auditory attention can support spoken language processing. His work leverages behavioural experiments, computational modeling and neuroimaging. | |
Kirsty McDougall |
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages & Linguistics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK |
Kirsty works as Professor for Phonetics at the University of Cambridge, UK. She is a forensic linguist with a particular interest in speaker characteristics, forensic phonetics, and the phonetic realisation of varieties of English. | |
Carolyn McGettigan |
UCL Speech Hearing and Phonetic Sciences, London, UK |
Carolyn is a Professor and holds the Chair in Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University College London (UK). Carolyn is an experimental psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist researching the perception and production of the human voice. Carolyn uses neuroimaging and behavioural research methods. | |
Laura Rachman |
Faculty of Medical Sciences University of Groningen |
Laura is a post-doc at the University of Groningen. She studies the effects of hearing loss and aging on voice and speech perception. During her PhD, she investigated the role of speaker and language familiarity on emotional voice perception, using voice transformation software. She is interested in combining behavioral and electrophysiological (EEG) measures to study different processing stages involved speech perception, from low-level perception of voice cues to higher level speech understanding. | |
Claudia Roswandowitz |
Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland |
Claudia is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Computational Linguistics at the Zurich University, Switzerland. She is interested in natural and artificial voice-identity recognition and representation. Methodologically, she works with imaging and behavioural methods as well as computational modeling. | |
Romi Zäske |
Research Unit Person Perception, Institute for Psychology, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany |
Romi is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Jena, Germany. She works on voice perception, including imaging methods (EEG, fMRI). She is also interested in effects of voice familiarity and has worked on large-scale corpus projects. |