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Poster Information

There will be two poster sessions during the VoiceID 2024 conference.

  • Postersession 1: 28.08.2024 - 12.45 - 14.15
  • Postersession 2: 29.08.2024 - 11.00 - 12.30

Presenters are kindly asked to prepare their posters during the morning coffee (before the respective starting sessions of the conference) on the corresponding day. Poster boards will be numbered, and poster numbers are provided in the conference programme.

Information about poster space

Poster will be presented in two poster rooms (Pilgrimstein 16, 1st floor, room 101 & 102).

The room will have poster walls that can be used on either side. Poster can have the following measures:

  • width: 118 cm; height: 146 cm

This means, A0 posters can be designed in portrait or landscape orientation. Poster with formats larger than A0 should only be designed in portrait orientation.