Dr. Sarah-Mai Dang

Sarah-Mai Dang
Anna Scheidemann

Research Fellow

Contact information

+49 6421 28-21184 sarah-mai.dang@staff 1 Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6
35032 Marburg
H|04 Institutsgebäude (Room: 05C08B resp. 05C08b)

Junior group leader, Forschungsgruppe DAVIF

Contact information

+49 6421 28-21184 sarah-mai.dang@staff 1 Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6
35032 Marburg
H|04 Institutsgebäude (Room: 05C08B resp. 05C08b)

Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History (DAVIF)

Office hours

Please contact me by e-mail to make an appointment.

Personal Website


  • Areas of Specialization & Current Projects

    ◦ Digital methods in film history
    ◦ Research data and data visualization
    ◦ Historical job titles and women workers in early cinema
    ◦ Feminist theory and data feminism
    ◦ Audiovisual media, film theory and film aesthetics
    ◦ Open access/open science

    Principal investigator of the BMBF research group „Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History“ (DAVIF) (2021-2025)
    The goal of the independent research group DAVIF funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is to explore the aesthetics of access in light of the growing production and application of data. It investigates current forms of data-driven re/presentations and explores creative use of historical research data. In doing so, the project approaches the subject both from a theoretical and practical perspective. In addition to case studies, it creates and analyzes data visualizations (e.g. graphics, data essays, i-docs) that facilitate access to aggregated research data on women’s global involvement in early cinema. For this purpose the project has the privilege to collaborate with the Women Film Pioneers Project (WFPP) at Columbia University, the DFF – Deutsches Filmmuseum & Filminstitut, and the working group Graphics and Multimedia at Philipps University Marburg. The Film and Media Studies project aims to contribute to a fruitful debate on digital tools and methods in the international context of digital humanities. It seeks to foster the critical discourse on scholarly knowledge production, research data, and open science.

    Project leader of the DFG Research Network New Directions in Film Historiography — Digital Tools and Methods in Film and Media Studies (2019-2023)
    The goal of the international research network, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is to collaboratively explore how digital technologies shape our understanding of film and cinema history from a Film and Media Studies perspective. The network brings together 15 scholars from six countries who analyze the epistemic, conceptual, and methodological frameworks of digital film historiography.

    Open Media Studies Blog (since 2018, before oa books)
    The goal of the Open Media Studies Blog is to bring the multitude of positions on the subject matter of open science, digital scholarship, and media studies into conversation. Initiated in 2016 as oabooks.de and since 2018 co-edited with Alena Strohmaier, Josephine Diecke and Kai Matuszkiewicz (since 2021). As a public forum, the blog seeks to foster reflection on research and teaching practices in the humanities and to make knowledge processes more transparent. Contributions are always welcome.

    Founder of the open access publishing initiative oa books (since 2014)
    The aim of this publishing project is to analyze the cultural, political, media, economic, legal, and discipline-specific conditions of the scholarly publication system in view of increasing digitalization, both theoretically and in a practical manner. Furthermore, it seeks to enable easy access to research in Film and Media studies as well easy dissemination and reuse.
  • Professional Background & Education

    ◦ 2021–present: Principal Investigator of the BMBF research group „Aesthetics of Access“ (DAVIF), Institute of Media Studies, Philipps University Marburg, Germany
    ◦ 2018–2021: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Media Studies, Philipps University Marburg, Germany
    ◦ 2016–2018: Postdoctoral Researcher, Media Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany
    ◦ 2015/2016: Freelancer & Founder, Berlin, Germany; freelance journalist and project manager; founder of the hybrid publishing project oa books and producer of the website on scholarly publishing oabooks.de; translation of my dissertation and publication in both German (with the self-publishing house tredition and on my website) and English (with Palgrave Macmillan)
    ◦ 2011–2014: Research Assistant in the project „The Politics of Aesthetics in Western European Cinema“ at the Collaborative Research Center “Aesthetic Experience and the Dissolution of Artistic Limits” (SFB 626), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
    ◦ 2008–2014: Dissertation, Film Studies (Dr. phil.), Department of Film Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, (dissertation title: “Film, Feminism, and Experience. Chick Flicks or, the Genre of the Contemporary Woman’s Film“)
    ◦ 2011–2012: Master of Arts (German Studies, Screen Arts & Cultures, Women’s Studies) and General Student Instructor (GSI), Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, USA
    ◦ 2008–2010: Research Assistant, Department of Film Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
    ◦ 1999–2008: Freelance Journalist in the fields of film, culture, local politics and culture; Project Manager and Online Editor (i.a. MTV, IJP e.V., Töchter + Söhne)
    ◦ Film and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, Universität der Künste Berlin, University of Michigan, USA

  • Presentations & Panel Discussions

    Upcoming Events
    ◦ Panelist: “Explorativ, iterativ, kollaborativ – Zur Entwicklung neuer Arbeitsformen in der digitalen Filmwissenschaft„, DiCi-Hub Conference “Digitale Methoden und die Zukunft der Filmwissenschaft„, Philipps-Universität Marburg, April 11-13, 2024.
    ◦ Co-presentation: “New Insights and Old Blind Spots: Exploring Data Visualizations as a Critical Approach to Film Archival Metadata Collections“,  with Pauline Junginger at Eye International Conference “Presenting Audiovisual Collections: Experiments and Explorations“, Amsterdam, Eye Filmmuseum, May 26-29, 2024.
    ◦ Co-presentation: “Vom ‘Digital Turn’ zum ‘KI Turn’? Zur Bedeutung von KI in der Filmwissenschaft”, with Josephine Diecke, workshop on “Transitionen der Filmwissenschaft”, organized by the GfM workgroup Film Studies, Bremen University, June 6, 2024.
    ◦ Presentation: “How can I help you today? ChatGPT & Data Visualizations in Digital Film Historiography“, on the panel “Exploring the Role of AI in Transforming Film Studies through Digital Methods“, NECS Conference “Emergencies. Media in an Unpredictable World“, Izmir University of Economics, June 27-29, 2024.

    ◦ Invited talk: “Unsichtbares sichtbar machen. Datenvisualisierungen als filmhistoriographische Methode„, MA seminar „Media History“, Section of Media and Communication Studies, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, December 18, 2023.
    ◦ Invited talk: “Visualizing Women’s Impact in Film History. On Metadata in Archival Research Frameworks“, symposium, “New Paradigms for Accessing and Curating Audiovisual Collections“, EPFL Pavilions, Lausanne, Schweiz, September, 28-29, 2023.
    ◦ Panelist: “The Power of Data: Why Digital Film History Needs Data Feminism“, panel, „Caring for Audiovisual Data“, AG Digital Methods, NECS Jahrestagung, The University of Oslo, June 13-17, 2023.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Forschungsdaten, Visualisierungen und blinde Flecken in der digitalen Filmgeschichtsschreibung“, lecture series “Transdisziplinäre Aspekte digitaler Methodik in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften“, Master “Digitale Methodik in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften“, Mainzer Zentrum für Digitalität in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften (mainzed), May 31, 2023.
    ◦ Invited panelist: “Was bedeutet Open Science aus Sicht der Fachgesellschaften?“, German commission for UNESCO, online, April 27, 2023.
    ◦ Invited talk: “Plurales Publizieren. Vom hybriden Open-Access-Verlag zum kollaborativen Open-Media-Studies-Blog“, “Banales Publizieren. Digitaler Selbstverlag in Kunst-, Literatur- und Wissenschaftsbetrieb“, conference, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, April 20-21, 2023.
    ◦ Workshop: “Controlled Vocabulary and Film Historical Job Titles“, Institue of Film, Theater, Media and Culture Studies, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, March 29-30, 2023.
    ◦ Panelist: “Open Humanities in der Filmwissenschaft – zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit„, DHd AG Film und Video, DHd 2023, Luxemburg/Trier, March 13-17, 2023.
    ◦ Invited panelist: “Open DH? Mapping Blind Spots“, DHd AG Empowerment, DHd 2023, Luxemburg/Trier, March 13-17, 2023.
    ◦ Invited talk: “Film und öffentlicher Diskurs“, MA seminar in Media Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg, January 20, 2023.
    ◦ Invited talk: “Filmhistorische Forschung visualisieren. Zu datenbasierten Ansätzen in der digitalen Film- und Medienwissenschaft“, workshop, “Analysen – Artefakte – Medienoperationen. Digital Humanities und audiovisuelle Kulturen“, DFG project “Synkopierung und Volumen. Sondierungen einer sonischen Moderne, 1890-1945″, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, January 12-13, 2023.

    ◦ Invited talk: “Situating Sources. On Research Data Management and Film History“, AREM – Symposium on Archiving and Re-performing Electro Acoustic Music, TU Dresden, December 10-12, 2022.
    ◦ Conference organization: “Doing Digital Film History“, international conference of the DFG network “New Directions in Film Historiography“, organized with Tim van der Heijden, Philipps-Universität Marburg, November 17-19, 2022.
    ◦ Presentation: “Desperately Seeking Evidence. Research Data Management and Women in Film History“, “Doing Digital Film History“, international conference of the DFG network “New Directions in Film Historiography“, Philipps-Universität Marburg, November 17-19, 2022.
    ◦ Co-presentation: “Filmpionierinnen im Zeichen der Digitalisierung – Personenbezogene Forschungsdaten im Kontext feministischer Filmgeschichtsschreibung“, with Pauline Junginger, workshop, “Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Medienwissenschaft“, media/rep/, Philipps-Universität Marburg, October 21, 2022.
    ◦ Round table organization and co-chair: “Open-Access-Transformationen in der Medienwissenschaft – Arbeitsprozesse mit Zukunft?“, with Kai Matuszkiewicz, organized with Open Media Studies Blog, in cooperation with the SIG Open Media Studies and the Kommission für Gute Arbeit in der Wissenschaft (GfM), GfM Conference, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, September 28-October 1, 2022.
    ◦ Presentation: “The Women Film Pioneers Explorer. What Data Visualizations Can Tell Us About Women in Film History“, Women and the Silent Screen Conference XI, Columbia University, June 1-7, 2022.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Forschungsdaten visualisieren. Zu konzeptionellen, methodologischen und epistemologischen Fragen in der digitalen Film- und Medienwissenschaft“, Computational Social Science, Department of Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, January 31, 2022.
    ◦ Book launch: Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities, Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, February 3, 2022.

    ◦ Invited talk: “Was bedeutet ‚offen‘ in Open Access?“, MA seminar in Media Studies “Film und öffentlicher Diskurs“,  Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, November 24, 2021.
    ◦ Interview by the DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, July 9, 2021. [DFF Podcast]
    ◦ Invited presentation: “Zugriff von zu Hause – Konjunkturen der Online-Recherche: Präsentation und Vermittlung von medienwissenschaftlichen Ressourcen“, MA seminar „Perspektiven im Lockdown. Digitale Dispositive und ihre Geschichte(n), Pragmatiken und Erfahrungsräume“, Section of Media and Communication Studies, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, July 01, 2021.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Open Access and Digital Tools“, workshop „Politiken des Digitalen“, Institute for Media and Cultural Studies, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, June 25, 2020. [postponed]
    ◦ Invited conference presentation, “Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History“, panel “Breakthroughs: What Can Digital Humanities Tell Us That We Didn’t Know?“, Women and the Silent Screen 2021: Entr’acte, Columbia University, June 4-6, 2021.
    ◦ Invited panelist: “Webinar on Career Planning for Female Researchers”, University of Vienna, April 23, 2021.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Geschichte(n) anders erzählen. Zu den Möglichkeiten digitaler Datenvisualisierungen für die feministische Filmgeschichtsschreibung”, research colloquium, Department of Film Studies, University of Zurich, April 21, 2021.
    ◦ Invited panelist: “’Nur‘ ein Experiment? Zum Status Quo der digitalen Filmwissenschaft“, DHd AG Film und Video, DHd 2021, Universität Potsdam/FH Potsdam, March 25, 2021.
    ◦ Invited workshop presentation: “Potenziale und Herausforderungen von Open-Access-Dissertationen“, FKK – Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium Weimar, March 25, 2021.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Digitale Datenvisualisierung als kritische Methode in der Filmgeschichtsschreibung”, “Digital History: Konzepte, Methoden und Kritiken digitaler Geschichtswissenschaften”, Göttingen State and University Library, March 1-3, 2021.
    ◦ Invited lecture: „Situating Research. Data Visualization as Critical Approach in Digital Film Historiography“, FTT Research Seminar Series, University of Reading, UK, February 17, 2021.
    ◦ Workshop presentation: “Plural Publishing. Preprints and Postprints in Film and Media Studies“, workshop “Into the Wild? Transitions into ‚Openness‘ and Film Studies”, series „Digital Material and Essayistic Method“, Cinepoetics in cooperation with the SIG Open Media Studies (GfM), Freie Universität Berlin, February 9, 2021. [Workshop report]
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research on Women in Film History”, Digital Humanities and Gender History, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Feburary 5, 2021.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Chaplin, Griffith und Smith. Zur Repräsentation von blinden Flecken in der digitalen Filmgeschichtsschreibung“, MA seminar „Media History“, Section of Media and Communication Studies, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, January 11, 2021.

    ◦ Invited presentation: “Open Access in Media Studies“, BA seminar „Publishing“, Institut of Media and Communication Studies, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, Nov 24, 2020.
    ◦ Invited panelist: “Open Access und Open Data – verbindliche Standards für die Wissenschaft”, “Universität und Digitalisierung: Forschung und Lehre unter neuen Vorzeichen?”, series of discussions on the occasion of the centenary of USB Cologne (University and City Library), University of Cologne, October 27, 2020. [postponed]
    ◦ Workshop presentation: “Preprints”, Open Access und digital-vernetztes Arbeiten. Erarbeitung einer medienwissenschaftlichen Handreichung (Teil 2), SIG Open Media Studies (GfM), GfM Conference, Bochum, Sep 29-Oct 2, 2020.
    ◦ Panel presentation: “Open Access in der Medienwissenschaft. Akteur:innen, Chancen, Herausforderungen“, with Dietmar Kammerer, Open-Access-Tage 2020, University/FH Bielefeld, Sep 15-17, 2020.
    ◦ Invited presentation: “Film and Media Studies and Gender“, MA seminar „Gender Media Studies“, Faculty of Social and Cultural Science, European University Viadrina, June 30, 2020.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Open Access and Digital Tools“, workshop „Politiken des Digitalen“, Institute for Media and Cultural Studies, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, June 25, 2020. [postponed]
    ◦ Presentation: “Marginalisierungen und Ermächtigungen“, round table discussion on mediality and intersectionality in the current music industry on the occasion of the yearbook presentation Musik und Gender 12, June 9, 2020.
    ◦ Interview by Anna Luise Kiss on open access und openness in times of Corona, Film Studies Podcast bling bling, May 20, 2020.
    ◦ Interview by winnovation on open science and current challenges in academia as part of a study for the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), April 2020.
    ◦ Project presentation: “Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History“, MCDCI, Philipps-Universität Marburg, February 7, 2020.
    ◦ Poster presentation, i.a.: “Technisch.Kritisch.Digital. Interdisziplinäre Explorationen.“,  Winter School organized by Basel University (i.a. Digital Humanities Lab), Filzbach, Switzerland, January 13-17, 2020.

    ◦ Invited lecture: “Kommunizieren statt Publizieren! Open Access und andere Möglichkeiten der Zugangsgestaltung in der Wissenschaft”, lecture series “Medien|Utopien” at the Institute of Media Studies at University of Paderborn, November 19, 2019.
    ◦ Lecture, organization and moderation: “Kommunikationsräume (Odin): Vorstellung eines hybriden Open-Access-Publikationsprojekts”, book launch with Guido Kirsten, Laura Katharina Mücke, and Vera Rammelmeyer, GfM Conference, Cologne, Sep 25-28, 2019.
    ◦ Workshop presentation: “Forschungsdaten in der Filmwissenschaft“, 4th workshop of the SIG Film Studies (GfM), „Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun? Methodenfrage(n) in der Filmwissenschaft“, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, May 3, 2019.
    ◦ Invited panelist: “Gutachtende peer-reviewter Zeitschriften im Fokus“, network meeting of „Mentoring Hessen. Women in Science and Economy“, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Feb 11, 2019.
    ◦ Lecture: “Mut zur Lücke! Feministische Filmgeschichte am Beispiel des Films Watermelon Woman„, University Explorations (Marburger Hochschulerkundungen) at Philipps University Marburg, Jan 30, 2019.

    ◦ Invited conference presentation: “Distant Reading – On a Not so ‚Distant‘ Phenomenon”, „Histories of Film History. Materials and Methods”, Philipps University Marburg, Dec 13-15, 2018.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “The Audio-visual Art of Curating: How Practices of Selecting, Structuring, and Exhibiting Shape Our Understanding of History“, Research in Film and History: New Approaches, Debates and Projects, Universität Bremen, November 29-30, 2018.
    ◦ Invited panelist: “Open Innovation – Open Science: Wo liegen Potentiale und Grenzen offener Wertschöpfungsmodelle für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft?“, annual meeting of the Bavarian Board of Trustees of Stifterverband, November 12, 2018.
    ◦ Invited presentation: “Feministische Filmtheorie und Filmwissenschaft“, Ring-a-Scientist, Media Day of Humboldt School Kiel, October 30, 2018.
    ◦ Invited panelist: “Methoden digitaler Medienforschung“, organized by „Locating Media“ (Siegen University), GfM Conference, Siegen, September 26- 29, 2018.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Towards an Art of Participation – Aesthetics and Ethics in Collaborative Documentary Practices“, NECS Conference, Amsterdam, June 27-29, 2018.
    ◦ Poster presentation: “How to make research accessible to a broader public and explore scholarly publishing: a hybrid open access publishing project“, NECS Post-Conference: Open Media Studies, Hilversum, NL, June 30, 2018.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Lost & Found: Navigating the Digital Archives“, Doing Women’s Film and Television History IV, “Calling the Shots – Then, Now, and Next“, University of Southampton, May 23-25, 2018.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Interactive Historiography – Re-enactment as Artistic Research Practice“, i-Docs 2018, University of the West of England’s Digital Cultures Research Centre (DCRC), Bristol, March 21-23, 2018.

    ◦ Conference presentation: “Dynamic Knowledge: Audiovisual Practices in Digital Scholarship“, Film-Philosophy Conference, Lancaster University, July 4-6, 2017.

    ◦ Invited lecture: “Postfeminism and Film”, BA seminar “Contemporary positions of postcolonial and feminist theories“, Department of Film Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, July 13, 2016.
    ◦ Invited panelist: L-Beach Festival, discussion on the visibility of women in the public sphere, Oldenburg, April 21-24, 2016.

    ◦ Invited panel discussion: “Where Do We Go Now? New Directions in Romantic Comedy Scholarship“, section “Gender and Genre, Couples and Culture“, Being Human Festival, King’s College, The Cinema Museum, London, November 22, 2014.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Gender vor Gericht. Zum Einspruch audiovisueller Populärkultur“, GfM Conference, Marburg, October 3-5, 2014.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Gender on Trial. The Question of Law and Order in Popular Culture“, NECS Conference, Milano, June 19-21, 2014.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Yes, we can!“ Zur emanzipatorischen Erfahrungsmodalität des gegenwärtigen Woman’s Film“, lecture series „Genre and History“, Department of Film Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, May 20, 2014.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Frauen, Film und Feminismus. Vom Woman’s Film zum Chick Flick“, filmArche, Berlin, May 7, 2014.
    ◦ Invited conference presentation: “Pretty Women. Zur ästhetischen Erfahrung von gender im Genre“, SfB Conference “Prekäre Genres“, Department of Film Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, April 11-12, 2014.

    ◦ Lecture: “I object! Kategorisierungsprozesse im gegenwärtigen Woman’s Film“, SfB Conference “Geschmack und Öffentlichkeit“, Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin, December 13-14, 2013.
    ◦ Invited lecture: “Herstories. Ein feministischer Blick in die Filmgeschichte“, UT Connewitz, Leipzig, January 25, 2013.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Warum Frauen ins Frauenkino gehen“, 18th International Bremer Symposium on Film, “Zuschauer? Zwischen Kino und sozialen Netzwerken“, January 17-20, 2013.

    ◦ Conference presentation: “Am I dumb or something? – Chick Flicks und Filmerfahrung“, “screen strike! Gender, Medien, Kritik“, organized by the SIG “Gender & Media“ of the German Society for Film and Media Studies (GfM), Wien, May 10-12, 2012.
    ◦ Workshop presentation: “Critical Theory, Media, and Experience“, workshop “Media and Experience. Critical Theory, Phenomenology, Cultural Studies“, organized by Screen Arts and Culture and Communication Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, April 6, 2012.

    ◦ Conference presentation: “A Match Well Made – A Job Well Done: Gossip as Aesthetic Mode of Sociality“, NECS Conference, London, UK, June 20-23, 2011.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Emma, Elle & Elizabeth – The Contemporary ‚Woman’s Film’ as Aesthetic Mode of Experience“, „Doing Women’s Film History Conference“, Sunderland, UK, April, 7-9, 2011.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “You are Germany – Nation and Identity and Fatih Akin’s Film Gegen die Wand“, SCMS Conference, New Orleans, USA, March 10-13, 2011.

    ◦ Conference presentation: “Emma, Ally & Co – Der zeitgenössische Woman’s Film“, “Hollywood reloaded? Das Spiel mit Genrekonventionen nach der Jahrtausendwende”, Bremen University, August 18-19, 2010.
    ◦ Conference presentation: “Weiblichkeit als Bildlichkeit“, “In Bewegung: Das Verhältnis von Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht“, organized by the SIG „Media, Public Sphere, Gender“ of the Germany Society for Communication Studies (DG PuK), Freie Universität Berlin, September 7-9, 2010.
    ◦ Workshop presentation: “(Cinematic) possibilities of identity – The Hong Kong-Image in 2046″, NECS Graduate Workshop “Empty Spaces – Invisible Structures“, Istanbul, June 20, 2010.
    ◦ Lecture: “Du bist Deutschland – Nation und Identität und Fatih Akins Film Gegen die Wand“, lecture series on contemporary German cinema, Freie Universität Berlin, May 7, 2010.

    ◦ Lecture: “Tango in Wort, Bild und Bewegung“, with Sarah Greifenstein, “Long Night of the Sciences“, Freie Universität Berlin, June 13, 2009.
    ◦ Lecture: Introduction to Pola Negri at the screening of Mme Dubarry (1919), Kino Arsenal, Berlin, June 9, 2009.

  • Conferences & Workshops (organization)

    ◦ Invited workshop: “Visualizing Research. Reflecting Data-based Methods in Digital Film History“, symposium “A Film Scholarship Without Films? Reimagining Israeli Cinema History Through the Archive“, The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University, July 5-6, 2022.
    ◦ Workshop: “Methods, Tools, and Data. Challenges of Transdisciplinary Projects in Digital Feminist Film Historiography“, organized by the DAVIF research group, Women and the Silent Screen Conference XI, Columbia University, June 1-7, 2022.

    ◦ Workshop: “Into the Wild? Transitions into ‚Openness‘ and Film Studies”, workshop series „Digital Material and Essayistic Method“, with Cinepoetics in cooperation with the SIG Open Media Studies (GfM), Freie Universität Berlin, February 9, 2021. [Workshop report Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3]

    ◦ Workshop: “Open Access und digital-vernetztes Arbeiten. Erarbeitung einer medienwissenschaftlichen Handreichung (Teil 2)“, with SIG Open Media Studies (GfM), GfM Conference, Bochum, Sep 29-Oct 2, 2020.
    ◦ Workshop: “Open Access und digital-vernetztes Arbeiten. Erarbeitung einer medienwissenschaftlichen Handreichung (Teil 1)“, with SIG Open Media Studies (GfM), Open-Access-Tage 2020, University/FH Bielefeld, Sep 15-17, 2020.
    ◦ Conference: “Tipping Points: Zum Verhältnis von Freiheit und Restriktion im Urheberrecht“, with expert committee “Urheberrecht” (copyright) of the Research Society for Music Industry and Music Culture (Gesellschaft für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung), Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, February 20-21, 2020.

    ◦ Workshop: “Curatorial Challenges in the Digital Era. Filmographic Data and Film Archives”, DFG Network „New Directions in Film Historiography. Digital Tools and Methods in Film and Media Studies, with Adelheid Heftberger, November 16.-17, 2019, Federal Archive/German Historical Museum, Berlin.
    ◦ Kickoff Meeting: DFG Network „New Directions in Film Historiography. Digital Tools and Methods in Film and Media Studies“, July 18-19, 2019, Philipps University Marburg.
    ◦ Lecture series: Doing Audio-Visual Media 6, „Akteurinnen in der Filmpraxis“, with Tina Kaiser, funded by the State of Hesse and the Hessen Film and Media Academy, hFMA), Philipps University Marburg, summer term 2019.
    ◦ Workshop: “Opening Research Data: Amplification and Reduction within Media Research Practices“, with Simon David Hirsbrunner, SIG Open Media Studies in cooperation with Wikimedia e.V., Berlin, March 21, 2019.

    ◦ Workshop: “Referentielle Medienpraktiken im Spannungsfeld zwischen technischer Reproduzierbarkeit und urheberrechtlicher Regulation: Probleme, Handlungsfelder, Lösungswege”, with the expert committee “Urheberrecht” (copyright) of the Research Society for Music Industry and Music Culture (Gesellschaft für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung), GfM Conference, Siegen, September 26- 29, 2018.
    ◦ Workshop: “Towards an Art of Participation – Aesthetics and Ethics in Collaborative Documentary Practices”, with Florian Mundhenke et al., NECS-Conference, Amsterdam, June 27.-29, 2018.

    ◦ Workshop: “Forschung verbreiten. Neue Veröffentlichungsansätze in der Medienwissenschaft““Caring for the Open. Custodianship, Accessibility“, GfM Conference, Erlangen-Nürnberg, October 7, 2017.

    ◦ Conference: “Geschmack und Öffentlichkeit“, with TP B7/B5 Sfb 626, Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin, December 13-14, 2013.
    ◦ Conference: “Interstices. Aesthetic Spaces of Experience in the Arts“, annual conference of the SFB 626, with AG 3 „Spaces of Experience“, 1.-2.11.2013.

  • Publications

    Some articles and books are available online. If interested in other texts please send me an email.

    Filmgeschichte(n) situieren. Forschungsdaten, blinde Flecken und digitale Datenvisualisierungen [in progress]
    Gossip, Women, Film and Chick Flicks, London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. (peer reviewed)
    Chick Flicks. Film, Feminismus und Erfahrung, Berlin/Hamburg: oa books/tredition, 2016. (peer reviewed) (versioned open access hybrid publication of the edited dissertation, oabooks.de)

    Edited Publications
    Open Media Studies-Blog | ZfM / Hypotheses (initiator and co-editor, with Josephine Diecke, Kai Matuszkiewicz, and Alena Strohmaier), 2018–present; in addition to oa books, since 2016.
    ◦ Digital Film Historiography. Concepts, Tools and Practices (with Tim van der Heijden, Christian Gosvig Olesen) (Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics, Volume 5), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2024. [in progress]

    Publishing Work (hybrid open access publications with oa books)
    ◦ Sarah-Mai Dang: Chick Flicks. Film, Feminismus und Erfahrung, Berlin/Hamburg: oa books/tredition, 2016.
    ◦ Roger Odin: Kommunikationsräume. Einführung in die Semiopragmatik (Les espaces de communication – Introduction à la sémiopragmatique), translated and edited by Guido Kirsten, Magali Trautmann, Philipp Blum, and Laura Maria Mücke, Berlin/Hamburg: oa books/tredition, 2019.

    Journal Articles
    ◦ “Desperately Seeking Evidence – Zur Bedeutung von filmhistorischen Metadaten für die Un/sichtbarkeit von Frauenarbeit“, (with Pauline Junginger) in: Frauen und Film (Special issue „Archive“) 72, 2024. [submitted]
    ◦ “The Women Film Pioneers Explorer. What Data Visualizations Can Tell Us About Women in Film History“, in: Feminist Media Histories, 9 (2), 2023, https://doi.org/10.1525/fmh.2023.9.2.76. [article]
    ◦ “Unknowable Facts and Digital Databases: Reflections on the Women Film Pioneers Project and Women in Film History“, in: Manuel Burghardt, Adelheid Heftberger, Johannes Pause, Niels-Oliver Walkowski, Matthias Zeppelzauer (eds.): Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14 (4), special issue on “Digital Humanities & Film Studies: Analyzing the Modalities of Moving Images“, December 2020, n.p. (peer reviewed) [article]
    ◦ “Navigating History: Aesthetics and Appropriation and the Interactive Web Documentary Freedom’s Ring“, in: Florian Mundhenke (ed.): New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, 17 (1), special issue on i-docs, March 2020,  21–35, doi: 10.1386/ncin_00002_1. (peer reviewed) [article]
    ◦ “Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Filmwissenschaft: Daten, Praktiken und Erkenntnisprozesse“, in: Johannes Pause, Niels-Oliver Walkowski (eds.): “Praktiken des Digitalen“, special edition, Montage AV, 29 (1), January 2020, 120–140. (peer reviewed) [article] [preprint]
    ◦ “Collective Collecting: The Syrian Archive and New Challenges of Historiography“ (with Alena Strohmaier), in: VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, “Audiovisual Data in Digital Humanities“, 7 (14), 2019, 88–102. (peer reviewed) [article]
    ◦ “Digital Tools & Big Data. Zu gegenwärtigen Herausforderungen für die Film- und Medienwissenschaft am Beispiel der feministischen Filmgeschichtsschreibung“, in: MEDIENwissenschaft 2–3, 2018, 142–156, doi: 10.17192/ep2018.2-3.7836. (peer reviewed) [article] [preprint]

    Articles in Compendia
    ◦ “Forschung explorieren. Zu den Möglichkeiten digitaler Datenvisualisierungen für die feministische Filmgeschichtsschreibung“, in: Laura Niebling, Felix Raczkowski, Sven Stollfuß (eds.): Handbuch Digitale Medien und Methoden, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2023. 
    ◦ “Feministische Filmanalyse“, in: Malte Hagener, Volker Pantenburg (eds.): Handbuch Filmanalyse. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018, 309–227, doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-13352-8_16-1. (peer reviewed) [article]
    ◦ “Feministische Filmtheorie“, in: Britta Hartmann, Ursula von Keitz, Markus Kuhn, Thomas Schick, Michael Wedel (eds.): Handbuch Filmwissenschaft, Stuttgart: Metzler Verlag, 2023. [forthcoming]

    Book Chapters
    ◦ “Die Politik des Publizierens. Aktivistische Wissenschaft und künstlerische Veröffentlichungen“ (with Eva Maria Weinmayr), in: Dorothea Walzer, Elisa Linseisen (Hrsg.): Banales Publizieren. Digitaler Selbstverlag in Kunst-, Literatur- und Wissenschaftsbetrieb, Lüneburg: meson press, 2024. [in progress]
    ◦ “Managing the Past. Research Data and Film History“, in: Sarah-Mai Dang, Tim van der Heijden, Christian Gosvig Olesen (eds.): Digital Film Historiography. Concepts, Tools and Practices (Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics, Volume 5), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2024. [submitted]
    ◦ “Representing the Unknown. A Critical Approach to Digital Data Visualization in the Context of Feminist Film Historiography“, in: Malte Hagener, Yvonne Zimmermann (eds.): Histories of Film History (“Film Culture in Transition“), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2023. [submitted and accepted] [preprint]
    ◦ “o.J. – Recherchepraktiken, Datenquellen und Modellierungen“, in: Sandra Hofhues, Konstanze Schütze (eds.): Doing Research. Wissenschaftspraktiken zwischen Positionierung und Suchanfrage (Science Studies), Bielefeld: transcript, 2022, 321–326.
    ◦ “Publish Less, Communicate More! Reflecting the Potentials and Challenges of a Hybrid Self-publishing Project“, in: Virginia Kuhn, Anke Fingers (eds.): Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities, Open Book Publishers, 2021, 129–149, https://doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0239.09. (peer reviewed) [article][preprint]
    ◦ “Inszenierte Abwesenheit – eine Frage der Perspektive? Intersektionalität im Film am Beispiel von Watermelon Woman“ (with Miriam Akkermann), in: Anke Charton, Björn Dornbuch, Kordula Knaus (eds.): Jahrbuch Musik und Gender, „Intersektionalität und Medialität im gegenwärtigen Musikbetrieb“, Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Olms, 2020, 119–137. (peer reviewed)
    ◦ “Wer ist Deutschland? – Kino, Identität, Nation und Fatih Akins Film Gegen die Wand„, in: Martina Hülz, Olaf Kühne, Florian Weber (eds.): Heimat. Ein vielfältiges Konstrukt, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019, 341–354. (peer reviewed)
    ◦ “’Wie soll man denn Momente festhalten?‘ Toni Erdmann und das Kino“, in: Regina Brückner, Bernhard Groß, Matthias Grotkopp, Eileen Rositzka (eds.): Im Verwandeln der Zeit. Reflexionen über filmische Bilder, Berlin: Vorwerk 8, 2019.
    ◦ “I object! Kategorisierungsprozesse im gegenwärtigen Woman’s Film“, in: Hermann Kappelhoff, Benjamin Wihstutz (eds.): Geschmack und Öffentlichkeit, Zurich: Diaphanes, 2019, 207–222.
    ◦ “Un/doing Woman. Zum Verhältnis von Gender und Genre am Beispiel von “Miss Undercover“, in: Thomas Morsch, Hanno Berger (eds.): Prekäre Genres, Marburg: Schüren, 2015, 101–125.
    ◦ “Emma, Elle & Co. Der gegenwärtige Woman’s Film als ästhetische Erfahrungsmodalität“, in: Jennifer Henke, Magdalena Krakowski, Benjamin Moldenhauer, Oliver Schmid (eds.): Hollywood Reloaded? Das Spiel mit Genrekonventionen nach der Jahrtausendwende, Marburg: Schüren, 2013, 112–127.
    ◦ “Vielseitige Vorstellungen und womögliche Wahrheiten“, in: Thomas Koebner, Fabienne Liptay, Hermann Kappelhoff, Daniel Illger (eds.): Pedro Almodóvar, Film-Konzepte, no. 9, Munich: Edition Text+Kritik, 2008, 69–82. (peer reviewed)

    Journalistic Articles in Magazines and Newspapers
    ◦ “The Road Leads to Nowhere. Leben, Töten, Sterben – die Schaulust am Horrorfilm“, in: film-dienst, fall 2007, n.p.
    ◦ “2046 – Wong Kar-wai“, in Merkur, February 2007, no. 694, 175–78.
    ◦ Numerous articles on film, film festivals, culture, local politics in: film-dienst, Lübecker Nachrichten, Tagesspiegel, critic.de, ddp etc., 1999–2008.

    Book Reviews
    ◦ “Christine Gledhill, Julia Knight (eds.): Doing Women’s Film History: Reframing Cinemas, Past and Future“, in: [rezens.tfm], 2017/1.
    ◦ “Laura Mulvey, Anna Backman Rogers (eds.): Feminisms. Diversity, Difference, and Multiplicity in Contemporary Film Cultures“, in:[rezens.tfm], 2017/1.

    Blog Posts, Statements, Reports
    ◦ Numerous blog posts on open access and open science on my website oabooks.de, 2016–present.
    ◦ Blog posts on the initiated and co-curated blog Open Media Studies | ZfM / Hypotheses, 2018–present.
    ◦ Statements and reports in: CHANCEN-Newsletter of DIE ZEIT, Wikimedia.de, etc.

  • Memberships & Service to the Profession

    University Committees and Delegations
    ◦ Member of the Commission for Good Scientific Practice of Philipps Universy Marburg (2023–present)
    ◦ Member of the Young Faculty Network of Philipps Universy Marburg (2021–present)
    ◦ Member of the Marburg Center for Digital Culture & Infrastructure (MCDCI) (2018–present); Member of the Board of Directors (2020–2022)
    ◦ Member of the IT advisory board of Philipps University Marburg (2019–2022)
    ◦ Deputy spokesperson of the postdoctoral and doctoral researchers at the Department of German Studies and Arts, Philipps University Marburg (2018–2020)
    ◦ Representative of the postdoctoral and doctoral researchers at the Institute of Media Studies, Philipps University Marburg (2018–2020)
    ◦ Mentor of ProMotivation, Philipps University Marburg (2018–2019)
    ◦ Member of hiring committees (Berufungskommission) and examination boards (Prüfungskommission)

    Academic Organizations and Research Initiatives
    ◦ Associated Member of the Digital Cinema Hub (DiCi-Hub) (2021–present)
    ◦ Initiator and co-founder of the GfM scholarly interest group (SIG) “Open Media Studies“ (2018–present), co-speaker (2018–2021)
    ◦ Member of the Digital Humanities Germany (DHd) scholarly interest group Film and Video (2018–present)
    ◦ Member of the scientific advisory board of adlr.link, the specialized information service “Communication, Film and Media Studies“ (2016–present)
    ◦ Member of the Steering Committee of MediArXiv, an international repository for media, film & communication studies (2019–2021)
    ◦ Member of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) (2010–present)
    ◦ Member of the German Society for Cinema and Media Studies (GfM), the working groups “Film Studies“ and “Gender/Queer Studies & Media Studies“ (2008–present)
    ◦ Member of the expert committee copyright (Urheberrecht), Research Society for Music Industry and Music Culture (Gesellschaft für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung) (2017–2020)
    ◦ Section Editor “Film, TV & Media Studies“, German editorial team, Open Library of Humanities (OLH) (2017–2019)
    ◦ Member of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) (2011–2013)

    External Evaluator & Reviewer
    ◦ Reviewer for the DHd Conference (2023–present)
    ◦ Reviewer for the international DH Conference (2021–present)
    ◦ Reviewer for OEAD (Österreichische Agentur für internationale Mobilität und Kooperation in Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung) (2021)
    ◦ Reviewer for the “Open Knowledge“ Fellowship, funded by Wikimedia Germany, Stifterverband, VolkswagenStiftung) (2018–2019)
    ◦ Jury member of the GfM Best Publication Award Gender & Medien (2013–2015)

  • Fellowships & Grants

    ◦ 2021-2025: BMBF DH research grant for the research group “Aesthetics of Access“ (DAVIF)
    ◦ 2019-2023: DFG grant for the scientific network “New Directions in Film Historiography – Digital Tools and Methods in Film and Media Studies“
    ◦ 2019: Teaching grant, Doing Audio-Visual Media 6, “Akteurinnen in der Filmpraxis“, lecture series (organized with Tina Kaiser), funded by the State of Hessen and the Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA)
    ◦ 2017/2018: „Open Knowledge“ Fellowship, funded by Wikimedia Germany, Stifterverband, and VolkswagenStiftung
    ◦ 2017: Teaching grant for e-learning and digital teaching, funded by Bayreuth University
    ◦ 2011/2012: GSI Fellowship, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, USA
    ◦ 2003/2004: Erasmus Fellowship, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, residence at Maison Heinrich Heine, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris
    ◦ 2003: International Journalists‘ Program Fellowship (IJP e.V.), foreign correspondent at Swedish news agency TT, Stockholm
    ◦ 2000-2006: JONA Fellowship for young journalists, funded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
    ◦ 1996-1997: Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange Fellowship, high school year in South Dakota, USA

  • Teaching Experience

    Teaching Certificates
    ◦ Completion of the certificate program „Academic Teaching Bavaria“ (2017/2018)
    ◦ Completion of the certificate program „Digital Resources in Academic Teaching” of Bayreuth University (2018)

    Courses Taught

    Philipps University Marburg, Department of Media Studies
    Media Studies (BA), Art, Music, and Media (BA), Media and Cultural Practices (MA), Gender Studies (BA)
    WS 2020/21-SS 2021 Data visualization, in cooperation with Computer Science (MA, project seminar)
    WS 2020/21 Visual epistemology: Digital forms of scholarly knowledge production (MA)
    WS 2020/21 Critical openness: Mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in academia (BA)
    SS 2020 Research data in film and media studies (BA)
    SS 2020 Data visualizations (BA)
    SS 2020 Concepts of media studies (RDM/Differences) (BA, lectures)
    WS 2019/20 Race, gender and technologies (BA, proseminar)
    WS 2019/20 Digitalization and ‚openness‘ in media studies (MA, seminar)
    SS 2019 Database and narrative (proseminar)
    SS 2019 Open Science: Openness and access in scholarship (BA, seminar)
    SS 2019 Doing Audio-Visual Media 6 (lecture series)
    WS 2018/19 Digital film historiography (BA, proseminar)
    WS 2018/19 Distant reading vs. close reading (MA, seminar)
    WS 2018/19 Feminist film historiography (BA, seminar)
    SS 2018 Science communication (proseminar)

    Bayreuth University, Department of Media Studies
    Media Studies and Media Practice (BA), Theater and Media (BA), Literature and Media (MA), Media Culture and Media Industries (MA)
    WS 2017/18 Collecting, preserving, exhibiting – the analysis of the archive (MA, seminar)
    WS 2017/18 Introduction into studying media studies (BA, lecture + proseminar)
    SS 2017 Web publications: Introduction into digital media culture (BA)
    SS 2017 Introduction into film analysis (BA, proseminar)
    SS 2017 Tutoring of studying media studies (BA, MA)
    SS 2017 Herstory: Doing feminist film history (MA, seminar)
    SS 2017 On the meaning and aesthetics of digital research communication (MA, seminar)
    WS 2016/17 Introduction into media studies (BA, proseminar)
    WS 2016/17 Introduction into studying media studies (BA, lecture + proseminar)

    Humboldt University of Berlin, Center for transdisciplinary Gender Studies (ZtG)
    WS 2013/14 Chick flicks, feminism and mass media (seminar)

    University of Michigan, Department of German Studies
    Winter 2012 Elementary German (GER 101)
    Fall 2011 Elementary German (GER 101)

    Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Film Studies
    WS 2012/13 Introduction into film analysis (proseminar)
    SS 2011 Gossip as representation of society (proseminar)
    WS 2010/11 Introduction into film analysis (proseminar)
    SS 2010 Emma, Elizabeth & Co – heroines in cinema (proseminar)
    WS 2009/10 Introduction into film analysis (proseminar)
    SS 2009 Introduction into film history II (proseminar)
    WS 2008/09 Introduction into film history I (proseminar)

  • Doctoral Supervisions

    Pauline Junginger: „Ein Metadatenschema für die feministische Filmgeschichtsschreibung am Beispiel des Women Film Pioneers Project (WFPP)“ (working title). This dissertation ist a result of the BMBF Research Group Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History (DAVIF) (2021-2025).

    Marlene Leonie Biebricher: „Unhistorisierte Arbeiterinnen und Gründerinnen im Frühen Deutschen Kino. Das Potential von interaktiven Webdokumentationen für die Filmgeschichtsschreibung“ (working title). This dissertation ist a result of the BMBF Research Group Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History (DAVIF) (2021-2023).

    Elsa Margareta Venzmer: "Die Stummfilmindustrie in New York. Eine exemplarische Analyse der Vernetzung von Frauen im Frühen Kino und ihre Bedeutung für die (digitale) Filmgeschichtsschreibung" (working title). This dissertation ist a result of the BMBF Research Group Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History (DAVIF) (2021).

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