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Anne Hart, M.Sc.

The picture shows a portrait of Anne Hart.
Foto: Maria Werner

Affiliation & Contact

Philipps-Universität Marburg
Institute of Media Studies
E-Mail: anne.hart[at]

Research Areas

Feminist and Queer Theory, Queer Film Historiography, Digital Humanities, Data Visualization


Anne Hart works in the BMBF research group "Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History" (DAVIF) as a research assistant. In this context, Anne Hart is primarily responsible for public relations, the organization of the final conference and for contributing to publications.
Anne Hart holds a M.Sc. in Psychology (Philipps-Universität Marburg), a B.Sc. in Psychology (Philipps-Universität Marburg) and a B.A. in Theater, Film and Media Studies with a minor in Gender Studies (Goethe University Frankfurt).
During these studies, Anne Hart worked as a student assistant for the DFG network "New Directions in Film Historiography: Digital Tools and Methods in Film and Media Studies" (Head: Dr. Sarah-Mai Dang) as well as for the DFG research project "Performative Configurations of Projection Art in Popular Knowledge Transfer" (Head: Prof. Dr. Yvonne Zimmermann). In addition, Anne Hart has worked in and with theater in a variety of ways, including a federal volunteer service for culture and education at Theater Altenburg Gera, a directing internship at Hessisches Landestheater Marburg and a production internship at Rimini Protokoll.

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