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Fellowship Julia Noordegraaf

Prof. Dr. Julia Noordegraaf from the Universitiy of Amsterdam joins as our first Fellow in the "Digital-Cinema Hub (DiCi-Hub)", funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.


02. November 2021 – 03. November 2021
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Lecture room of the University Library

On the occasion of the launch of the master program "Cultural Data Studies" and the project "Digital Cinema-Hub (DiCi-Hub)", funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, we cordially invite you to the opening event on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 6 pm (s.t.) in the lecture room of the University Library. The evening lecture will be given by Prof. Dr. Julia Noordegraaf from the University of Amsterdam on the topic "Amplified Intelligence: A Scalable Approach to the Computational Study of Human Culture". Following the we cordially invite you to a small reception in the foyer of the Erwin-Piscator-Haus.

Further program points within the framework of the Fellowship:

  • Joint visit to the Herder Institute
  • Workshop with the DiCi-Hub 


Prof. Dr. Julia Noordegraaf

Event Organizer



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