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Hagener, Malte. “Organisation and Chair of Workshop ‘Filmdaten Sammeln, Sichern Und Nutzen.’” Presented at the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, September 28, 2024.

———. “Organisation and Chair of Workshop ‘Nachhaltige Forschungsinfrastrukturen Und Datenmanagement - Verstetigungsperspektive.’” Presented at the Statusveranstaltung der Datenkompetenzzentren, BMBF, Berlin, September 19, 2024.

———. “Participation in Panel Discussion"Auftaktveranstaltung Datenkompetenzzentrum QUADRIGA".” Universität Potsdam (online), July 1, 2024.

———. “Presentation ‘Opening the Black Box of AI.’” Presented at the Emergencies. The NECS Conference, Izmir University of Economics, June 27, 2024.

Hagener, Malte, Yvonne Zimmermann, Theresa Blaschke, Derya Tok, Alexandra Schneider, Nicole Braida, Frauke Pirk, Vinzenz Hediger, and Katharina Kauth. “Presentation ‘DiCi-Hub.’” Presented at the Digitale Methoden und die Zukunft der Filmwissenschaft, April 11, 2024.

Pirk, Frauke. “Presentation ‘Vom Dachboden in Die Datenbank - Eine Sammlung von Super 8-Filmkatalogen Wird Verfügbar.’” Presented at the Jahrestagung 2024 der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, September 26, 2024.

Zimmermann, Yvonne, Theresa Blaschke, and Derya Tok. “Presentation ‘(In-)Visible? - Exploring Data on Women Working in the German Film Industry during the Weimar Period.’” Presented at the Internationale Konferenz Cultural Heritage Data and Power: Exploring Digital Collections and Situated Knowledges in Film History and Beyond, Philipps-Universität Marburg, November 15, 2024.


Braida, Nicole. “Invited Lecture ‘From the Small Screen to the Big Screen: Sandokan.’” Presented at the Ringvorlesung “Substandards,” Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, January 11, 2023.

———. “Presentation ‘Caring Supereighters: Networks of Super 8 Amateur Collectors in Germany and Europe.’” Presented at the self-organized panel “Super 8´s Institutional and Noninstitutional Networks of Care,” NECS 2023 Conference at University of Oslo, June 15, 2023.

———. “Presentation ‘Data for Co-Liberation. Visualizing Feminicides.’” Presented at the Visible Evidence XXIX, University of Udine, September 7, 2023.

Campregher Paiva, Isadora. “Presentation ‘Cleaning and Linking Film-Related Data: Lessons Learned at DiCi-Hub.’” Presented at the NECS Pre- Conference Workshop: Taking Care of Audiovisual Research Data and Collections, University of Oslo, June 13, 2023.

———. “Presentation ‘Constructing the Weimar Canon: The Role of Early Film Societies. Festival Cultures.’” Presented at the New Ways to Study Networks, Circulation & Canon Production, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, February 15, 2023.

———. “Presentation ‘Taking Care of Our Own Data: Reclaiming Data Ownership through Analysis in the Streaming Age.’” Presented at the NECS 2023 Conference, University of Oslo, June 15, 2023.

Diecke, Josephine. “Invited Presentation ‘Videoannotationstools Für Die Computergestützte Film- Und Videoanalyse.’” Presented at the NFDI4Culture Workshop “Audiovisuelle (Forschungs-)Daten – Anwendungsbereiche und Analysetools,” online, May 11, 2023.

———. “Presentation ‘Offene Filmanalysevokabulare Für Die Videoannotation in Forschung Und Lehre.’” Presented at the panel “Open Humanities in der Filmwissenschaft - zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit” at DHd2023 Jahrestagung des DHd-Verbands. “Open Humanities, Open Culture,” Universities of Luxemburg and Trier, March 15, 2023.

———. “Presentation ‘Offene Technik, Daten Und Nachhaltigkeit.’” Presented at the panel “ ’Open by Default’? Wo machen uns Rhetoriken von ‘Openness’ als Medienwissenschaftler_innen abhängig?” at Jahrestagung 2023 der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), University of Bonn, September 27, 2023.

Diecke, Josephine, and Simon Spiegel. “Presentation ‘Das Digital-Film-Library-Projekt. Part II: Die Metadaten.’” Presented at the 7. Workshop der AG Filmwissenschaft “Universitäre Filmsammlungen im digitalen Zeitalter,” Universität Zürich, June 2, 2023.

———. “Presentation ‘More Varda than Godard: Exploring Audiovisual Collections through Metadata.’” Presented at the NECS 2023 Conference, University of Oslo, June 15, 2023.

Hagener, Malte. “Co-Organisation and Chairing of the Workshop ‘Forschungsdateninfrastruktur Als Offene Werkstatt. Community Building Zwischen Generischen Und Datenspezifischen Praktiken.’” Presented at the Jahrestagung des DHd-Verbands. “Open Humanities, Open Culture,” Luxembourg/Trier, March 17, 2023.

———. “Co-Organisation Und Chairing of the Panel ‘Fachinformationsdienste Und NFDI: Perspektiven Und Möglichkeiten.’” Presented at the Performance – Produktion – Daten. Modellierung und Vermittlung ereignisbezogener Daten. NFDI4Culture-Workshop, Universität Leipzig, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, September 14, 2023.

———. “Invited Presentation ‘Towards a Digital Film History: Infrastructure, Method, Scale.’” Universiteit van Groningen, March 7, 2023.

———. “Organisation and Chair of Workshop ‘Lost without Emulation? Zur Abhängigkeit Dynamischer Digitaler Objekte von Aktuellen Langzeitarchivierungsstrategien Am Beispiel Digitaler Spiele.’” Presented at the GfM-Konferenz, Bonn, September 28, 2023.

Pirk, Frauke. “Presentation ‘Taking Care of the Scholarly Availability of Super 8 Film Catalogs in Germany.’” Presented at the self-organized panel “Super 8´s Institutional and Noninstitutional Networks of Care” at NECS 2023 Conference, University of Oslo, June 15, 2023.


Braida, Nicole. “Presentation ‘Teaching Digital Methods in Film Studies.’” Presented at the NECS 2022, Bucharest, June 24, 2022.

Campregher Paiva, Isadora. “Organization and Chair of Workshop ‘Teaching Digital Methods in Film Studies.’” Presented at the NECS 2022, Bucharest, June 24, 2022.

———. “Presentation ‘How to Work with OpenRefine and Use It to Connect to Wikidata and OMDb.’” Presented at the Methods Workshop: Applying Quantitative Methods and Digital Tools in Cinema Historiographical Research, Goethe University Frankfurt, December 12, 2022.

———. “Presentation ‘Kanonvermessung: Quantitative Analyse Der Filmreferenzliste Der GoetheUniversität.’” Presented at the Workshop: «Videothek», «Mediathek», «Filmsammlung»: Repositorien audiovisueller Medien an Universitäten, University of Cologne, July 1, 2022.

———. “Presentation ‘MDb and the Privitization of the Commons.’” Presented at the Platforms and the Moving Image, Goethe University Frankfurt, October 10, 2022.

———. “Presentation ‘Rethinking the Weimar Film Canon as a Global Construction.’” Presented at the Rethinking Film History Through Global and Digital Approaches (Early 1920s - Early 1970s), Open University of Catalonia, October 6, 2022.

Diecke, Josephine. “Presentation ‘“Kinetische” Methoden Der Filmanalyse Im Kontext Der Lehre.’” Presented at the Kinetik und Methodik. Film als dynamische und multimodale Herausforderung für die DH, Universität Potsdam und Fachhochschule Potsdam (online), March 7, 2022.

———. “Presentation ‘Teaching Digital Methods in Film Studies: Managing Tools and Expectations.’” Presented at the NECS 2022, Bucharest, June 24, 2022.

Diecke, Josephine, and Malte Hagener. “Presentation ‘Managing Tools and Expectations: Dos and Don’ts of Teaching Digital Methods for Film Analysis and Film Historiography.’” Presented at the International Conference “Doing Digital Film History,” Philipps-University Marburg, November 18, 2022.

Hagener, Malte. “Invited Presentation ‘Towards a Digital Film History: Infrastructure, Method, Scale.’” Presented at the Symposium on Film Historiography organized by Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema. [online], November 28, 2022.

———. “Invited Talk ‘Digital Film Studies: Methods and Approaches.’” Masaryk University Brno, March 22, 2022.

———. “Invited Talk ‘Towards a Digital Film History: Infrastructure, Method, Scale.’” Presented at the Symposium on Film Historiography, Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema. Online, March 7, 2022.

———. “Keynote ‘Towards a Digital Film History: Infrastructure, Method, Scale.’” Presented at the Rethinking Film History through Global and Digital Approaches, Universita Oberta de Catalunya, October 4, 2022.

———. “Lecture ‘Digital Film Studies: Methods and Approaches.’” Masaryk University Brno, March 22, 2022.

———. “Organization and Chair of Workshop ‘Vocabularies and Standards in Film Data.’” Presented at the NECS 2022, Bucharest, June 25, 2022.

———. “Organization and Chair of Workshop ‘Wie Daten Am Forschungsprozess Mitarbeiten.’” Presented at the GfM-Konferenz, Halle/Saale, September 30, 2022.

———. “Panelist ‘Digital Methods and Tools.’” Presented at the Collaborative Visual Research (GPS 400), Göteborg, June 6, 2022.

———. “Participation in Two Panel Discussions"Digital Methods and Tools" and ‘Lens Media: Research – Archiving – Distribution.’” Presented at the Collaborative Visual Research (GPS 400), Göteborg, June 8, 2022.

———. “Presentation ‘NFDI4Culture.’” Presented at the Institutional Workshop on Research Data Management, Universität zu Köln / Mecila, Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America, November 24, 2022.

Pirk, Frauke. “Presentation ‘Vocabularies and Standards in Film Data.’” Presented at the NECS 2022, Bucharest, June 25, 2022.

Schneider, Alexandra, and Yvonne Zimmermann. “Presentation ‘Canon and Cleaning: Data Preparation in Digital Film History.’” Presented at the International Conference “Doing Digital Film History,” Philipps-University Marburg, November 17, 2022.

Zimmermann, Yvonne. “Presentation ‘Platform Studies and Small Gauge Film Historiography - Considering Methods.’” Presented at the International Symposium “Platforms and the Moving Image,” Goethe University Frankfurt, October 29, 2022.

Zimmermann, Yvonne, and Friederike Grimm. “Presentation ‘Importing Asta Nielsen Database: Forschungsdaten Zur Einführung Des Starsystems Am Fall Asta Nielsen 1910-1914.’” Presented at the Workshop “Forschungsdaten in der Medienwissenschaft,” Philipps-University Marburg, October 21, 2022.

Zimmermann, Yvonne, and Martin Loiperdinger. “Presentation ‘Importing Asta Nielsen Database – A Tool for Digital Research on the Global Circulation and Local Exhibition of Asta Nielsen’s Long Feature Star Series before the First World War.’” Presented at the HoMER Annual Conference, Universität Rom, July 6, 2022.


Diecke, Josephine. “Presentation ‘Analyzing and Visualizing Agfa/ORWO’s Foreign Film Stock Inspection through the Case of Fujifilm.’” Presented at the Situating German Film Stock, Universität Halle (online), December 10, 2021.

———. “Presentation ‘Transferring Knowledge in Transitional Zones and Phases. East Germany’s Color Film Stock Production during the Cold War.’” Presented at the NECS 2021, University of Palermo (online), June 10, 2021.

Hagener, Malte. “Organisation and Chair of Workshop ‘Forschungsdaten in Der Medienwissenschaft. Welche Infrastrukturen Brauchen Wir?’” Presented at the GfM-Conference, Innsbruck, September 24, 2021.

———. “Presentation ‘Towards a Digital Film History: Infrastructure, Method, Collaboration.’” Presented at the Cadeah-Workshop “European History Reloaded,” Universiteit Utrecht, October 8, 2021.

Hagener, Malte, and Alexandra Schneider. “Presentation ‘DiCi-Hub: Anforderungen an Offene Software-Infrastrukturen.’” Presented at the Virtuelle Konferenz “TIB AV-Analytics” im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts „TIB-AV-Analytics – Entwicklung einer Softwareplattform für die systematische Film- und Videoanalyse“, Technische Informations-Bibliothek Hannover und Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, September 16, 2021.

———. “Workshop ‘Dici-Hub and NFDI4Culture.’” Presented at the TIB AVAnalytics Workshop „Film- und Videoanalyse: Anforderungen an eine offene, Software-Infrastruktur“, Online, September 15, 2021.


Hagener, Malte. “Keynote and Panel Participation ‘Infrastructure, Network, Circulation.’” Presented at the Virtueller Zoom-Workshop „Reframing the Institution“ des Projekts „Film Criticism in Italy from the 1930s to the 1970s“, October 16, 2020.

———. “Keynote ‘Digital and Digitised Culture. How to Take Account of the Material in the Digital Realm.’” Presented at the Virtuelle Konferenz “Materiality and Creative Processes in Portuguese Cinema,” University of Florence and Universidade Nova de Lisboa, October 29, 2020.

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