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Adelheid Heftberger

Affiliation & Contact
German Federal Archive (Bundesarchiv)
E-Mail: adelheidh[at]
Humanities Commons: heftberger2017
Twitter: @adelheid4
Research Areas
Russian/Soviet Cinema, Film History, Film Historiography, Digital Humanities, Visualisation of Filmic Structures, Metadata Standardization and the Publication/Presentation of Film Heritage Online.
Dr. Adelheid Heftberger currently holds the position of Head of Film Access in the film department of the German Bundesarchiv in Berlin. From 2016 to 2018 she was the Administrative Head/Research Officer at the Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (Potsdam), and from 2010 to 2016 she has worked as Researcher, Curator and Archivist at the Austrian Film Museum (Vienna). Before that she has been a key researcher in the interdisciplinary project "Digital Formalism" (2007-2010). She obtained her PhD in Russian studies (with a focus on film studies/film history) and a Masters in Comparative Literature from the Universities of Innsbruck and Vienna. In 2016 she has also completed a Master program in Library and Information Sciences at the Humboldt-University in Berlin. She is the author of the book Digital Humanities and Film Studies - Visualising Dziga Vertov's Work, as well as numerous publication on Russian and Soviet cinema, Digital Humanities and Film Studies, the presentation of archival collections and the visualization of filmic structures. She is also an editor of the open access journal Apparatus- Film, Media and digital cultures in Central and Eastern Europe.
Network-related Publications (selection)
◦ Adelheid Heftberger. 2018. Digital Humanities and Film Studies: Visualising Dziga Vertov's Work. Springer Nature Switzerland.
◦ Karen Pearlman, Adelheid Heftberger. 2018. “Editorial: Recognising Women’s Work as Creative Work.” In: Women at the Editing Table: Revising Soviet Film History of the 1920s and 1930s, ed. by Adelheid Heftberger, Karen Pearlman. Special Issue of Apparatus. Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 6.
◦ Adelheid Heftberger. 2018. „Exploring the Moving Image: The Role of Audiovisual Archives as Partners for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Institutions“. In: Robin Kear, Kate Joranson (eds.): Digital Humanities, Libraries, and Partnerships. A Critical Examination of Labor, Networks, and Community. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 45-57.,
◦ Adelheid Heftberger. 2018. „Stekliannyi Glaz (The Glass Eye) and Karmen - The Actress, Editor and Director Lilia Brik“. In: Women at the Editing Table: Revising Soviet Film History of the 1920s and 1930s, ed. by Adelheid Heftberger, Karen Pearlman. Special Issue of Apparatus. Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 6.
◦ Adelheid Heftberger. 2018. „The Current Landscape of Film Archiving and How Study Programs can Contribute“. In: SYNOPTIQUE – An Online Journal of Film and Moving Image Studies, Special Issue. The Current Landscape of Film Archiving and How Study Programs can Contribute, Vol. 6, No. 1, 58-69.
◦ Marion Goller, Adelheid Heftberger. 2018. „Die Öffnung von Forschungsdaten in den Film- und Medienwissenschaften: praktische und urheberrechtliche Herausforderungen“. In: <intR>²Dok -Fachinformationsdienst für internationale und interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung.