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Alexandra Schneider

Affiliation & Contact
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Institute of Film, Theater, Media and Cultural Studies
E-Mail: a.schneider[at]
Reseach Areas
Film historiography, Media Archaeology, Nontheatrical and Useful Cinema, Amateur Media, Childhood Media, Film and Globalization.
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schneider is Professor of Film- and Media Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz. She is a founding member of necs – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies. Her field of expertise include Non-theatrical, amateur and utility films, film and media historiography and digital storytelling. Her work has been published in Cinema & Cie, Bianco e nero, Projections and montage/av.
Current Research
Mapping German Film Migration
From the Mid 1970s onwards the German Research Foundation (DfG) funded several projects dealing with the history of exiled artists under Nazi-Germany during the Second World War. Different to the corresponding projects in Theatre and Literature Studies and Musicology, the outcomes of the respective film studies project were never published.
By using digital methods a new project sets out to re-visit the data that has been collected in the project on German Film Exile. Through two selected case studies about the exiled cinematographers and female scriptwriters the project experiments with mapping their flightroutes, discussing their biographical bordercrossings in relation to their field of profession and the interactions between different film personnel on the flight.
Network-related Publications (selection)
◦ Format Matters. Standards, Practices and Politics in Media Cultures (ed. with Marek Jancovic and Axel Volmar). Lüneburg: Meson Press 2019 (forthcoming).
◦ Mapping German Film Exile - digitale Filmgeschichtsschreibung am Beispiel des Nachlasses von Günter Peter Straschek (with Imme Klages). In: Exilforschung - Ein internationales Jahrbuch, Vol. 37, 2019 (forthcoming).
◦ "Traveling styles or the challenge of approaching commercial Hindi cinema as world cinema". In: Cinema & Cie. Vol. 20, Roma: Carocci, 2013. pp. 27 – 40.
◦ Transmission Image. Visual Translation and Cultural Agency (ed. with Birgit Mersman). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishers 2009.
◦ Import – Export: Cultural Transfer Between India, Germany, Austria (ed. with Angelika Fitz, Merle Kroeger and Dorothee Wenner). Berlin: Parthas, 2005.
◦ Die Stars sind wir: Heimkino als filmische Praxis. Marburg:Schüren 2004.