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Imme Klages

Foto: Imme Klages

Affiliation & Contact

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Institute of Film, Theater, Media and Cultural Studies
E-Mail: iklages[at]

Research Areas

German Film Migration 1930-1950, Exile Studies and Film, Transnational Film History


Dr. Imme Klages holds a PhD from Goethe-University Frankfurt and published her thesis with the title I do not get rid of the ghosts. Zur Exilerfahrung in den Filmen Fred Zinnemanns: „The Search“ (1948), „The Nun’s Story“ (1959) und „Julia“ (1977) in 2018 with Schüren. Together with Bastian Blachut and Sebastian Kuhn she co-editied the volume Reflexionen des beschädigten Lebens? Nachkriegskino in Deutschland zwischen 1945 und 1962, published in 2015 with edition text + kritik. She is currently a post-doctorial researcher and lecturer in Film Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.

Network-related Publications (selection)

◦ Klages, Imme and Schneider, Alexandra: Mapping German Film Exile - digitale Filmgeschichtsschreibung am Beispiel des Nachlasses von Günter Peter Straschek, in: Exilforschung - Ein internationales Jahrbuch – vol. 37/2019 (forthcoming, De Gruyter)

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