Main Content
Matthias Grotkopp

Affiliation & Contact
Freie Universität Berlin
Seminar for Film Studies
Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies
E-Mail: m.grotkopp[at]
Research Areas
Film Genre, Politics and Poetics, Film and Emotion, Audiovisual Rhetorics, Climate Change
Matthias Grotkopp is Assistant Professor for Digital Film Studies at “Cinepoetics – Center for Advanced Film Studies” and the Seminar for Film Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. He studied film and theatre studies at Freie Universität Berlin and at the Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris. He wrote his dissertation on „Cinematic Poetics of a Sense of Guilt“ at the graduate school of the Cluster of Excellence „Languages of Emotion“ (De Gruyter 2017, open access, English translation in preparation for 2020). His research interests include genre theory and the relation of politics and poetics, the audiovisuality of climate change, the films of the so-called Berlin School as well digital methods of film analysis. He is also the managing editor of the open access online journal mediaesthetics. He is associated member of the project “Audio-visual rhetorics of affect”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which is developing a systematic approach to film analytical annotation in cooperation with information scientists.
Current Research
The research group „Audiovisual-rhetorics of affect” is a collaboration between film studies and computational sciences. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive method of film analytical annotation by using a machine-readable systematization of film analytical framework, by implementing software solutions for (semi-)automatic detection and by providing dynamic views of annotated film data. These systematic annotation data make aesthetic patterns on the micro level of audiovisual composition graspable and comparable in a qualitatively new way. By exploring these patterns with digitally based methods our aim is to develop a typology of figures of audiovisual rhetorics of affect, starting from a case study on the various media formats that deal with the topic of the financial crisis (2007-).
Network-related Publications (selection)
- Forschungsdaten qu’est-ce que c’est, in: Open-Media-Studies-Blog, 2019.
- with Jan-Hendrik Bakels, Thomas Scherer und Jasper Stratil: Digitale Empirie? Computergestützte Filmanalyse im Spannungsfeld von Datenmodellen und Gestalttheorie, in: montageAV, 29/01/2020, S.99-118. --> pdf
- with Jan-Hendrik Bakels, Thomas Scherer und Jasper Stratil: Matching Computational Analysis and Human experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, in: Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2020, 14.4,