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periodICON. Studies in the Visual Culture of Journals

periodICON. Studien zur visuellen Kultur des Journals / Studies in the Visual Culture of Journals is dedicated to the visibility and materiality of periodical print media from the past and present. The scientific journal is published by the DFG research group "Journalliteratur".
Managing Editors are Christian Bachmann, Andreas Beck and Vincent Fröhlich.
The Editorial Board includes:
Françoise Baillet (Caen)
Maria Damkjær (Copenhagen)
Thierry Gervais (Ryerson)
Tom Gretton (London)
Madleen Podewski (Berlin)
Mary Shannon (Roehampton).
periodICON offers the possibility to publish papers in the field of journal and magazine research with numerous (color) illustrations under quality control (double blind peer review) free of charge and open access.
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