13.02.2023 Filmed interview with the editor-in-chief of the film magazine Cinema (13.02.2023)
On 13.02. we had the pleasure of interviewing the editor-in-chief of the mgazine Cinema, Philipp Schulze, and the layouter Sven Mewes. In the foyer of the Cineplex Marburg, we were allowed to interview them for almost two hours about their work processes and their views on the importance and purpose of film magazines. You can watch the full interview here:
Video: Philipps-Universität Marburg
We would like to thank again for the friendly and uncomplicated providing of the space at the Cineplex and the great hospitality. Many thanks also to Phillip Schulze and Sven Mewes for travelling far, taking the time and for the concentrated and productive conversation. Last but not least, my special thanks go to the people who had the most work with this video: Above all Vasilisa Ishchenko, who coordinated all the work, put the team together, filmed, edited and consulted. And to Gero Klein and Moritz Gremmelspacher for filming and editing in such a professional way.