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Philipps-Universität Marburg
Fachbereich Fremdsprachliche Philologien
Institut für Klassische Sprachen und Literaturen
Indologie und Tibetologie
Deutschhausstr. 12
D-35032 Marburg
Site plans
Our institute is located in Deutschhausstraße 12 ("Carolinenhaus"), Northern Wing, 1st floor. The main entrance faces the Elisabethkirche, the towering main church in town.
The building is named F|14 on the map of the "Campus Firmanei". You can also view it in context of the other university buildings, which are indentified in the "Lahntal overview map".
On foot
The Carolinenhaus (F|14) is just 10 min. walk from the main train station. If you exit the station building go straight into the "Bahnhofstraße" and then left into the Robert-Koch-Straße. After the bridge, take the small street to the right and go through the archway. The entry a few metres to the left in marked F|14.