Main Content
Bulletin 2014
Lehrveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2014
VL: Female Leadership in North America (Birkle)
VL: Key Texts from the 20th Century: Modernism and Postmodernisn, Colonial and Postcolonial (Kuester)
PS: Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw: Travels in Search of Canada (Heuser)
PS: Women Writers and the Short Story: From Woolf to Munro (Langwald)
HS: Utopia and Dystopia in North America (Birkle)
HS: Visual Cultures in North America (Birkle)
HS: Marianne, Suzanne and Kateri Tekakwitha: Approaching the Work of Leonard Cohen (Kuester)
Lehrveranstaltungen Wintersemester 2014/15
VL: American Cityscapes (incl. Canadian Cities) (Birkle)
VL: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (Kuester)
PS: Writing Dementia: Memory and Forgetting in Anglophone Literature (Langwald)
HS: Canadian Drama: History and Recent Developments (Kuester)
In Arbeit befindliche Dissertationen und Habilitationsverfahren
Said, Walaa' AbdelAziz: Empowering a Dystopian Subaltern: A Comparative Study (Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Martin Kuester)
Abgeschlossene Dissertationen
Langwald, Sylvia: Diasporic Generationality: Identity, Generation Relationships and Diaspora in Selected Novels from Britain and Canada. (Betreuer: Prof. Kuester, Marburg)
Lohöfer, Astrid: Ethics and Lyric Poetry: Language as World-Disclosure in French Symbolism and Canadian Modernism (Betreuer: Prof. em. Dr. Claus Uhlig, Marburg/Prof. Dr. Claire Omhovère, Montpellier)
Abgeschlossene Magister- und Zulassungsarbeiten
Bethke, Johanna: Religion in Selected Works by Margaret Atwood and Khaled Hosseini. (Staatsexamensarbeit, Prof. Birkle)
Jammer, Karin: Drew Hayden Taylor's Motorcycles and Sweetgrass as a Cultural Meeting Place. (Bachelorarbeit, Prof. Kuester)
König, Jennifer: The Role of Religion in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. (Staatsexamensarbeit, Prof. Kuester)
Schridde, Torben: Drought and Depression: Their Depiction in Canadian Prairie Literature. (Bachelorarbeit, Prof. Kuester)
Wiley, Miriam: Reading First Nations Drama from an Ecocritical Point of View. (Bachelorarbeit, Prof. Kuester)
Gastvorträge kanadischer Wissenschaftler/innen und Künstler/innen
Henry Beissel: Poetry Reading, 16./17. Juni 2014, Marburg.
Gastvorträge deutschsprachiger Wissenschaftler/innen
Kuester, Martin (Marburg): "'St. Paul and Milton were familiar ghosts': On (Not) Being Milton in Canada." Konferenz Dante and Milton: National Visionaries and Visionary Nationalists. Institute of English Studies, Senate House, University of London, 01.-02.11.2013.
Kuester, Martin (Marburg): "The Canadian Prairies: Glimpses of a Literary Landscape." Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, March 11, 2014.
Kuester, Martin (Marburg): "Western Views of World War One: From Ralph Connor to Margaret Laurence, Robert Kroetsch, David Arnason and Jack Hodgins." Int. Conference: Canadian Literature of World War I. University of Ottawa, July 31 to August 2, 2014.
Mitwirkung in Veranstaltungen in der Lehrerfortbildung
Heuser, Sabine: "Teaching French Canadian Short Stories: Roch Carrier’s The Hockey Sweater and Canadian National Identity." Marshall McLuhan Salon / Canadian Embassy in Berlin, November 2013.
Heuser, Sabine: "Kanadische Jugendliteratur im Fremdsprachenunterricht Englisch: Kreative Ansätze zur Unterrichtsarbeit mit Anne of Green Gables." Marshall McLuhan Salon / Canadian Embassy in Berlin, 13. November 2014.
Langwald, Sylvia: "Kanadas Gesellschaft und Multikulturalismus in seiner literarischen Darstellung." Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, 10. Dezember 2014.
Birkle, Carmen: "'Always becoming, will never be': Caribbean (Im)Migration to Canada." In: Immigration and Integration in North America: Canadian and Austrian Perspectives. / Immigration und Integration in Nordamerika: Kanadische und österreichische Perspektiven. Eds. Fritz Peter Kirsch and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Wien: Vienna UP, 2014. 59-77.
Birkle, Carmen: "'So go home young ladies': Women and Medicine in Nineteenth-Century Canada." Zeitschrift für Kanadastudien 34 (2014): 126-59.
Kuester, Martin: "Master, Collaborator and Troll: Marshall McLuhan, Wilfred Watson and Brian Fawcett." McLuhan's Global Village Today: Transatlantic Perspectives. Ed. Carmen Birkle, Angela Krewani and Martin Kuester. London: Pickering and Chatto, 2014. 93-103.
Kuester, Martin, Carmen Birkle und Angela Krewani: McLuhan's Global Village Today: Transatlantic Perspectives. London: Pickering and Chatto, 2014.
Lohöfer, Astrid: Ethics and Lyric Poetry: Language as World-Disclosure in French Symbolism and Canadian Modernism. Heidelberg: Winter, 2014.
Ulm, Marco: Dialogizing the Monologic in Native Literature Bakhtinian Readings of Thomas King and Joseph Boyden. Augsburg: Wißner, 2014.