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Courses with Canadian topics

The Marburg Centre for Canadian Studies does not have its own course of studies. Nevertheless we offer seminars (HS, PS) and lectures (VL) regarding Canadian topics regularly. Below you can find a list of current and past courses.
Current Courses
Winter semester 2019/20
HS: "O Canada": The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Trump (Birkle)
HS: The Canadian Prairies: Poems, Plays, and Novels (Kuester)
Courses of past semesters
Winter semester 2015/16 - summer semester 2019
Summer semester 2019
HS: Teachers Teaching America (Birkle)
Winter semester 2018/19
HS: "O Canada": The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Trump (Birkle)
HS: The Canadian Prairies: Poems, Plays, and Novels (Kuester)Summer semester 2018
PS: Paths Towards Reconciliation: Indigenous Issues in Canada (Heuser)
VL: Canadian Literature: After the Sesquicentennial (Kuester)Winter semester 2017/18
HS: Literary Views of Europe from a Canadian Perspective (Kuester)
Summer semester 2017
HS: Performing Canada: Canadian Identities Between Satire and (Re)Negotiation (Boller)
PS: Destination Canada! Exploring the Cultural Landscapes of Canada through Travel Writing (Heuser)
HS: Dramatic Works by Canadian First Nations Authors (Kuester)Winter semester 2016/17
VL: American Literature and the Politics of Immigration (Birkle)
VL: Key Texts of American Literature (Bischoff)
VL: New Literatures in English in Their Historical Contexts (Kuester)
PS: Contemporary Canadian Women Writers (Boller)
PS: Dystopian Novels from South Africa and Canada (Said)
HS: Mother of Exiles and American Immigrant Literature (Birkle)
HS: Multiculturalism in Canadian Poetry (Kuester)Summer semester 2016
VL: Canadian Ecologies - Écologies Canadiennes - Kanadische Ökologien (interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung; Kuester und Gäste)
PS: Into the Wild? Canadian Narratives of Human (and) Nature (Boller)
HS: Contemporary Canadian Novels (Kuester)Winter semester 2015/16
PS: Contemporary Canadian Women Writers (Boller)
VL: New Literatures in English in the Historical Contexts (Kuester)
HS: Multiculturalism in Canadian Poetry (Kuester)
PS: Dystopian Novels from South Africa and Canada (Said)Summer semester 2010 - 2015
Summer semester 2015
PS: First Nations in Canada (Heuser)
HS: Key Concepts in North American Studies (Birkle)
HS: The Literature of War (Langwald)Winter semester 2014/15
VL: North American Cityscapes (Birkle)
VL: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (Kuester)
PS: Writing Dementia: Memory and Forgetting in Anglophone Literature (Langwald)
HS: Canadian Drama: History and Recent Developments (Kuester)Summer semester 2014
VL: Female Leadership in North America (Birkle)
VL: Key Texts from the 20th Century: Modernism and Postmodernism, Colonial and Postcolonial (Kuester)
PS: Women Writers and the Short Story: From Woolf to Munro (Langwald)
PS: Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw: Travels in Search of Canada (Heuser)
HS: Utopia and Dystopia in North America (Birkle)
HS: Key Concepts in North American Studies (Birkle)
HS/UE: Visual Cultures in North America (Birkle)
HS: Marianne, Suzanne and Kateri Tekakwitha: Approaching the Work of Leonard Cohen (Kuester)Winter semester 2013/14
VL: A Literary and Cultural History of North America (Birkle)
VL: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (Kuester)
HS: Trauma and Crisis in North America (Birkle)
HS: Canada as a Country of Diversity: Learning and Teaching Through Literature (Kuester)Summer semester 2013
VL: Canadian Literature: Survival and Beyond (Kuester)
PS: Long Poems: Contradiction in Terms or "New" Genre? (Kuester)
PS: North American Language and Culture (Munroe Hotes)
PS: Mosaic, Salad Bowl or Melting Pot? The Multiculturalism Debate in Canada (Heuser)
HS: Borderlands: Literary Contact Zones on the North American Continent (Kuester)
HS: Robert Kroetsch: Mr. Canadian Postmodern (Kuester)Winter semester 2012/13
VL: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures (Birkle)
HS: Native North America (Canada and the USA) (Birkle)
PS: Canadian Content (Munroe Hotes)Summer semester 2012
PS: Indigenous Issues in Canada (Heuser)
PS: Writing from/about the Canadian Prairies (Kuester)
PS: Short Stories from Britain and Canada (Langwald)
HS: Key Concepts in North American Studies (Birkle/Kuester)Winter semester 2011/12
VL: Canada: Recent European Perspectives (interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung; Kuester und Gäste)
VL: The New Literatures in English: Key Texts Representing Post-Colonial Writing (Kuester)
PS: Making it New: Contemporary Poetry (Kuester)
HS: North of the 49th Parallel: Recent Writing from Canada (Kuester)Summer semester 2011
PS: Of Moors and Monsters? Postcolonial Shakespeare (Langwald)
PS: Globality, Identity and Asian North American Narratives (Eleanor Ty)Winter semester 2010/11
HS: Interdisciplinarity in North American Studies (Birkle)
PS: Generations and Diasporic Identities in Canada (Langwald)Summer semester 2010
HS: Key Concepts in North American Studies (Birkle)
PS: 19th Century Poetry from Britain and Canada (Kuester)
VL: 20th Century Literature (Kuester)
HS: Recent Anglophone Drama (Kuester)
UE: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures (Langwald)
PS: Key Texts by North American Native Writers (Ulm)Winter semester 2005/6 - 2009/10
Winter semester 2009/10
PS: The Two Margarets: Atwood and Laurence (Birkle)
PS/HS: Die Medientheorie Marshall McLuhans aus der Perspektive einer zeitgenössischen Medienwissenschaft (Krewani)
PS: Recent Novels from Great Britain and the Commonwealth (Kuester)
HS: 19th Century Novels from Britain and Canada (Kuester)
PS: Writing the Nation: Lyrics of Poets Laureate from the Anglophone World (Langwald)
PS: Literature and the New Media (Ulm)Summer semester 2009
PS: Slavery in the Americas (Birkle)
PS: "Where is Here?": Local Color Fiction in Nineteenth-Century U.S. and Canadian Literature (Fels)
PS: "Borders Within": Regionalism and Diversity in Canada (Heuser)
VL: Geomorphology of Canada (Lajeunesse)
OS: Selected Topics of Geomorphology, Geology and Pedology of Canada (Lajeunesse)
PS: Modern and Postmodern Poetry from Great Britain and the Commonwealth (Langwald)Winter semester 2008/09
PS: Exploring the Region: British Columbia in History, Literature, and Culture (Langwald)
Summer semester 2008
VL: Mapping North America in Travel Writing (Birkle)
HS: Going Native in America (Birkle)
UE: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures (Merschhemke)
PS: The Novel in English: From Modernism to Post Colonialism (Kuester)
HS: The Concept of Europe in Contemporary Anglophone Drama (Kuester)
PS: North American Language and Culture (Kuester/Handke)Winter semester 2007/08
VL: Kanadistische Ringvorlesung (wechselnde Referent*innen)
PS: Scotswomen, Home and Abroad – Literary Journeys (Keller/Sandrock)
PS: Building the Canadian Nation (Radu)
HS: Modern and Postmodern Poetry (Kuester)
PS: First Nations of Canada (Heuser)
PS/HS: The Short Story in English-speaking Canada (Heidenreich)
HS: The Coming-of-Age Novel in English-speaking Canada (Heidenreich)Summer semester 2007
PS: Contemporary American Family Novels (Fels)
PS: Auto/biography: Writing (Canadian) Lives (Radu)
HS: Transatlantic Stereotyping: Views From/About Both Sides of the Ocean (Kuester)Winter semester 2006/07
VL: The New Literatures in English (Kuester)
PS: Building the Canadian Nation (Radu)Summer semester 2006
PS: 20th Century Poetry in the UK and Canada (Radu)
PS: Canadian Mysteries (Heuser)Winter semester 2005/06
S: Postmodern and/or Postcolonial: Contemporary Writing from Britain and the Commonwealth (Kuester)
VL: Englisch als Weltsprache (Zimmermann)
S: A Good International Citizen? Canadian Foreign Policy from 1945 to Present (Bosold)Summer semester 1999 - 2005
Summer semester 2005
S: Tall Tales and Typescripts: Canadian Creative Processes (Keller/Kuester)
S: Marshall McLuhan and the Digital Worlds (Krewani)
UE: The Fundamentals of Screenwriting (Walz)
PS/S: Canadian Film: An Introduction (Walz)Winter semester 2004/05
S: Recent Developments in British and Canadian Drama (Kuester)
PS: Regional Stories in the US and Canada in the 19th Century (Quennet)
S: Selected Problems of Canadian Politics (Courtney)
S: Introduction to Canadian Government and Politics (Courtney)Summer semester 2004
PS: Canada from Sea to Sea to Sea (Heuser)
S: Nineteenth-Century Novels from Britain and Canada (Kuester)
PS: The Jewish Short Story in England, Canada and the U.S. (Quennet)
UE: Creative Writing (Panofsky)Winter semester 2003/04
PS: Modernism and Postmodernism: Poetry and Fiction from Great Britain and the Commonwealth (Kuester)
VL: Modernism, Postmodernism and Beyond: Key Texts from the 20th Century (Kuester)
PS: The Canadian Kuenstlerroman (Radu)
PS: Politische Systeme und Konfliktmuster in Kanada und USA (Schiller)Summer semester 2003
S: The Contemporary Novel in English: Recent Booker Nominees from the New English Literatures (Kuester)
PS: La situation du français au Canada (Lescure)
UE: L'espace francophone (Lescure)
VL: Einführung in die Geschichte Kanadas (Krieger)
MS: Lektüre ausgewählter Quellen und Darstellungen zur kanadischen Geschichte (Krieger)
VL: Canada - its Urban-Economic Realm (Hecht)
S: Selected Topics on the Canadian Socio-Economic Urban Realm (Hecht/Pletsch)Winter semester 2002/03
PS: Multiculturalism: Pieces of the Canadian Mosaic (Heuser)
S: Plays Within Plays (Kuester)
S: Multilateralismus als Methode außenpolitischen Handelns (von Bredow)Summer semester 2002
PS: Canadian Poetry: An Introduction (Dyck)
S: The Rhetoric of the Aboriginal Canadian Novel (Dyck)
PS: From Autobiography to Prosopagraphy: Self-Writing from the Middle Ages to Present (Keller)
S: Kanadischer Film (Krewani)
UE: The Great White North? – A Fresh Look at Canada (Neer)
UW: Creative Writing (Williams)Winter semester 2001/02
S: The Construction of a Literary Region: The North American Prairies (Kuester)
Summer semester 2001
Seminare über französisch-kanadische Literatur (Greif)
GIS-basierte Regionalanalyse – Beispiele aus laufenden Forschungsprojekten (Kanada, Frankreich, Deutschland) (Pletsch/Müller/Kehr)Winter semester 2000/01
VL: The Historical Novel (Kuester)
S: Historical Novels: Traditional and Postmodern (Kuester)Summer semester 2000
VL: Introduction to New Literatures in English (Kuester)
S: The Nineties in Canadian Women Writers Fiction (Quennet)
S: Contemporary Canadian Authors: Canadian Historical Dilemmas in Fiction (van Herk)
UE: Creative Writing: Short Fiction (van Herk)Winter semester 1999/00
S: Politics, Culture and Political Culture in Canada (von Bredow/Moss)
S: Margaret Atwood (Kuester)Summer semester 1999
S: Reflections of the Great War in 20th Century Literature (Kuester)
PS: Ethnicity in Canada (Moss)
PS: On the Wings of Tongue: Jewish Canadian and American Writing (Quennet)
S: Geography im Internet (Pletsch/Gerhard)