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Belegliste & Transcript of Records 

The "Belegliste" is one of the most important documents during your exchange in Marburg. Your final Transcript of Records will be issued based on the information on your "Belegliste". In order to get your Transcript of Records on time and with the correct information, please follow these steps:

1. Create the Belegliste in Mobility Online

At the beginning of the semester you need to create the Belegliste in Mobility Online ("Courses included in the Belegliste / Transcript of Records" in your workflow):

  • fill out all the information about your courses carefully (course number, course title, teacher's name, ECTS) and
  • keep your Belegliste up to date (delete courses you dropped, add courses for the 2nd semester, etc.)!

2. Submit the Belegliste to your Departmental Exchange Coordinator

At the end of your stay, you need to submit your Belegliste via email (attached as a pdf document) to the Departmental Exchange Coordinator. Make sure that:

  • your Belegliste contains all courses you have attended,
  • you added the courses from the Language Center (if you took courses there),
  • you deleted courses you may have dropped,
  • you signed your Belegliste,
  • you made a copy of the Belegliste for your own records.

Only with a duly completed and signed Belegliste your transcript of records can be issued!
Be aware that your signature on the Belegliste confirms that all the information on the document is correct.

3. Ask your teachers for grades

The grades of exchange students are not registered automatically but will be manually inserted into your Belegliste by your Departmental Coordinator. Therefore, it is necessary that you ask each of your teachers to e-mail your grades to your Departmental Exchange Coordinator.

Other important information: 

  • Only after all your grades are reported to your Departmental Coordinator, the Transcript of Records can be issued. Please be aware that it may take up to 4 weeks until the transcript arrives at your Home University.
  • No separate certifications for each of your courses will be issued at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures. All courses from your Belegliste will be listed on your Transcript of Records with their duration, local grades and ECTS credits so that the details can be verified and compared with the Learning Agreement.
  • If you stay in Marburg for two semesters, the Transcript of Records will only be issued once at the end of your entire stay.