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With this exemplary study plan, we want to give you an idea of how your studies could proceed within the standard period of study. The study plan is “exemplary”, so you do not need to follow this exact plan; however, you should bear a few things in mind when you do start planning your studies:

  • Make sure you distribute the number of CP's equally among all semesters. This ensures that you can manage the workload per semester.
  • Pay attention to the rotation of the study program: some modules are only offered in either the winter or summer term.
  • Check the eligibility requirements for the modules you want to take. Some advanced modules may only be taken once you have finished the foundational modules.
  • Concerning your Transcript of Records, do remember that usually only those modules which you have completed will be listed. A Transcript of Records could be required for those who want to apply for a study abroad program. For this reason, it makes sense to take and complete a module in the same semester.

As you can see in the exemplary study plan, you will take the introductory module "Introduction to Language, Discourse, and Power" in the first semester which will be completed in the second semester. If you take B.A. LDP as a major, this introductory module is fixed, which means that you cannot take any electable courses. In most other modules, different seminars and lectures will be available for you to choose from and you can choose them at least partially in accordance with your personal interests.

  • Internship

    The purpose of an internship is to give you your first glimpse into a future field of occupation. The idea behind it is to help you to get a taste of a certain branch of industry, a certain type of company or a certain occupational field that serves your personal interests. The search for an internship provider and the application process are also considered to be part of the internship module.

    The internship is compulsory and it can be completed in Germany or abroad. The duration is 8 weeks and it should be a full-time internship that can be done during the lecture-free period (semester break) or during the semester. For regulations concerning internships, please see the Study and Examination Regulations (StPO) [only available in German].

    First, you have to apply for an internship independently. Should there be any uncertainties in the search for an internship place or should unforeseen difficulties arise during the internship, please contact your mentor. Furthermore, make sure you pay attention to the services available from the Career Centers.

    If you are interested in completing the internship abroad, please contact the International Office.

  • Studying Abroad

    Do you experience wanderlust? Do you want to encounter English-speaking countries such as Great Britain or the United States of America not just in books and in literature but face-to-face? Then use your studies as an opportunity to study abroad!

    Studying abroad - this means not only traveling and improving your own English, but also gaining a better understanding of the language and culture of the countries that you come into contact with every day in your studies.

    Your two best options here would either be to do an internship abroad or to spend one or two semesters abroad at a university outside Germany. It is important that you inform yourself of the possibilities early because the application process usually starts at least one year prior to the beginning of your stay!

    Within Europe, an Erasmus scholarship can help support your studies and/or internship abroad. We also have numerous partner universities in the USA, New Zealand or Australia! For more information, have a look at the  International Office and the Institute of English and American Studies’ websites.

    Since all of your courses in the B.A. LDP program at Marburg University will be held in English, you can usually have 100% of the courses which you accomplish abroad accredited to your degree. This means, for example, that you can spend your third and fourth semesters abroad and still receive your Bachelor's degree within the standard study period of six semesters!

  • Bachelor Thesis

    The bachelor thesis is an examination paper. Under guidance, the candidate must demonstrate the ability to work on a specific problem from the subject matter of applied linguistics using scientific methods within a certain time frame. You should develop a complex research question that investigates the influence of language on societal negotiation processes, which you then answer based on data that you collect, using appropriate (and advanced) linguistic methods.

    The bachelor thesis is written in English and the time allotted for completion is 3 months. The requirements for admission are as follows: for the BA LDP major you will have to have completed at least 60 LP and for the BA LDP minor you will have to have completed at least 30 LP. The registration form is available on the Examination Office’s website.