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Withdrawal from an examination

Withdrawal from an examination

If a candidate is unable to take one or more examinations for serious reasons (e.g. illness, death of a close relative), they must apply for withdrawal from the examination (Application for withdrawal from examinations). The application must be submitted to the examination office immediately (i.e. as quickly as possible and without self-caused delay), but generally no later than the third working day after the earliest examination date. If the application is granted, the right to sit for the examination remains unchanged. 

Withdrawal due to illness

In the event of illness, page 2 of the form must be completed by the doctor, who must be released from his/her confidentiality. In case of doubt, the examination committee may request an official medical certificate from a medical officer.

No right to supplementary examination

At its meeting on July 29, 2015, the Departmental Council decided that exactly two examination dates will be offered for each module from the winter semester 2015/16. There is no entitlement to a further substitute examination.