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Multimedia Signal Processing (Summer Term 2024)

Grafik: iStock

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Thormählen
Module name: CS 682
Language of lecture: English

This module will not be offered in the summer term 2025 due to a planned research sabbatical.

Nowadays the communication of information takes place through a variety of media and can appeal to different senses of a human recipient. Modern means of communication, such as the internet, unite media (such as text, audio, images and video films) and allow the user to interactively retrieve the desired information, or even to disseminate information.

Qualification objectives

The lecture Multimedia Signal Processing enables the participants to create content for modern communication media and to gain in-depth knowledge of approaches for the digital acquisition, processing, storage, and transmission of multimedia data. Here, a focus is placed on auditory and visual media. In addition, an objective is to improve the participant's skills in media design as well as the ability to recognize, formulate, and solve problems via training with practical examples.


The course consists of a lecture (4 hours per week) and exercises (2 hours per week).
Lecture: Mon 08h30 - 10h00, Fri 08h30 - 10h00, MZG HS III
Exercise: Mondays after the lecture, MZG HS III

Course structure

  1. Introduction and Organization
  2. Fundamentals and Applications
  3. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
  4. Digitizing Audio, Images, and Video
  5. Audio Effects
  6. Image Processing
  7. Compression Methods

Film project

The exercises consist of a practical and a theoretical part. In the practical part, the participants are given the opportunity to create a short film of 5 minutes as a group project. This includes the steps: development of the idea, a concept for realization, planning using screenplay and storyboard, recording of the raw material, film editing and post-production, video compression, and inclusion in a webpage.

Lecture slides

The lecture slides are available as HTML5 websites. It is recommended to use a modern browser (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox). In Google Chrome, the browser's print function can be used to create a PDF file of the slides.

Currently, not all slides have been translated into English. They will be made available as the semester progresses.

There are two versions of the slides: internal and external. The internal version comprises additional slides that are only available to the students of the University of Marburg. The login will be announced in the lecture.

Part Chapter Link
1. Introduction and Organization 1.1 Introduction and Organization external, internal
2. Fundamentals and Applications 2.1. Text and Images external, internal
2.2. Audio and Video external, internal
3. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 3.1 Convolution and Impulse Response external, internal
3.2 Frequency Transforms external, internal
3.3 Sampling Theorem external, internal
4. Digitization of Audio, Images, and Video 4.1 Digitizing Audio external, internal
4.2 Digitizing Images and Video external, internal
5. Audio Effects 5.1 Sound Synthesis external, internal
5.2 Audio Effects external, internal
6. Image Processing 6.1 Image Filtering external, internal
7. Compression Methods 7.1 Basic Compression Methods pdf
7.2 JPEG pdf
7.3 Audio Compression pdf
7.4 Video Compression pdf

Exercise Class

Registration for the exercise class and submission of the assignments is done via the ILIAS learning platform.