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Photo and Video Studio of the Graphics and Multimedia Group at the Philipps-Universität Marburg

OpenStudio Marburg Teaser
Grafik: Thorsten Thormählen

The central element of the photo and video studio is a green screen cyclorama (4.6 x 3.0 x 2.8 meters), which can be used as a keying background for compositing with virtual scenes. Furthermore, a motorized background system allows selecting real paper backdrops with different colors (currently the colors blue, black, green and white are available). The cyclorama is lit from above with 24 flicker-free LED tubes as well as 8 dimmable LED light panels. For the illumination from the front, 4 large dimmable LED light panels including softboxes are available. Automatic camera movements can be realized with a motorized 3-axis camera slider.

The studio is used by the Graphics and Multimedia Group to generate test recordings for research and teaching. Members of the Philipps-Universität Marburg can use the photo and video studio free of charge (by appointment). Within supervised workshops, which can also be arranged individually, the studio is also accessible to users from outside the university. Please send inquiries to Prof. Thormählen.


OpenStudioMarburg is a monthly meeting of students and enthusiasts who are interested in photography, image and video processing, special effects, 3D, and interactive techniques. Beginners or experts, technicians or creatives, everybody is equally welcome. The agenda is usually spontaneous and tries to meet the interest of the participants. Possible activities include photo shoots and video recordings, experiments and mini-projects, tips and tricks from invited professionals, opportunities to briefly present your own work, etc. If available, it is appreciated if you bring your own laptops, cameras, or actors/models to the meeting.

Where: The meeting takes place at two alternating locations: :

When: Second Tuesday of each month starting from 16h00. In the winter term 2024 to following meetings are scheduled:

  • Tuesday, November 12th, 2024, Computer Science Lab
  • Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, VR-Lab UKGM
  • Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, Computer Science Lab
  • Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, Media Center, University Library

An associated forum can be found in the ILIAS E-Learning System.

Slit-Scan-Effect, OpenStudioMarburg 02/2025

Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" is a masterpiece of film history that is still known today for its special effects. A particularly interesting effect is based on the slit scan technique, which is used in the famous "Stargate" sequence. The team from the university library had prepared a set-up for the OpenStudio on February 11, 2025 that we could use to recreate this effect.

Jan Trauzold / Aaron Beller

Photography Workshop, OpenStudioMarburg 01/2025

On January 14, 2025, Eva Kvindt gave a tutorial on photography. Afterwards, we did some hands-on photo shooting.

Foto: Thorsten Thormählen

Ableton Operator Workshop, OpenStudioMarburg 07/2024

On July 2, 2024, we offered a micro-workshop on the FM synthesizer "Operator" from Ableton.

Foto: Thorsten Thormählen

Iris Makro-Photographie, OpenStudioMarburg 06/2024

On June 4, 2024, we tried to photograph the iris in the eye using macro lenses and a headrest. This is one of the resulting images.

Foto: Thorsten Thormählen


Godot Workshop, OpenStudioMarburg 05/2024

On May 7th, 2024, a micro-tutorial on the Godot Game Engine was given. Here is the result of one participant.

Grafik: Thorsten Thormählen

OpenStudioMarburg 02/2024

We have put a new LED ring light into operation. XXL version!

LED Ring Light
Foto: Thorsten Thormählen

3D Modeling with Plasticine Workshop, OpenStudioMarburg 06/2023 

On June 14th, 2023, Aaron Beller from the Media Center team gave a hands-on workshop on 3D modeling. Participants had the opportunity to hand model objects with plasticine, then scan them, and digitally post-process or prepare them for 3D printing. In the end, we decided that everyone would model a different body part and built a digital "Frankenstein" (see picture).

Aaron Beller, Medienzentrum UMR

Green Screen Workshop, OpenStudioMarburg 07/2022

On June 8th, 2022, the media center team organized a workshop on the topic of "Green Screen Keying".

Foto: Medienzentrum UMR

VR Treadmill, OpenStudioMarburg 05/2022

On May 11, 2022 we visited the media center of the university library and were able to try out the new VR treadmill.

VR Treadmill
Foto: Thorsten Thormählen

Meeting in the University Library, OpenStudioMarburg 06/2019

On Juni 12, we will visit the university library. There we will meet with Jan Trauzold, who shows us two newly created rooms for film and sound recording. In addition to trying out the devices, there will be also the opportunity to introduce your own projects.

Treffen in der Universitätsbibliothek, OpenStudioMarburg 06/2019
Foto: Jan Trauzold

Meeting at Werkraum56, OpenStudioMarburg 02/2019

On February 13, a very special OpenStudioMarburg will take place. Splendid Spots has opened their Werkraum56 at a central location in the southern district of Marburg (Am Grün 56) and invites us to meet there for your OpenStudio on Wednesday, February 13. Thomas Winzer (Inosoft) will give a talk about AR applications and the HoloLens.

OpenStudioMarburg 02/2019
Foto: Steffen Schmidt (Splendid Spots)

OpenStudioMarburg 01/2019

At the OpenStudio on January 9, 2019, we have talked about 3D animation. The image below shows examples of 3D animations created by Sebastian Lieb.

OpenStudioMarburg 01/2019
Grafik: Sebastian Lieb

Visit by Chris Schmetz, OpenStudioMarburg 11/2018

At the OpenStudioMarburg meeting on Wednesday, November 14, 2018, professional photographer and journalist Chris Schmetz ( gave tips and tricks on how to break our viewing habits and how to train our photographic eye.

Fire, OpenStudioMarburg 7/2018

As a reference for the development of virtual fire effects, we have recorded several HD videos of a real gas burner in front of a black background.

Fire recorded at OpenStudioMarburg (CC0)
Foto: Public Domain (CC0)

The image sequences can be freely used for any project (Public Domain, Creative Commons CC0). An attribution to this site is appreciated but not required:

  • Video 1 (MP4, UHD, 60 Hz, 960 MB)
  • Video 2 (MP4, 720p, 120 Hz, 100 MB)
  • Video 3 (MP4, 720p, 120 Hz, 605 MB)
  • Video 4 (MP4, 720p, 120 Hz, 585 MB)

Breaking Glass Overlay, OpenStudioMarburg 3/2018

During OpenStudioMarburg on March 1, 2018, an image sequence was taken in which a glass pane is shot with three steel balls from an improvised slingshot. The sequence was recorded in front of a black background which makes it easy to composite the image sequence with any background, as shown in the second part of the video above. To this end, the color values ​​of the background and the image sequence of the breaking glass can simply be added. The compositing in the video above was created using the web-based GSN Composer tool.

OpenStudioMarburg 3/2018
Foto: Public Domain (CC0)

The image sequence can be freely used for any project (Public Domain, Creative Commons CC0). An attribution to this site is appreciated but not required:

Long Exposure Photography, OpenStudioMarburg 12/2017

At the OpenStudioMarburg meeting on Thursday, the December 7, 2017, the professional photographer Jan Bosch ( gave tips and tricks on the topic of long exposure photography.

OpenStudioMarburg 12/2017
Foto: Jan Bosch

Time-lapse video of the construction of the green screen cyclorama

Greenscreen Timelapse Video
Foto: Thorsten Thormählen