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Seminar Optimization

Here, we provide information about the seminar 'Optimization'.

General Information

In principle, the seminar 'Optimization' takes place in each term. If you are interested to join the seminar, please, contact me via email until the end of the last week before lectures start again. Mention the optimization-related courses you already took and potential ideas for a topic if you have any. As a premise, potential participants must have completed at least one module dealing with mathematical optimization successfully. There will be a meeting in the first week of lectures where I will present all available topics. Until the end of the second week of lecture, you have to decide if you really are joining the seminar and which topic you want to work on. Afterwards, you will have time during the semester to study the chosen topic intensively. I will invite you to some meetings to discuss perspectives and open questions. During the last two weeks of lecture, chosen topics will be presented in the form of talks of 45 minutes (within a block course). The associated documentation has to be created with the aid of LaTex and has to be submitted one week after the talk at the latest.

Winter Term 2024/2025

  • Jakob Hoch: Matchings in graphs
  • David Krell: The traveling salesman problem
  • Emilie Schafmeister: Transportation problems

Summer Term 2024

  • Timm Baake: The quadratic penalty method
  • Oliver Mühlbach: Fractional linear optimization