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Student projects

We continuously offer topics for bachelor and master theses. Topics for the Fortgeschrittenenpraktika ("FoPra", Bachelor) and Project Work (Master) are mainly provided at the beginning of the semester in the respective ILIAS course. However, you are also welcome to contact us during the semester if you are looking for a topic. For working on the projects, the research group provides in each case a Git repository including issue tracking for managing the source code as well as a ShareLaTeX project for writing the draft. Additional services may be provided upon request.

Student projects can be supervised by any member of the research group. The topics are mainly from the respective research areas, but can also be more general from the area of software technology. A list of available and closed topics can be found below. Since the list is not necessarily complete, you are also welcome to inquire about additional topics.

Available Projects

Additional topics may be available one or more of the following research areas:

  • Manipulation of bytecode and bytecode models
  • Mutation testing
  • Debugging
  • Didactics in software-engineering education
  • Energy efficiency of program execution
  • Refactoring detection
  • Static and dynamic program analyses

Assigned Projects

Title Type Status
Improving Structure of Automatic Feedback to Programming Solutions (Task) Bachelor Thesis Complete
Domain-Specific Consistency Constraints for Java Bytecode (Task) Bachelor Thesis Complete
Analyse und Generierung von Feedback zu Programmieraufgaben für Anfänger Master Thesis Complete