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PIMAR - Platform Independent Mobile Augmented Reality

This project (HA-Project-No.: 355/12-45) is funded by Hessen ModellProjekte with funds from LOEWE - Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz, Förderlinie 3: KMU-Verbundvorhaben

The use of mobile devices is increasingly permeating the processes of daily life. This applies to both working life and leisure time. The use of these systems goes far beyond applications with classic human-machine interaction (keyboard or mouse inputs). Applications with automatic localization of the user or image and sound recognition open up new possibilities: The so-called Augmented Reality.

Goals of the project are:

  • Creation of an infrastructure for the platform-independent development of applications for mobile devices while largely avoiding multiple developments.
  • Realization of image recognition methods that also work without a permanent internet connection. Implementation in the development environment developed in this project.
  • Realization of a mobile system that makes maintenance and assembly activities and production processes safer and users better protected. A key aspect here is the accurate identification of machines and equipment and the provision of important handling information at the right time and in the right place.
  • Developing algorithms to automatically detect and decide which AR technologies (computer vision, compass, etc.) should be used and combined to be applicable in both indoor and outdoor environments.

The consortium consists of the MND department of the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, advenco Consulting GmbH from Gießen and the computer science department of the Philipps-Universität Marburg. THM has many years of experience in software development and graphic data processing and image processing. advenco is a provider of software solutions for manufacturing companies that use mobile technologies productively. Philipps-Universität contributes proven expertise in the area of model-driven software development.

Cooperation partners

Technical University of Central Hesse (Prof. Dr. Michael Guckert)
advenco Consulting GmbH

Theses and projects

  • Design and analysis of efficient methods for data transfer and data management in mobile applications (Bachelor thesis: Christian Konrad, 2013)
  • Comparison of two implementations of a mobile application for Android and iOS (Thesis: Tillmann Heigel, 2014)
  • Development of a server application for managing and distributing runtime models for mobile applications based on Android (Bachelor thesis: Konstantin Jäger, 2014)
  • Model-driven development of a mobile application for indoor navigation (advanced internship: Dominik Krappel, Michael Schwarz, and Philipp Bergen, 2014).
  • Extension of a server application for the management and distribution of runtime models (Project work: Alexander Eifler and Manuel Wolf, 2015).
  • Further development of a code generator for mobile applications (iOS) (Project work: Patrick Hofmann, Felix Pape and Xiaolin Cui, 2015).
  • Model-driven development of an interactive mobile application for language acquisition (project work: Bilal Belafkir and Philpp Schwarz, 2015).
  • Model-driven development of a game-based mobile application for language acquisition (Advanced Practicum: Marco Christmann and Gregor Gregersen, 2015).
  • Development of a mobile application for outdoor and indoor navigation (Advanced Internship: Sascha Braun, Mario Knapp, Sebastian Py, Markus Vogelbacher, 2016).
  • Implementation and evaluation of selected methods for conflict-free decentralized processing of data in mobile applications (Diploma thesis: Damian Wlochowitz, 2015).

Further information

Project website