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National research data infrastructure

  • The NFDI Consortium of Mathematics

    Mathematical research data is vast, complex and multifaceted. It emerges within mathematical sciences but also in other scientific areas such as physics, chemistry, life sciences and the Arts. Standardised formats, data interoperability and application programming interfaces need to be developed to ensure the ease of use of data across broad disciplines.

    Participating: Prof. Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola

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  • NFDI4BioDiversität – Biodiversity, ecology and environmental data

    In our partner network, we work to make diverse and high-quality biodiversity data available-regardless of whether it comes from research, government agencies, professional societies, or citizen science.

    Participating: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Seeger

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  • MaRDI - Mathematical Research Data Initiative

    Mathematical Research Data (MFD) is large, complex and diverse. Due to the interdisciplinarity and abstraction power of mathematics, they are widespread in the sciences. They appear in mathematics, but also in other areas of science and range from highly complex data from scientific computing to information databases such as the standard reference data for special functions, Tables, etc. provided, for example, by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology. The volume of data and the speed at which it is generated are increasing dynamically with the rapid development of mathematics in data science and the ever-increasing computing power. In various disciplines (such as physics, chemistry, engineering, humanities and life sciences) this leads to increasingly complex mathematical models and MFD. Our goal is therefore to develop a research data infrastructure that will be of great use not only for mathematics but also in other areas. MaRDI (Mathematical Research Data Initiative), the consortium initiative of mathematics, aims at standards for certified MFD, reproducible workflows and services for the scientific community. The declared goal is to implement the FAIR principles in mathematics and their applications as well as the interoperability of data processing and to promote new research. The four research-motivated pillars of MaRDI are computer algebra, scientific computing, statistics and machine learning as well as interdisciplinary mathematics each on certified data and software developments as well as verifiable workflows and the development of services. The interdisciplinary strength of mathematics leads to cooperation with the consortia NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Chem, NFDI4Culture, NFDI4Cat and initiatives such as PUNCH4NFDI, NFDI-MatWerk, NFDIxCS, NFDI-Neuro , BERD@NFDI, NFDI4DataScience and NFDI4MobilTech. For the resulting MFD, standardized formats or data interoperability and application programming interfaces are developed and prototypical services are expanded to full services with added research value. MaRDI will develop improved information services that include mathematical models as research data, an interdisciplinary mathematical-digital semantic atlas, ontologies and metadata, such as an algorithm metadata library. MaRDI will also build a digital service portal as a one-stop shop for science. This portal will be developed in an agile manner and permanently installed. The sustainable implementation of the results of MaRDI requires a community based on a FAIR data culture and FAIR research processes. To this end, MaRDI will establish cooperation platforms for knowledge dissemination, scientific discourse and quality assurance .
    CO SPEAKERS: Professorin Dr. Ilka Agricola
    Sponsored by: DFG (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur)
    Promotion since: 2021