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Joint mathematical colloquium of the universities of Marburg and Giessen

Since 2011, the UMR Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Mathematical Institute of the Justus Liebig University Giessen have held a joint Mathematical Colloquium once a semester in a particularly festive setting, which is intended to appeal to a broad audience of students and staff from both institutions. Traditionally, it takes place in the following rotation:

There is always an after-session afterwards, which provides further opportunities to meet.

Overview of current presentations:

Summer term

Year Date Lecturer(s)
2023 14.06.2023 Professor Abdenacer Makhlouf (Mulhouse)

Overview of previous presentations:

Summer semester

Year Date Lecturer(s) Title
 2022 29.6.2022 Prof. Dieter Kotschick (LMU München) „Künneth Geometry“
2019 19.6.2019 Prof. Friedrich Götze (Universität Bielefeld) „Approximation im Gauß'schen Fehlergesetz: Geometrie der Zahlen und Diophantische Ungleichungen“
2018 Prof. Bernd Sturmfels (MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften in Leipzig) „Von Matrizen zu Tensoren"
2017 21.6.2017 Volkmar Bornemann (TU München) “Numerics Needed: Zufallsmatrizen, Quantenchaos und Riemann’sche Nullstellen“
2016 19.10.2016 Prof. Fabrizio Catanese (Universität Bayreuth) "Configurations of lines and interesting algebraic surfaces"
2015 08.07.2015 Prof. Hans-Otto Peitgen (Bremen) "Wie Mathematik in der onkologischen Medizin helfen kann“
2014 25.6.2014 Prof. Harald Andres Helfgott (Paris) "The ternary Goldbach conjecture“
2013 19.6.2013 Prof. Barbara Wohlmuth (TU München) "Consistent Modelling of Interface Conditions for Multi-Physics Applications“
2012 13.6.2012 Prof. Wolfgang Lück (Universität Bonn) "L_2-Betti numbers and their applications“
2011 15.6.2011 Prof. Gerhard Huisken

"Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen für die Deformation von Flächen"

Winter semester

Year Date Lecturer(s) Title
2022/23 2.11.2022 Prof. Chelsea Walten (Rice University in Houston/Texas) "Modernizing Modern Algebra: Category Theory is coming, whether we like it or not“
2019/20 27.11.2019 Prof. George Willis (Universität Newcastle) „Zero-dimensional symmetry, or locally profinite groups“
2019/19 24.10.2018 Prof. Victor Bangert (Universität Freiburg) "Eine obere Schranke für die Oberfläche von Flächen in Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten“
2017/18 24.1.2018 Prof. Joachim Cuntz (Universität Münster) "Operators on Hilbert space, algebraic geometry and algebraic topology“
2016/17 11.1.2017 Prof. Kathrin Bringmann (Universität Köln) „Peterson regularized inner products"
2015/16: 20.1.2016 Prof. Bertrand Remy (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) "Tilings, groups, buildings“
2014/15 11.02.2015 Prof. Alain Valette (Neuchâtel / Schweiz) „The Kadison-Singer problem"
2012/13 13.6.2012 Prof. Harder (Universität Bonn) "Cohomology of arithmetic groups“
2011/12 23.1.2012 Prof. Günter Ziegler "From cutting polygons to cohomology of configuration spaces - a sightseeing trip"