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Exam Enrollment
Exchange students do not need to enroll for lectures, but they need to register for the exams at the end of a course. This will be a few weeks before the examination time. All students (local and exchange) have to register for the exams, but the process is different for exchange students. To register, simply send an email to the examination office (prüfungsbüro). The email should list all the exams that you want to take and a few details that are required to make the registration. Use the following form for your email to specify these details:
- Name (first- and lastname):
<your name> - Matrikulationsnummer (matriculation number):
<your matriculation number - if you have one> - Studienfach (field of study):
<Mathematics, Computer Science, Data Science, ...> - Rolle (role):
"Exchange Student" - Semester (semester):
<e.g SS 22> - Prüfungsanmeldungen (exam registrations - one for each exam):
- Prüfungsform (examination type):
<"Klausur" (written exam) / "Kolloquium" (oral exam)> - Modultitel (module name):
<name of the course> - Dozent (teacher):
<instructor of the course>
- Prüfungsform (examination type):