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City & University

Photo by Prof. Martin Koch

About the city

Marburg is a fairytale-like town in the center of Germany. The world-famous brothers Grimm collected their fairytales in Marburg while enrolled as students. Marburg is full of medieval well-restored buildings the most prominent of which is the castle overlooking the city. It has many medieval churches one of which is the Gothic Elisabethkirche. Being a tourist attraction Marburg offers a high quality of life.

The university

Philipps-Universität Marburg (UMR) was founded in 1527. It has been a place of research and teaching for nearly five centuries. Today about 26,000 students are enrolled in Marburg – 12 percent from all over the world.

Materials research in Marburg

Growth of III-V semiconductors
Photo by Tim van de Bovenkamp
Growth of III-V semiconductors

For many years materials science is one of the resea rch focuses of Philipps-University. The very successful working Material Sciences Center (WZMW) was founded 25 years ago. The research strength in this area becomes visible through the currently running Collaborative Research Centre 1083 on the "Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces" and also by the ongoing Research Training Group 1782 "functionalization of semiconductors".

Short youtube video about Marburg.

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