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The master's program – introductory remarks

The master’s degree program „Functional Materials“ offered in Marburg aims at a research-oriented education in the field of modern functional materials. The key to the development and improvement of these materials is a detailed understanding of their physical working principles, their synthesis and preparation, and their characterization. The two years study course will lead to a „masters in material science“.
The teaching language is English. Knowledge of German is not required. (Note: for living in Germany you do not need to speak German. Pretty much everybody speaks English)
The program will qualify you for basic and applied research and development in the industry in the fields of nanotechnology, chemistry, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. It also qualifies you for a later Ph.D. program and an acad
emic career.
In addition to the fundamental and specialized courses, the program offers hands-on lab projects in modern, well-equipped laboratories, and projects with international collaborators.
During the master's program one can specialize in the synthesis, characterization and theoretical description of functional materials. Thus, it's very much up to you which focus you choose within the exciting world of functionalized materials.
Note: in Marburg, we do not cover the entire field of functional materials. We are strong in semiconductors, molecular films, nanoparticles, and the characterization and theoretical description of these materials.
Structure of the master’s degree program
The master’s degree program in “Functional Materials” breaks down into the following areas of study: “foundations,” “electives,” “profile” and “pre-graduation.”
In each area, so-called modules have to be completed. The modules have a different character. They may consist of a lecture with accompanying exercises or involve experiments.
You may want to consider our list of modules, a description of their content and a schematic that shows you which module you ideally take in which semester.
Foundations: Modules from this area of the program help you get started in the field of “functional materials.” The modules are designed to prepare you for the electives and pre-graduation phase of the program. Modules from the foundation's phase are compulsory modules. “Fundamentals of Chemical Synthesis” and “Quantum Theory of Functional Materials” give you an overview of the synthesis of functional materials and an introduction to their theoretical description. “Functional Materials Laboratory” comprises a series of experiments that are carried out in different research groups. In addition, project and research internships give you a broader overview and prepare you for the master thesis.
Electives: In the elective area five out of 16 modules need to be chosen. These modules allow you to set a specific emphasis on studies that suits your tastes, abilities, and interests. You can, for example, deepen your knowledge of the theoretical description of functional materials or on their chemical synthesis or on their characterization.
Profile: The import modules from this area of the program serve to build a profile for the students. Specified modules can be selected to reach the required amount of credits. A list can be found here. This area focuses on teaching subject matter outside the specific area of study that will nonetheless serve as an important and meaningful supplement to the overall educational experience within the framework of the degree program.
Pre-graduation: The pre-graduation phase contains the compulsory graduation module “Master Thesis and Disputation.” Within this module, you will learn to work independently on scientific subjects of current research. Besides, you will train to summarize and present research results.
The standard duration of study for the master's program "Functional Materials" is four semesters. Based on these examination regulations, the faculty ensures an academic curriculum that enables students to complete all degree requirements including the completion of the thesis within the regular duration of the study.
Students can begin their studies in the Wintersemester (fall semester) or in the Sommersemester (spring semester).
You find detailed information on the basic rules of the master's program in the „Prüfungsordnung“ (valid from winter semester 2020/2021), i.e. the examination regulations for the Master program "Functional Material". For students of an old study and examination regulation, which study has to be completed by the end of the summer semester 2023, please check the „old Prüfungsordnung". The English Version of the text provides a good translation but only the German „Prüfungsordnung“ is the legally binding document.
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