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Email at the Department of Physics

All employees of the Department of Physics will be assigned an email address


Use of this email address is restricted to business purposes; use for private purposes (eBay, Amazon, etc.) is prohibited.

Emails are delivered to the respective account at HRZ (University Computer Center). Information on the use of the mailbox can be found on the HRZ website. After leaving the department, the University email address can still be used to forward emails for a certain period of time.


The University’s webmail is available to all students and staff worldwide.

Configuring Email Programs

The HRZ provides detailed instructions for setting up the email programs online.

Problems with email

For all problems that may occur regarding emails, e.g., emails being delivered slowly or not at all, difficulty accessing the mailbox, suddenly receiving a large amount of spam, etc., please contact the HRZ help desk. Contact:
Telephone: 06421/28-28282.