Main Content
Title | Sub-project of | Weblinks |
Temporal encoding during eye movements in macaque visual cortex | FOR 1847 | DFG, FOR 1847 |
Prediction of position and motion during saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements | SFB TRR 135 A1 | DFG, SFB |
Predictive encoding of self-motion information in the primate brain | SFB TRR 135 A2 | DFG, SFB |
Canadian-German Graduate Program | IRTG 1901 BrainAct |
Completed Grants: |
Multisensorische Wahrnehmung während Augenbewegungen | FOR 560 | DFG |
Sakkadensteuerung bei Primaten: ein Vergleich mittels fMRT Untersuchungen am Menschen und Einzelzellableitungen am Parietalcortex des Makaken | DFG | |
Verarbeitung visueller Raum- und Bewegungsinformation im Parietalcortex des Primaten | SFB 509 | DFG |
Graduiertenkolleg Gehirn und Verhalten (NeuroAct) | GRK 885 NeuroAct | DFG |
Ongoing Grants: | |
Title |
Weblinks |
PLAsticiTY of Perceptual space Under Sensorimotor interactions (PLATYPUS) | Platypus-Rise |
Completed Grants: |
Optic flow perception in the elderly | EC |
Ongoing Grants: |
DIagnostic system for brAin Diseases using non-invasive Eye-movement Measurements (DIADEM) |
Completed Grants: |
The Retina Implant project was supported by BMBF, LOEWE and the EpiRet GmbH. |
The Volkswagen Stiftung supported the European Summer School Rauischholzhausen |