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M. Habibi, B.C. Coe, D.C. Brien, J Huang, H.C. Riek, F. Bremmer, L. Timmermann, A. Janzen, W.H. Oertel & D.P. Munoz (2025) Saccade, pupil, and blink abnormalities in prodromal and manifest alpha-synucleinopathies. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease,

B. Caziot, S. Fathkhani & F. Bremmer (2025) Coding of egocentric distance in the macaque ventral intraparietal area; iScience 111993,

D. Engel, R. S. Greulich, A. Parola, K. Vinehout, J. Student, J. Waldthaler, L. Timmermann & F. Bremmer (2025) Sway frequencies may predict postural instability in Parkinson’s disease: a novel convolutional neural network approach, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 29(2025)

A. König, U. Thomas, F. Bremmer & S. Dowiasch (2025) Quantitative comparison of a mobile, tablet-based eye-tracker and two stationary, video-based eye-trackers.  Behav Res 57, 45,


A. Kreß, M. Lappe & F. Bremmer (2024) Comprehensive VR Dataset for Machine Learning: Head- and Eye-Centred Video and Positional Data. Data in Brief,

F. Bremmer (2024) Space perception. In: Grafman, J.H. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, Second Edition, vol. 1, pp. 612–626. USA: Elsevier.

R. Spartakov, A. Kshirsagar, D. Mühl, R. Schween, D. Endres, F. Bremmer, C. Melzig & J. Peters (2024) Balancing on the Edge: Review and Computational Framework on the Dynamicsof Fear of Falling and Fear of Heights in Postural Control. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46

L.E. van Dyck, F. Bremmer & K. Dobs (2024) Artificial intelligence meets body sense: task-driven neural networks reveal computational principles of the proprioceptive pathway. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 9, 171

B. Taghizadeh, O. Fortmann & A. Gail (2024)  Position- and scale-invariant object-centered spatial localization in monkey frontoparietal cortex dynamically adapts to cognitive demand. Nature communications 15, 3357


B. Caziot, M. Rolfs & B. T. Backus (2023) Orienting attention across binocular disparity. PNAS Nexus, Volume 2, Issue 10

A. Schütz, V. Bharmauria, X. Yan, H. Wang, F. Bremmer & J. D. Crawford (2023) Integration of landmark and saccade target signals in frontal cortex visual responses. Communications Biology 6: 938

L. Rosenblum, A. Kress, B.E. Arikan, B. Straube, & F. Bremmer (2023)
Neural correlates of visual and tactile path integration and their task related modulation
Scientific Reports 13: 9913

A. Koenig, F. Bremmer, & S. Dowiasch (2023)
Quantitative comparison of a mobile, tablet-based and two stationary, video-based eye-trackers
under review; preprint available under

D. Engel, R. S. Greulich, A. Parola, K. Vinehout, S. Dowiasch, J. Waldthaler, L. Timmermann, C. A. Rothkopf, & F. Bremmer (2023)
Convolutional neural network reveals frequency content of medio-lateral COM body sway to be highly predictive of Parkinson's disease
Preprint doi: 

C. Rothkopf, F.Bremmer, K. Fiehler, K.Dobs, & J. Triesch (2023)
Models of vision need some action.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences (in press): Preprint DOI: 10.31234/

J. Waldthaler, A. Sperlich, A. König, C.Stüssel, F. Bremmer, L.Timmermann, & D. Pedrosa (2023)
High (130 Hz)- and mid (60 Hz)-frequency deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus differentially modulate response inhibition: A preliminary combined EEG and eye tracking study. NeuroImage: Clinical,

S. Dowiasch, M. Blanke, J. Knöll & F. Bremmer (2023)
Spatial localization during open-loop smooth pursuit.
Front. Neurosci.,


C. Schmitt, M. Krala, & F. Bremmer (2022)
Neural signatures of actively controlled self-motion and the subjective encoding of distance

S. Dowiasch, A. Kaminiarz, & F. Bremmer (2022) 
The visual representation of space in the primate brain. 
Neuroforum,  doi: 10.1515/nf-2022-0019

L Rosenblum, A. Kreß, J. C.B. Schwenk, & F. Bremmer (2022)
Visuo-tactile heading perception.
Journal of Neurophysiology, doi: 10.1152/jn.00231.2022 

L. Rosenblum, E. Grewe, J. Churan, F. Bremmer (2022). 
Influence of tactile flow on visual heading perception. Multisensory Research 1, 2022: 1-18. doi: 10.1163/22134808-bja10071

J. C. B. Schwenk, M. A. Hagan, S. L Cloherty, E. Zavitz, A. P. Morris, N. S. C. Price, M. G. P. Rosa, F. Bremmer (preprint). 
Neural responses to broadband visual flicker in marmoset primary visual cortex. bioRxiv, doi:10.1101/2022.02.05.479227

J. Student, D. Engel, L. Timmermann, F. Bremmer, J. Waldthaler (2022)
Visual perturbation suggests increased effort to maintain balance in early stages of Parkinson’s to be an effect of age rather than disease. Front Hum Neurosci 16:762380. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2022.762380.


D. Mao, E. Avila, B. Caziot, J. Laurens, J. D. Dickman, D. Angelaki (2021)
Spatial modulation of hippocampal activity in freely moving macaques. Neuron 109(21), 3521-3534. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.09.032.

J.-P. Noel, B. Caziot, S. Bruni, N. E. Fitzgerald, E. Avila, D. Angelaki (2021)
Supporting generalization in non-human primate behavior by tapping into structural knowledge: Examples from sensorimotor mappings, inference, and decision-making. Progress in Neurobiology 201. 101996. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2021.101996

A. Schütz, V. Bharmauria, X. Yan, H. Wang, F. Bremmer, J. D. Crawford (preprint)
Landmark-Centered Coding in Frontal Cortex Visual Responses. bioRxiv.

D. Engel, J. Student, J. C. B. Schwenk, A. Morris, J. Waldthaler, L. Timmermann, F. Bremmer (2021)
Visual perturbation of balance suggests impaired motor control but intact visuo-motor processing in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurophysiology 126(4), 1076-1089. doi: 10.1152/jn.00183.2021

J. Churan, A. Kaminiarz, J. C. B. Schwenk, F. Bremmer (2021)
Coding of interceptive saccades in parietal cortex of macaque monkeys. Brain Structure and Function (2021), 1-17. doi: 10.1007/s00429-021-02365-x

C. Schmitt, J. C. B. Schwenk, A. Schütz, J. Churan, A. Kaminiarz, F. Bremmer (2021)
Preattentive processing of visually guided self-motion in humans and monkeys. Progress in Neurobiology 205, 102117. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2021.102117

J. Churan, A. Kaminiarz, J. C. B. Schwenk, F. Bremmer (2021)
Action-dependent processing of self-motion in parietal cortex of macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology 125(6), 2432-2443. doi: 10.1152/jn.00049.2021

D. Engel, J. C. B. Schwenk, A. Schuetz, A. Morris, F. Bremmer (2021)
Multi-segment phase coupling to oscillatory visual drive.
Gait & Posture 86, 132-138. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2021.03.010

J. C. B. Schwenk, S. Klingenhoefer, B.-O. Werner, S. Dowiasch, F. Bremmer (2021)
Perisaccadic encoding of temporal information in macaque area V4.
Journal of Neurophysiology 125(3), 785-795, doi: 10.1152/jn.00387.2020.


C. Schmitt, B. R. Baltaretu, J. D. Crawford, F. Bremmer (2020)
A causal role of area hMST for self-motion perception in humans.
Cerebral Cortex Communications 1, 1-14. doi:10.1093/texcom/tgaa042

J. C. B. Schwenk, R. VanRullen, F. Bremmer (2020)
Dynamics of visual perceptual echoes following short-term visual deprivation.
Cerebral Cortex Communications 1, 1-11. doi:10.1093/texcom/tgaa012

D. Engel, A. Schütz, M. Krala, J. C. B. Schwenk, A. Morris, F. Bremmer (2020)
Inter-Trial Phase Coherence of Visually Evoked Postural Responses in Virtual Reality.
Experimental Brain Research 238(5), 1177-1189. doi:10.1007/s00221-020-05782-2

S. Dowiasch, S. Meyer-Stender, S. Klingenhoefer, F. Bremmer (2020)
Nonretinocentric localization of successively presented flashes during smooth pursuit eye movements.
Journal of Vision 20(4):8, 1-15. doi: 10.1167/jov.20.4.8


T. S. Murdison, G. Blohm, F. Bremmer (2019)
Saccade-induced changes in ocular torsion reveal predictive orientation perception
Journal of Vision 19(11):10. doi:10.1167/19.11.10.

M. Krala, B. van Kemenade, B. Straube, T. Kircher, F. Bremmer (2019)
Predictive coding in a multisensory path integration task: an fMRI study.
Journal of Vision 19(13). doi:10.1167/19.11.13

S. Dowiasch, P. Wolf, F. Bremmer (2019)
Quantitative comparison of a mobile and a stationary video-based eye-tracker.
Behavior Research Methods. doi:10.3758/s13428-019-01267-5


J. Churan, D.I. Braun, K.R. Gegenfurtner, F. Bremmer (2018)
Comparison of the precision of smooth pursuit in humans and head unrestrained monkeys.
Journal of Eye Movement Research 11(4):6,1-15. doi: 10.16910/jemr.11.4.6

J. Churan, A. von Hopffgarten, F. Bremmer (2018)
Eye movements during path integration.
Physiological Reports 6(22):e13921. doi: 10.14814/phy2.13921

C. Schmitt, S. Klingenhöfer, F. Bremmer 
Preattentive and Predictive Processing of Visual Motion.
Scientific Reports 8:12399 (2018). doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-30832-9


F. Bremmer, J. Churan & M. Lappe (2017)
Heading representations in primates are compressed by saccades. Nature Communications 8:920 (2017). doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01021-5

J. Churan, J. Paul, S. Klingenhoefer, & F. Bremmer (2017)
Integration of visual and tactile information in reproduction of traveled distance. J Neurophysiol. 118:1650-63, 2017. doi:10.1152/jn.00342.2017

L. Melo-Thomas, K.A. Engelhardt, U. Thomas, D. Hoehl, S. Thomas, M. Wöhr, B. Werner, F. Bremmer & R.K.W. Schwarting
A wireless, bidirectional interface for in vivo recording and stimulation of neural activity in freely behaving rats.
J. Vis Exp., 2017 Nov 7;(129). doi:10.3791/56299.

P.N. Hesse, C. Schmitt, S. Klingenhoefer, F. Bremmer (2017)
Preattentive Processing of Numerical Visual Information. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2017 11:70. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00070

P.N. Hesse, F. Bremmer (2017)
The SNARC Effect in Two Dimensions: Evidence for a Frontoparallel Mental Number Plane.
Vision Res. 2017 Jan; 130:85-96. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2016.10.007.


F. Bremmer, A. Kaminiarz, S. Klingenhoefer & J. Churan (2016)
Decoding target distance and saccade amplitude from population activity in the macaque lateral intraparietal area (LIP) Front. Integr. Neurosci. DOI: 10.3389/fnint.2016.00030

S. Dowiasch, G. Blohm & F. Bremmer (2016)
Neural correlate of spatial (mis-)localization during smooth pursuit eye-movements
Eur. J. Neurosci. 44(2):1846-55. DOI: 10.1111/ejn.13276

Eckart Zimmerman & Frank Bremmer (2016)
Visual Neuroscience: The Puzzle of Perceptual Stability
Curr. Biol., 26(5):R199-201. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.01.050.

A.P. Morris, F. Bremmer, B. Krekelberg (2016)
The dorsal visual system predicts future and remembers past eye position.
Front Syst Neurosci, 10:9. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2016.00009.

M.W. Greenlee, S.M. Frank, M. Kaliuzhna, O. Blanke, F. Bremmer, J. Churan, L.F. Cuturi, P.R. MacNeilage, & A.T. Smith(2016)
Multisensory integration in self-motion perception.
Multisensory Research, 29:525-556. doi: 10.1163/22134808-00002527

P.N. Hesse, K. Fiehler, F. Bremmer (2016)
SNARC effect in different effectors
Perception, 45:180-195 doi: 10.1177/0301006615614453

S. Dowiasch, B. Backasch, W. Einhäuser, D. Leube, T. Kircher & F. Bremmer (2016)
Eye movements of patients with schizophrenia in a natural environment
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 266(1):43-54. doi: 10.1007/s00406-014-0567-8



F.M. Paulus, S. Krach, M. Blanke, C. Roth, M. Belke, J. Sommer, L. Müller-Pinzler, K. Menzler, A. Jansen, F. Rosenow, F. Bremmer, W. Einhäuser, S. Knake (2015)
Fronto-insula network activity explains emotional dysfunctions in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: combined evidence from pupillometry and fMRI.
Cortex. 65:219-231., doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2015.01.018

S. Dowiasch, S. Marx, W. Einhäuser & F. Bremmer (2015)
Effects of aging on eye movements in the real world.
Front Hum Neurosci., 9:46. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00046


M. Lich & F. Bremmer (2014)
Self-Motion Perception in the Elderly.
Front Hum Neurosci., 8:681. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00681

A. Kaminiarz, A. Schlack, K.–P. Hoffmann, M. Lappe & F. Bremmer (2014)
Visual selectivity for heading in the macaque ventral intraparietal area.
J. Neurophysiol., 112(10):2470-80. doi: 10.1152/jn.00410.2014

K. Lukasova, J. Sommer, M. P. Nucci-da-Silva, G. Vieira, M. Blanke, F. Bremmer, J.R. Sato, T. Kircher, E. Amaro. (2014)
Test-retest reliability of fMRI activation generated by different saccade tasks.
J. Magn. Reson. Imaging, 40(1): 37-46 doi: 10.1002/jmri.24369


A.P. Morris, F. Bremmer & B. Krekelberg (2013)
Eye-position signals in the dorsal visual system are accurate and precise short time-scales.
J. Neurosci., 33: 12395-12406 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0576-13.2013

J. Knöll, M.C. Morrone & F. Bremmer (2013)
Spatio-temporal topography of saccadic overestimation of time.
Vision Res., 83:56-65 doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2013.02.013

F. Bremmer, A. Schlack, A. Kaminiarz & K.-P. Hoffmann (2013)
Encoding of movement in near extrapersonal space in primate area VIP. Front. Behav. Neurosci., 7:8. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00008


S. Marx, G. Respondek, M. Stamelou, S. Dowiasch S, J. Stoll, F. Bremmer, W.H. Oertel, G.U. Höglinger & W. Einhäuser (2012)
Validation of mobile eye tracking as novel and efficient means for differentiating progressive supranuclear palsy from Parkinson’s disease.
Front. Behav. Neurosci., 6:88. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2012.00088

P. Binda, M.C. Morrone & F. Bremmer (2012)
Saccadic compression of symbolic numerical magnitude.
PLoS ONE, 7(11): e49587. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049587

A.P. Morris, M. Kubischik, K.-P. Hoffmann, B. Krekelberg & F. Bremmer (2012)
Dynamics of eye-position signals in the dorsal visual system.
Curr Biol., 22(3):173-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.12.032
See also the dispatch by J. Schlag: Visuo-Motor Control: When the Brain Loses Track of the Eyes.
Curr Biol., 22(4): R132-133. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.01.015


J. Knöll, P. Binda, M.C. Morrone & F. Bremmer (2011)
Spatio-temporal profile of peri-saccadic contrast sensitivity.
J Vis., 11(14),15: 1-12. doi: 10.1167/11.14.15

J. Billino, D.I. Braun, F. Bremmer & K.R. Gegenfurtner (2011)
Challenges to normal neural functioning provide insights into separability of motion processing mechanisms.
Neuropsychologia, 49(12):3151-63. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.07.009

T. Hartmann, F. Bremmer, T. Albright & B. Krekelberg (2011)
Receptive Field Positions in area MT during Slow Eye Movements.
J Neurosci., 31(29):10437-10444. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5590-10.2011

A. von Hopffgarten & F. Bremmer (2011)
Self-motion reproduction can be affected by associated auditory cues.
Seeing Perceiving., 24(3): 203–222. doi: 10.1163/187847511X571005

S. Klingenhöfer & F.Bremmer (2011)
Saccadic suppression of displacement in face of saccade adaptation.
Vision Res., 51(8):881-9. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2010.12.006

S. Klauke, M. Goertz, S. Rein, D. Höhl, U. Thomas, R. Eckhorn, F.Bremmer & T. Wachtler (2011)
Stimulation with a wireless intraocular epiretinal implant elicits visual percepts in blind humans: Results from stimulation tests during the EPIRET3 prospective clinical trial.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 52(1):449-55. doi: 10.1167/iovs.09-4410


K. Gegenfurtner, F.Bremmer, K. Fiehler, D. Henriques, R. Krautzlis (2010)
Vision Research special issue on "Perception and action".
Vision Res., 50(24):2617. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2010.11.001

M. Blanke, L. Harsch, J. Knoell & F.Bremmer (2010)
Spatial perception during pursuit initiation.
Vision Res., 50(24):2714-20. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2010.08.037

F. Bremmer (2010)
Multisensory space: From eye-movements to self motion.
J. Physiol., 589(4):815-823. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2010.195537

K. Koenigs & F. Bremmer (2010)
Localization of visual and auditory stimuli during smooth pursuit eye movements.
J Vis., 10(8):8. doi: 10.1167/10.8.8

T. Teichert, S. Klingenhoefer, T. Wachtler & F. Bremmer (2010)
Perisaccadic shift as optimal percept.
J Vis., 10(8):19. doi: 10.1167/10.8.19

F. Bremmer, M. Kubishik, M. Pekel, K.P. Hoffmann & M. Lappe (2010)
Visual selectivity for heading in monkey area MST.
Exp Brain Res., 200(1):51-60. doi: 10.1007/s00221-009-1990-3


A. Kaminiarz, K. Königs & F. Bremmer (2009)
Task influences on the dynamic properties of fast eye movements.
J Vis., 9(13):1, 1-11. doi: 10.1167/9.13.1

F. Bremmer, M. Kubischik, K.-P. Hoffmann & B. Krekelberg (2009)
Neural dynamics of saccadic suppression.
J Neurosci., 29(40):12374-83. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2908-09.2009

R. Kleiser, C.S. Konen, R.J. Seitz & F. Bremmer (2009)
I know where you will look: An fMRI study of oculomotor intention and a change of motor plan.
Behav. Brain Funct., 5:27. doi: 10.1186/1744-9081-5-27

S. Klingenhoefer & F. Bremmer (2009)
Perisaccadic localization of auditory stimuli.
Exp Brain Res., 198(2-3):411-23. doi: 10.1007/s00221-009-1869-3

J. Billino, D. I. Braun, K.-D. Böhm, F. Bremmer & K. R. Gegenfurtner (2009)
Cortical Networks for Motion Processing: Effects of Focal Brain Lesions on Perception of Different Motion Types.
Neuropsychologia, 47(10): 2133–44. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.04.005

A. Kaminiarz, K. Koenigs & F. Bremmer (2009)
The main sequence of human optokinetic afternystagmus (OKAN).
J Neurophysiol., 101: 2889-2897. doi: 10.1152/jn.00114.2009

K.-P. Hoffmann, F. Bremmer & C. Distler (2009)
Visual response properties of neurons in cortical areas MT and MST projecting to the dorsolateral pontine nucleus or the nucleus of the optic tract in macaque monkeys
Eur J Neurosci., 29(2): 411-423. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2008.06585.x


T. Teichert, S. Klingenhoefer, T. Wachtler & F. Bremmer (2008)
Depth perception during saccades J Vis., 8(14): 27.1-13. doi: 10.1167/8.14.27

M. Wittenberg, F. Bremmer & T. Wachtler (2008)
Perceptual evidence for saccadic updating of color stimuli J Vis., 8(14):9, 1-9. doi: 10.1167/8.14.9

J. Billino, F. Bremmer & K. R. Gegenfurtner (2008)
Motion Processing at Low Light Levels: Differential Effects on the Perception of Specific Motion Types
J Vis., 8(3):14.1-10. doi: 10.1167/8.3.14

J. Billino, F. Bremmer & K. R. Gegenfurtner (2008)
Differential Aging of Motion Processing Mechanisms: Evidence Against General Perceptual Decline
Vision Res., 48(10):1254-61. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2008.02.014

F. Bremmer (2008)
Visual Neuroscience: The Brains Interest in Natural Flow
Curr Biol., 18(6):R263-5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2008.01.023

A. Kaminiarz, B. Krekelberg & F. Bremmer (2008)
Expansion of visual space during optokinetic afternystagmus (OKAN)
J Neurophysiol., 99(5):2470-8. doi: 10.1152/jn.00017.2008


Teichert T., Wachtler T., Gail A., Eckhorn R. (2007)
Scale-invariance of receptive field properties in primary visual cortex. BMC Neurosci., 8(1):38. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-8-38

Wachtler T., Doi E., Lee T.-W., Sejnowski T.J. (2007)
Cone selectivity derived from the responses of the cone mosaic to natural scenes.
J Vis., 7(8):6, 1-14.  doi=10.1167/7.8.6

Kaminiarz, A., Krekelberg, B. & Bremmer, F. (2007)
Localization of visual targets during optokinetic eye movements
Vision Res., 47: 869-878. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2006.10.015

Königs K., Knöll J. and Bremmer F. (2007)
Localisation of auditory targets during optokinetic nystagmus
Perception, 36(10): 1507 - 12.

Konen C. S., Kleiser R., Bremmer F. & Seitz R. J. (2007)
Different cortical activations during visuospatial attention and the intention to perform a saccade
Exp Brain Res., 182(3):333-41.

Al-Shaikhli B., Wachtler T., Eckhorn R. (2007)
Inhomogeneous retino-cortical mapping is supported and stabilized with correlation-learning during self-motion.
Biosystems, 89(1-3):264-72. doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2006.04.024

Zwickel T., Wachtler T., Eckhorn R. (2007)
Coding the presence of visual objects in a recurrent neural network model of visual cortex.
Biosystems, 89(1-3):216-26. doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2006.04.019


Michler F., Wachtler T., Eckhorn R. (2006)
Adaptive feedback inhibition improves pattern learning by reducing overlap of input stimuli.
Lect Notes in Art Int 4087:2132


A. Schlack, S. Sterbing d'Angelo, K. Hartung, K.-P. Hoffmann & F. Bremmer (2005)
Multisensory Space Representations in the Macaque Ventral Intraparietal Area (VIP)
J Neurosci., 25(18): 4616 – 25. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0455-05.2005

F. Bremmer (2005)
Navigation in space – The role of the macaque ventral intraparietal area (VIP)
J Physiol., 566: 29 - 35. DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2005.082552

C.S. Konen, R. Kleiser, H.-J. Wittsack, F. Bremmer & R.J. Seitz (2005)
An fMRI study of optokinetic nystagmus and smooth pursuit eye movements in humans
Exp. Brain Res., 165(2): 203 – 216.

F. Bremmer (2005)
What's next - Sequential movement encoding in primary motor cortex
Neuron, 45(6): 819 - 821.

T. Wachtler (2005)
Interindividual variation in human color categories: Evidence against strong influence of language.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28(4):510.


C.S. Konen, R. Kleiser, H. J. Wittsack, F. Bremmer & R.J. Seitz (2004)
The encoding of saccadic eye movements within human posterior parietal cortex
Neuroimage, 22(1): 304 - 314

F. Bremmer, A. Schlack, W. Graf & J.R. Duhamel (2004)
Multisensory self-motion encoding in parietal cortex
Visual Cognition, 11: 161 - 172.

T. Wachtler, U. Dohrmann, R. Hertel (2004)
Modeling color percepts of dichromats
Vision Res., 44(24):2843-55.

O. Schwartz, J.R. Movellan, T. Wachtler, T.D. Albright, T.J. Sejnowski (2004)
Spike count distributions, factorizability, and contextual effects in area V1
Neurocomputing, 58-60:893-900


B. Krekelberg, S. Dannenberg, K.P.-Hoffmann, F. Bremmer & J.Ross (2003)
Neural correlates of implied motion
Nature, 424(6949): 674-7.

A. Schlack, K.-P. Hoffmann & F. Bremmer (2003)
Selectivity of macaque ventral intraparietal area (area VIP) for smooth pursuit eye movements
J Physiol., 551: 551-61

H. Frenz, F. Bremmer & M. Lappe (2003)
Discrimination of travel distances from ’situated’ optic flow
Vision Res., 43(20): 2173-83.

F. Bremmer & B. Krekelberg (2003)
Seeing and acting at the same time: challenges for brain (and) research
Neuron, 38(3): 367-70.

B. Krekelberg, M. Kubischik, K.-P. Hoffmann & F. Bremmer (2003)
Neural correlates of visual localization and perisaccadic mislocalization
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T. Wachtler, T.J. Sejnowski & T.D. Albright (2003)
Representation of color stimuli in awake macaque primary visual cortex
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F. Bremmer, J.-R. Duhamel, S. Ben Hamed & W. Graf (2002)
Heading encoding in the macaque ventral intraparietal area (VIP)
Eur J Neurosci., 16(8):1554-68.

F. Bremmer, S. Ben Hamed, J.-R. Duhamel & W. Graf (2002)
Visual-vestibular interactive responses in the macaque ventral intraparietal area (VIP)
Eur J Neurosci., 16(8):1569-86.

K.-P. Hoffmann, F. Bremmer, A. Thiele, & C. Distler (2002)
Directional asymmetry of neurons in cortical areas MT and MST projecting to the NOT-DTN in macaques
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T.-W. Lee, T. Wachtler, T.J. Sejnowski (2002)
Color opponency is an efficient representation of spectral properties in natural scenes
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S. Ben Hamed, F. Bremmer, W. Graf & J.-R. Duhamel (2001)
The visual representation in the lateral intraparietal area LIP of macaque monkeys: a quantitative receptive field analysis
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Perception of inferred action
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B. Krekelberg, M. Paolini, F. Bremmer, M. Lappe & K.-P. Hoffmann (2001)
Deconstructing the receptive field: information coding in macaque area MST
Neurocomputing, 38:249-254.

F. Bremmer, A. Schlack, J.-R. Duhamel, W. Graf , G.R. Fink (2001)
Space coding in primate posterior parietal cortex
NeuroImage, 14: 46-51.

F. Bremmer, A. Schlack, N.J. Shah, O. Zafiris, M. Kubischik, K.-P. Hoffmann, K. Zilles, G.R. Fink (2001)
Polymodal motion processing in posterior parietal and premotor cortex: a human fMRI study strongly implies equivalencies between humans and monkeys
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T. Wachtler, T.D. Albright, T.J. Sejnowski (2001)
Nonlocal interactions in color perception: Nonlinear processing of chromatic signals from remote inducers
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Color opponency constitutes a sparse representation for the chromatic structure of natural scenes
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T. Wachtler, T.-W. Lee , T.J. Sejnowski (2001)
Chromatic structure of natural scenes
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M. Paolini, C. Distler, F. Bremmer, M. Lappe and K.-P. Hoffmann (2000)
Responses to continuously changing optic flow in area MST
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F. Bremmer (2000)
Eye position effects in macaque area V4
NeuroReport, 11(6): 1277-83.

F. Bremmer, JR Duhamel, S. Ben Hamed, W. Graf (2000)
Stages of self-motion processing in primate posterior parietal cortex.
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Reply to Harris and Rogers.
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Gaze effects in the cerebral cortex: reference frames for space coding and action.
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M. Lappe, F. Bremmer, A.V. van den Berg (1999)
Perception of self-motion from visual flow.
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F. Bremmer, M. Lappe (1999)
The use of optical velocities for distance discrimination and reproduction during visually simulated self motion.
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F. Bremmer, M. Kubischik, M. Pekel, M. Lappe, K.P. Hoffmann (1999)
Linear vestibular self-motion signals in monkey medial superior temporal area.
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F. Bremmer, W. Graf, S. Ben Hamed, J.R. Duhamel (1999)
Eye position encoding in the macaque ventral intraparietal area (VIP).
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F. Bremmer, A. Pouget, K.P. Hoffmann (1998)
Eye position encoding in the macaque posterior parietal cortex.
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D. Boussaoud, C. Jouffrais, F. Bremmer (1998)
Eye position effects on the neuronal activity of dorsal premotor cortex in the macaque monkey.
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J.R. Duhamel, F. Bremmer, S. Ben Hamed, W. Graf (1997)
Spatial invariance of visual receptive fields in parietal cortex neurons.
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A. Thiele, F. Bremmer, U.J. Ilg, K.P. Hoffmann (1997)
Visual responses of neurons from areas V1 and MT in a monkey with late onset strabismus: a case study.
Vision Res. 37(7): 853-63.

F. Bremmer, C. Distler, K.P. Hoffmann (1997)
Eye position effects in monkey cortex. II. Pursuit- and fixation-related activity in posterior parietal areas LIP and 7A.
J Neurophysiol. 77(2): 962-77.

F. Bremmer, U.J. Ilg, A. Thiele, C. Distler, K.P. Hoffmann (1997)
Eye position effects in monkey cortex. I. Visual and pursuit-related activity in extrastriate areas MT and MST.
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M. Lappe, F. Bremmer, M. Pekel, A. Thiele, K.P. Hoffmann (1996)
Optic flow processing in monkey STS: a theoretical and experimental approach.
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M. Pekel, M. Lappe, F. Bremmer, A. Thiele, K.P. Hoffmann (1996)
Neuronal responses in the motion pathway of the macaque monkey to natural optic flow stimuli.
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L. Schlykowa, K.P. Hoffmann, F. Bremmer, A. Thiele, W.H. Ehrenstein (1996)
Monkey saccadic latency and pursuit velocity show a preference for upward directions of target motion.
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U.J. Ilg, F. Bremmer, K.P. Hoffmann (1993)
Optokinetic and pursuit system: a case report.
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F. Bremmer
Space Perception
Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology
Elsevier, in press

J. Müsseler, A.H.C. van der Heijden, D. Kerzel
Visual Space Perception and Action - Multisensory Self-Motion Encoding in Parietal Cortex
Psychology Press, 2004

F. Bremmer, W. Graf, S. Ben Hamed &. J. - R. Duhamel
Stages of optic flow processing in the primate visual cortex
Int Rev Neurobiol., 44: 173-193.