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If you are interested in writing a thesis in our group contact us after a lecture or via e-mail: 

Doctoral students (Dr. rer. nat.)

Current Aylin König Working title: Eye movements in Parkinson's disease
Current Adrian Schütz Working title: Decoding sensorimotor information from macaque area 7a
Current Björn-Olaf Werner Working title: Neural information processing in freely moving rodents
Current Milosz Krala (Biology) Working title: Neural correlates of multisensory self-motion processing in humans
2023 Elisabeth-Maria Rosenblum Multisensory self-motion processing in humans
2021 Julia Meyfarth (Dr. med.) Oculomotor fingerprint: eye movements of patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls
2021 Jakob Schwenk Neural processing of continuous temporal information: visual and visuomotor systems
2021 David Engel Resonance in Human Postural Control
2019 Constanze Schmitt Neural correlates of visual self-motion processing in humans
2016 Susanne Klauke (Co-Supervision, Dept. Biology) Psychophysical measurement of the relationship between retinal stimulation and perception.
2016 Scott Murdison 3D considerations for motion perception and visuomotor transformations.
2016 Philipp Hesse An Eye on Numbers: The Processing of Numerical Information in the Context of Visual Perception.
2015 Stefan Dowiasch Visual perceptual stability and processing of self-motion information: Neurophysiology, psychophysics und neuropsychology
2015 Svenja Marx Ambiguous Perception and Selective Attention - Competitive Processes
2013 Jan Huesers Encoding of spatial information during smooth pursuit eye movements
2012 Steffen Klingenhoefer Perceptual stability during saccadic eye movements
2012 Jonas Knoell Spatio-temporal representations during eye movements and theit neural correlates

Anna von Hopffgarten 
(Co-Supervision, Dept. Biology)

Multisensory representation of self-motion in the human brain
2010 Matthias Lich Visual navigation: dynamics of self-motion perception
2009 André Kaminiarz
(Co-Supervision, Dept. Biology)
Localization of external stimuli during simulated self- and object-motion
2008 Jutta Billino (Co-Supervision, Dept. Psychology) Constraints on motion processing pathways in humans
2008 Vincent Prevosto (Co-Supervision) Sensorimotor Encoding in the Primate Posterior Parietal Cortex: Electrophysiological and Retrograde Transneuronal Tracing Studies
2007 Tobias Teichert (Co-Supervision, Dept. Psychology) Encoding of visual objects in primary visual cortex
2005 Christian Konen (Co-Supervision, Dept. Psychology Uni Gießen) The cortical control of eye movements in humans as revealed by fMRI
2003 Michael Kubischik (Co-Supervision, Dept. Biology) Dynamic spatial representation during sacced in macaque parietal cortex
2003 Anja Schlack (Biology) Multimodal encoding of spatial and motion-information in the primate ventral intraparietal area 

Master (Master of Science):

2023 Steven Schleicher The „moving room“-paradigm: Effects of abstract vs. natural environments on omnidirectional body sway.
2022 Lars E. König Untersuchung und Modellierung der Wahrnehmung der Eigenbewegungsrichtung abhängig von der Stimulusdauer
2021 Georg Blanke Temporal Dynamics of Spatial Localisation Errors induced by Sequences of Eye Movements
2021 Christian Rossmann Dekodierung von Sakkadentrajektorien aus Parietalcortexaktivität mittels maschinellem Lernen
2020 Jan Kasper Evaluation of the eye-hand coordination of patients with Parkinson’s disease
2020 Alexander Kress Human neural oscillations during conflict-memory interactions
2020 Elisa Grewe Visual and tactile heading perception in humans 
2019 Peter Wolf Eye Movements during self-motion in virtual reality
2018 Janne van Aswegen Spatial perception during two-dimensional eye-movements
2018 Christian Assmann Monocular spatial perception in humans 
2018 Felix Quirmbach (Co-Supervision, CompNeurosci Lab, Queen's University) Examining the Role of the Human Frontal Eye Field in Anticipatory Pursuit via High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (hd-tDCS)
2017 Jakob Schwenk Perceptual echoes in human primary visual cortex
2017 Jan-Hendrik Lünter Perception of object features across smooth pursuit eye-movements
2016 Adrian Schütz Interaction between saccadic eye movements and self-motion perception
2016 Benjamin Knopp Differences between head- and gaze-centered image statistics
2015 Daniel Walper Peripheral markers of pain empathy
2015 Sonja Meyer-Stender Localization of successively presented flashes during smooth pursuit eye-movements
2015 Juliana Langefeld (Biology) Neuronal responses to double pulse stimulation during eye movements in the primary visual cortex of the macaque
2015 Johannes Paul Psychophysics of visual-tactile self-motion perception
2014 Constanze Schmitt Prediction of motion direction - an EEG study
2010 Marius Blanke Transient occlusion modulates localization errors during smooth pursuit eye movements

Bachelor (Bachelor of Science):

2022 Sophie Boland (Co-Supervision, Dept. Biology) EEG Correlates of Self-Motion Perturbations
2022 Clara Neu Perisakkadische Fehlwahrnehmun offener und geschlossener Zeitintervalle
2022 Oliver Beckert Wahrnehmung von Eigenbewegung
2022 Thorsten Kalb Implementation of Multisensory Integration into a Computational Model of Human Upright Stance
2021 Felix Steger Wahrnehmung der Orientierung bei langsamen Augenfolgebewegungen
2019 Marie Arnold Neuronale Korrelate von Distanz-Diskrimination
2019 Timur Ergiuev Multimodale Integration bei der Wahrnehmung der Geschwindigkeit von Eigenbewegung
2018 Yanick Ziegler Visuomotorische Transformation während monokularen Sehens
2018 Lars E. König Untersuchung des Updatings visueller Raumkoordinaten während Smooth Pursuits mittels EEG-Frequency Taggings
2018 Alexander Kress Untersuchung von Distraktoreffekten bei sakkadischen Augenbewegungen
2018 Jan Kasper Untersuchung der präsakkadischen Aufmerksamkeitsverschiebung mittels Frequency Tagging
Current Kirill Surov Perception in the blind spot
2017 Elisa Grewe Visuo-motoric resonance in humans
2016 Jessica Peuscher The pursuit-oblique effect re-visited
2016 Peter Wolf Quantitativer Vergleich zweier Augenbewegungsmesssyteme: EyeSeecam vs. Eyelink II
2014 Dirk Hofmann Self-motion perception during saccades
2014 Janne van Aswegen Monocular localization during saccadic eye-movements
2014 Lilian Weber Perisaccadic Mislocalization: Comparison of Express and Long-Latency Saccades
2013 Evelyn Röder Visual evoked potentials of sequential stimuli
2012 Kathrin Bartelheimer Influence of stimulus motion direction on the optokinetic nystagmus
2012 Judith Vornwald Influence of target stimulus on smooth pursuit eye-movements
2011 Constanze Schmitt Subjective heading perception during pursuit eye-movements
2011 Johannes Völkner The pursuit-oblique effect in primates
2006 Jan Hüsers Psychophysics of Saccadic Suppression


2012 Björn-Olaf Werner The influence of stimulus duration and frequency on spatial stability during saccades
2012 Anton Riske Mislocalization during visual simulated self-motion 
2012 Peter Holl Contrast perception during saccades in depth
2012 Tobias Reh Development of a stereo-camera-based eye-tracking system
2011 Philipp Hesse The influence of number-space representation on saccade metrics
2010 Stefan Dowiasch Investigaion of eye-movements in natural environments in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls
2009 Marc Henniges Visual perception during monocularly induced eye-movements: experiment and theory
2008 Matthias Nagl Peri-saccadic orientation perception 
2008 Ludwig Harsch Spatial encoding during smooth pursuit eye-movements
2008 Jens Beyer Topography of saccadic mislocalization: experiment and theory
2007 Svenja Meierarend The influence of attention on spatial perception: a comparison of motoric and perceptual effects
2007 Jonas Knöll Spatio-temporal representations during eye-movements
2006 Till Hartmann Neural correlated of spatial representation during eye-movements
2006 Sebastian Thias Eye-movements in Morbus Parkinson: experiment and theory
2005 Ulrike Haberland (Biologie) Visual perception during eye movements
2005 Steffen Klingenhoefer Bimodal space representation during eye movements: theory and experiment
2003 André Kaminiarz (Biologie) Multimodal influences on motion perception
1998 Michael Kubischik Investigation of neural activity in motion sensitive cortical areas of the macaque during presentation of optic flow fields

Staatsexamen (state examination):

2016 David Engel Comparison of two systems to measure body sway: Wii Balance Board and AMTI Accusway
2009 Hannes Namgalies Modulation of the space metrics and the mental number representations by fast eye movements