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Projects and research associations

Within the framework of diverse projects and collaborative research centers, the groups in Marburg are connected with research institutes on a national and international level.

Excellence Initiative

The Adaptive Mind (TAM) - Excellence Strategy
Spokesperson Universität Marburg: Prof. Dr. Frank Bremmer 
The Adaptive Mind is a cluster project funded by the Hessian Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts from 2021 to 2025.

Collaborative Research Centers

CRC 1083 - Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces
Profile Area: Materials, Interfaces, Semiconductors
Funded: since 2013
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Volz
Further participation in the Department of Physics: Dr. Marina Gerhard (since 2021), Prof. Dr. Jens Güdde (since 2021), Prof. Dr. Wolfram Heimbrodt (until 2021), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Höfer, Prof. Dr. Peter Jakob, Prof. Dr. Heinz Julius Jänsch (until 2017), Prof. Dr. Martin Koch, Prof. Dr. Stephan W. Koch (until 2021), Prof. Dr. Ermin Malic (since 2021), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stolz (until 2021), Dr. Robert Wallauer, Prof. Dr. Gregor Witte
DFG-Datenbank GEPRIS

CRC/TRR 135 - Cardinal Mechanisms of Perception: Prediction, Valuation, Categorisation
Profile Area: Mind, Brain, Behavior
Funded: since 2014
Applying institution: Justus Liebig University Giessen
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Karl Reiner Gegenfurtner, Ph.D.
Vice-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Frank Bremmer (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
DFG-Datenbank GEPRIS 

Research Units, Priority Programs

FOR 2824 - Amorphous Molecular Materials with Extreme Non‐Linear Optical Properties
Profile Area: Materials, Interfaces, Semiconductors
Funded: since 2019
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Dehnen (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Participation University of Marburg: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Volz, Prof. Dr. Marina Gerhard
DFG-Datenbank GEPRIS

FOR 2863 - Metrology for THz Communications
Profile Area: Materials, Interfaces, Semiconductors
Funded: since 2019
Applying institution: Technische Universität Braunschweig
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kürner
Participation University of Marburg: Prof. Dr. Martin Koch
DFG-Datenbank GEPRIS

SPP 2196 - Perovskite semiconductors: From fundamental properties to devices
Applying institution: Universität Konstanz
Funded: since 2019
Participation Philipps-Universität: Prof. Dr. Jan Christoph Goldschmidt
DFG-Datenbank GEPRIS

EU Collaborative Projects

DIAMOND - Ultra-stable, highly efficient, low-cost perovskite photovoltaics with minimised environmental impact
Profile Area: Materials, Interfaces, Semiconductors
Duration: 2022 - 2025
Coordination: Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg
Participation University of Marburg: Prof. Dr. Jan Christoph Goldschmidt

BMBF Collaborative Projects

H2Demo – Development of demonstrators for direct solar water splitting
Duration 2020-2026
Coordinator: Fraunhofer ISE
as Partner: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Volz (Universität Marburg)

FestBatt - Cluster of Competence for Solid-State Batteries
Duration 2021-2024
The competence cluster is integrated into the BMBF concept "Battery Research". The application-oriented work is coordinated by an expert advisory board made up of representatives from the BMBF, industry and the project management agency, accompanied by the Center for Materials Research (ZfM) at Justus Liebig University Giessen.
as Partner: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Volz (Universität Marburg)

Participation also in

Center for Mind, Brain and Behavior (CMBB)
Scientists from the University of Marburg, JLU Giessen and TU Darmstadt work together at the CMBB on questions in the field of basic and translational research.

Center for Synthetic Microbiology (SYNMIKRO)
The Center for Synthetic Microbiology at the University of Marburg in cooperation with the MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology Marburg.

Graphene Flagship

finished Funding

IGK 1901 - Internationales Graduiertenkolleg "The Brain in Action"
Profilbereich: Geist, Gehirn, Verhalten
Laufzeit: 2013-2022
Sprecherhochschulen: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Partneruniversitäten: University of Western, Queen's University and York University (Ontario, Canada)
Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Frank Bremmer, Sprecherin: Prof. Dr. Katja Fiehler (Homepage)

GRK 1782 - Funktionalisierung von Halbleitern
Profilbereich: Materialien, Grenzflächen, Halbleiter
Laufzeit: 2012-2022
Sprecherhochschule: Philipps-Universität Marburg
Sprecherin: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Volz (Homepage)

GRK 885 - Neuronale Repräsentation und Handlungssteuerung - NeurAct
Profilbereich: Geist, Gehirn, Verhalten
Laufzeit 2004-2009
Sprecherhochschule: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Beteiligung: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Frank Bremmer

GRK 790 - Elektron-Elektron Wechselwirkung in Festkörpern
Profilbereich: Materialien, Grenzflächen, Halbleiter
Laufzeit: 2002-2011,
Sprecherhochschule: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Partneruniversitäten: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Research Institute for Solid-State Physics and Optics (HAS)
Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Florian Gebhard

FOR 1847 - Physiologische Grundlagen verteilter Informationsverarbeitung als Grundlage
höherer Hirnleistungen nicht humaner Primaten (primate systems neuroscience)
Laufzeit: 2013 - 2022
Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Thier (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
Beteiligung: Prof. Dr. Frank Bremmer

FOR 1807 - Numerische Methoden für stark korrelierte Quantensysteme
Laufzeit: 2013 - 2021
Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Fakher Fakhry Assaad (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
Beteiligung: Prof. Dr. Reinhard M. Noack (Homepage)