apl. Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrimpf
Außerplanmäßiger Professor
Contact information
+49 6421 28-21338 +49 6421 28-24089 andreas.schrimpf@physik 1 Renthof 7b35032 Marburg
R|04 Institutsgebäude (Room: 3 resp. 00003) https://www.uni-marburg.de/en/fb13/schrimpf-andreas
Organizational unit
Philipps-Universität Marburg Physik (Fb13) Astronomy History of Astronomy and Observational Astronomy (AG Astronomie)Publications
To the publications in the research information systemInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Publicationen
List of publications in astrophysics data system (not quite complete)
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Selected Talks
- The star catalog of Wilhem IV, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel - Accuracy of the catalog and of the measurements
25. Septmber 2020, Annual Meeting 2020 of the "German Astronomical Society" - Die Vermessung der Himmels, 26. Oktober 2019, "Physik am Samstagmorgen", Marburg
- The Global Search for the Solar Parallax - Some Insights into Foundation and Early History of the Chilean Astronomy,
27. September 2018, Santiago, Chile - Die Gründung der ersten Sternwarte Chiles - Christian Ludwig Gerling und die US Naval Expedition 1849 - 1852 in die Südliche Hemisphäre
16. Februar 2018, Sternwarte Trebur - Die Jahrhundertwelle - an der Schwelle zur Gravitationswellenastronomie
28. September 2016, Lions Club Gießen - Victorinus Schönfeldt (1533 - 1591) und sein "Prognosticon Astrologicum"
17. September 2016, Tagung des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Bochum - Die Entstehung des Sonnensystems
- 20. Januar 2015, Kolloquium der Marburger Geographischen Gesellschaft
- The star catalog of Wilhem IV, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel - Accuracy of the catalog and of the measurements
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Curriculum Vitae
Experience in Reseach and Teaching
- 2015 - : Associate professor at Physics Department, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 2004 - : Head of the Astronomy Group at Physics Department
- 2002 - : Head of the Gerling-Observatory at Physics Department
- 1996 - : Research staff member at Physics Department, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 1995 - 1996: Visiting professorship at Universität Kassel
- 1988 - 1995: Postdoc at Physics Department, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 1987 - 1988, Postdoc at University of Virginia, USA, Prof. Dr. Paul Schatz
Academic Administration
- 2001 - 2010: Deputy Data Protection Officer of Philipps-Universität
- 1996 - : Course Planning at Physics Department, Head of IT Service Team
- 1994 Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification in Experimental Physics
- 1988 - 1994 Habilitation, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Elektronic relaxation processes in doped rare gas solids
- 1983 - 1986 PhD, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Correlation of optical absorption and ESR on matrix isolated potassium atims
- 1981 - 1983 Diploma thesis, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Prof. Dr. Hans Ackermann, Aufbau einer Apparatur für ESR-Messungen an alkalidotierten Edelgasmatrizen
- 1976 - 1983, Study of Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg
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1 The email addresses are only selectable in the intranet. To complete an email address, merge following string ".uni-marburg.de" or "uni-marburg.de" to the end of the email address.