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Generation of strong terahertz pulses in Lithium niobate

Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) is a standard material for frequency conversion. Among others, it is used to create THz-waves through intense radiation. For the thesis, the already existing femtosecond laser-system of the research group should be used to create intense THz-impulses. Unfortunately, LiNbO3 has not only the very good frequency conversion properties but also high absorption losses for the created THz-waves. It is known, that the losses can be reduced by cooling LiNbO3 cryogenically. Therefore the objective of the thesis is to create and test an apparatus, which cools a LiNbO3 crystal to 77 Kelvin. The strong THz-pulses ought to be used later in non-linear experiments on semiconductor nanostructures.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Martin Koch