Jochen Taiber

Jochen Taiber
Foto: Dhavaleswarapu

Doctoral Candidate

Contact information

+49 6421 28-22287 +49 6421 28-22283 jochen.taiber@physik 1 Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6
35032 Marburg
H|04 Institutsgebäude (Room: 03C30)

Research field: Terahertz systems

PhD Thesis: Leaf water analysis of plants in the microwave and THz range

In my PhD thesis I aim to investigate the content and distribution of water in plants and sound out the potential of microwave and THz techniques, in particular with regard to high mobility and cost efficiency, physical contrast mechanisms and genetic factors influencing the water content.


Amarasinghe Y., Mendis R., Shrestha R., Guerboukha H., Taiber J., Koch M., Mittleman D. M. (2021): Broadband wide-angle terahertz antenna based on the application of transformation optics to a Luneburg lens. Scientific Reports.

Konde S., Ornik J., Prume J. A., Taiber J., Koch M. (2020): Exploring the potential of photoluminescence spectroscopy in combination with Nile Red staining for microplastic detection. Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Taiber J., Kahlmeyer M., Winkel A., Stübling E.-M., Taleb F., Mikerov M., Sommer S., Böhm S., Koch M. (2020): Ageing Condition Determination of Bonded Joints by Terahertz Spectroscopy. Industrial Applications of Adhesives.

Castro-Camus E., Ornik J., Mach C., Hernandez-Cardoso G., Savalia B., Taiber J., Ruiz-Marquez A., Kesper K., Konde S., Sommer C., Wiener J., Geisel D., Hüppe F., Kräling G., Mross P., Nguyen J., Wiesmann T., Beutel B., Koch M. (2020): Simple ventilators for emergency use based on Bag-Valve pressing systems: Lessons learned and future steps. Applied Sciences.

Taherkhani M., Sadeghzadeh R. A., Taiber J., Ornik J., Koch M. (2019): The Effect of Humidity and Temperature on Dielectric Fibre–Bound THz Transmission. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves.

Taiber J., Buchegger S., Stritzker B., Wixforth A., Westerhausen C. (2018): Optimizing lateral homogeneity of ion-induced surface modifications of non-planar dielectric polyethylene components employing ion fluence simulations and optical measurements of the sp2-dependent reflectivity. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.

Rambach R. W., Taiber J., Scheck C. M. L. , Meyer C., Reboud J., Cooper J. M., Franke T. (2016): Visualization of surface acoustic waves in thin liquid films. Scientific Reports.


Taiber J., Stübling E.-M., Koch M., Winkel A., Kahlmeyer M., Böhm S., Sommer S.: Einsatz der THz-Sensorik zur Bestimmung der Alterung von Klebverbunden. Gemeinsame Forschung in der Klebtechnik 2021.

Conference posters

Taiber J., Herrmann J., Ache P., Castro-Camus E., Hedrich R., Koch M.: Investigation of the influence of the stomatal activity on the water
content of plant leaves under drought stress using THz spectroscopy. THz-Bio 2021, Erice.

Konde S., Ornik J., Prume J. A., Taiber J., Koch M.: Inter-study comparison of nile red-based staining protocols for the detection of microplastics in environmental samples. Microplastics 2018, Ascona.


TeraMeter: Entwicklung eines tragbaren, hochkompakten Messgeräts für die kabellose Blattwassergehaltsanalyse von Nutzpflanzen im Wellenlängenbereich zwischen 33 und 75 GHz auf Basis von und eines Welke-Index für die zielgenaue Pflanzen-Bewässerung

T-Age: Einsatz der THz-Sensorik zur Bestimmung der Alterung von Klebverbunden

ANSPRAKON: 3D-gedruckte Anzeigen-Sprachausgabe-Konverter

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