31.10.2023 OTST 2024 in Marburg

The 10th Optical Terahertz Science and Technology Conference (OTST-2024) was heldat the Department of Physics at Renthof in April 2024. 197 scientists from around the world gathered to discuss the latest advances in terahertz technology. The conference was chaired by Martin Koch and Enrique Castro Camus and leading international scientists in THz research had the chance to visit the department, the university and the city of Marburg. The conference started with a one-day workshop for students, followed by 4 days of oral and poster presentations. The opening ceremony and the plenary session took place in the Alte Aula. The conference banquet was served in the Fürstensaal of Marburg Castle. The positive feedback on the contributions, the organisation and the city of Marburg confirmed the participant's good mood throughout the conference.