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Heterogeneous (Photo)Catalysis and On-Line Analysis with Continuous-Flow Microreactors

Heterogeneous (photo)catalysis is performed with continuous-flow microreactors on a two-dimensional HPLC system (reaction–analysis) allowing for fully automated screening of intrinsic reaction kinetics and reactor performance.

Disordered and hierarchically porous catalyst supports (silica-based monoliths and sphere packings) are investigated in this multidisciplinary research project with the following goals:
- Development of new concepts in microreactor technology like tailor-made preparation, characterization, and implementation of high-performance supports to eliminate diffusive transport limitations
- Transfer of organic synthetic routes (asymmetric catalysis, photoredox catalysis) from classical batch mode to continuous-flow microreactors in order to optimize reaction conditions rapidly and fully automated as well as to investigate reaction mechanisms and kinetics
- Immobilization of catalysts via surface functionalization procedures to meet today’s requirements regarding green and sustainable chemistry

Highlighted publications:
- C.P. Haas, T. Müllner, R. Kohns, D. Enke, U. Tallarek
High-performance monoliths in heterogeneous catalysis with single-phase liquid flow.
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 2017, 2, 498–511. DOI: 10.1039/C7RE00042A - D. Enke, R. Gläser, U. Tallarek
Sol–gel and porous glass-based silica monoliths with hierarchical pore structure for solid–liquid catalysis.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2016, 88, 1561–1585. DOI: 10.1002/cite.201600049