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Femtosecond laser ion mass spectrometry
Ultra-high spectral resolution of laser radiation (labjargon: mono-chromatic) requires rather long laser pulses in the time domain or even cw laser radiation. In the other limit, ultra-short laser pulses in the time domain require a very broad spectrum. This is a manifestation of Heisenbergs’s principle. Due to the high peak power of femtosecond laser pulses, the interaction of these fs-pulses with molecules easily leads to ionization of these molecules, in fact in general even dissociative ionization. If coupled with a mass spectrometer - in our case a time of flight mass spectrometer - this constitutes femtosecond laser ionization mass spectrometry (fs-LIMS)
Fs-LIMS is interesting for several reasons. First of all, it is possible to ionize every single molecule in a laser focus. It is also possible to distinguish one from two molecules by counting devices. This makes fs-LIMS interesting for trace analysis. The intriguing fact is, that fs-LIMS is not only extremely sensitive, it can also be extremely specific.
E.g., we have discovered that fs-LIMS can be isomer specific, in particular if the fs-laser pulses are appropriately shaped, e.g. by an LCD device. Fs-LIMS thus provides a valuable tool to distinguish isomers, which may be difficult to distinguish by conventional MS techniques. Details for such studies are presented at
In a second application we employ fs-LIMS for the distinction of enantiomers, i.e. for chirality analysis. To this end, the fs laser pulses are circular polarized. Details of such research is presented at
An important tool in our fs-LIMS studies is the manipulation of the spectral phase of the laser pulses by means of a so-called spatial light modulator, essentially a LCD mask. The spectral phase of a laser pulse is given by

is the linear chirp parameter in the second order spectral phase coefficient.
If α=0 (and all higher order coefficients also), the pulse is termed transform limited. This leads to the shortest pulse for a given spectrum. From a chemical point of view, the transform-limited pulse is not the most interesting one. Neither does it provide the highest chemical sensitivity (see above) nor does it even provide the highest ionization yields - in contrast to conventional believe. In Fig. 1 we show ionization yields for the fs-laser ionization of ethane as a function of the linear chirp parameter alpha. Clearly, the highest ionization yields are observed for strongly negative linear chirp [1].

Fig. 1 Ion yields Y of the parent ion (C2H6+), as well as the fragment ions CH3+, H3+ and H+ from ethane as a function of the pulse length (FWHM, t) and the linear chirp parameter a for a pulse energy of 15 µJ. Taken from [1].
[1] Nora Schirmel, Nicola Reusch, Philipp Horsch and Karl-Michael Weitzel, Faraday Discussions, 163, 461, (2013)
Formation of fragment ions (H+, H3+, CH3+) from ethane in intense femtosecond laser fields – from understanding to control