Dr. Anne Grons

Anne Grons
Photo: Florian Eidam-Weber

Research Fellow

Contact information

+49 6421 28-22833 anne.grons@pharmazie 1 Roter Graben 10
35032 Marburg
R|07 Institutsgebäude (Room: 205 resp. 02005)
  • Research interests

    Coptic medicine and pharmacy

    History of the medicine and pharmacy of Egypt from antiquity to medieval times

    Language contact in late antique and medieval Egypt

    Egyptian-coptic linguistics

  • Academic curriculum vitae

    Since 7/2022
    Research assistant, Institute of the History of Pharmacy and Medicine, University of Marburg.

    Doctorate (Dr. Phil.), Department of Foreign Language Philologies, University of Marburg.

    Research assistant, Institute of the History of Pharmacy, University of Marburg.

    Individual doctorate
    Working title: "Medizinische Rezepttexte in koptischer Sprache. Neubearbeitung – Auswertung – Kontextualisierung"
    Supervision: Prof Dr Tanja Pommerening, University of Marburg and Prof Dr Tonio Sebastian Richter, Freie Universität Berlin, BBAW.

    Research assistant/lecturer at Friedrich-Meinecke Institute under supervision of Prof Dr Klaus Geus (Historical geography of the ancient Mediterranean region, Freie Universität Berlin).
    Responsibilities: Lecturer summer term 2020.

    Research assistant/lexicographer in the Dictionary and Database of Greek Loanwords in Coptic (DDGLC) project.
    Manager: Prof Dr Tonio Sebastian Richter, Freie Universität Berlin, BBAW.

    2/2016, 2/2015, 2/2014
    Research assistant in the W.A.D.I. | Wadi Abu Dom Itinerary project.
    Manager: Prof Dr Angelika Lohwasser, IÄK Münster.

    Master of Arts in Languages and cultures of Egypt and ancient prehistoric Asia, University of Münster.

    Research assistant at the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology, University of Münster.
    Responsibilities: Teaching tutorial for Coptic.

    Master studies: Languages and cultures of Egypt and ancient prehistoric Asia, University of Münster.

    Bachelor of Arts in Ancient Cultures of Egypt and Prehistoric Asia, University of Münster.

    Student/research assistant at the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology, University of Münster.
    Responsibilities: Supervision of the Egyptological Library.

    Excavation assistant in the Alexandria Troas project.
    Manager: Prof Dr Elmar Schwertheim, University of Münster.

    2-subject Bachelor's programme: Classical and Early Christian Archaeology / Ancient Cultures of Egypt and the Near East, University of Münster.

  • Publications


    Grons, Anne: P. Carlsberg 500: A fragmentary codex on medical plant. In: Sofie Schiødt (Ed.): Two Medical Manuscripts. The Hieratic P. Carlsberg 8 and the Coptic Codex P. Carlsberg 500 (The Carlsberg Papyri 18), ca. 30 pages.
    URL: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/T/bo218976335.html (external link)

    Grons, Anne: An Overview on Eye Diseases in Coptic Medical Prescriptions. In:  Sofie Schiødt / Amber Jacob / Kim Ryholt (Ed.): Scientific Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East: Joint Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd Scientific Papyri from Ancient Egypt International Conferences, May 2018, Copenhagen, and September 2019, New York (ISAW Monographs), New York: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World and New York University Press, 2023, 203–218.

    Grons, Anne: Coptic Medical Texts: An Overview of the Corpus and the Present State of Research. In: Alessia Guardasole / Antonio Ricciardetto / Véronique Boudon-Millot (Ed.): Médecine et christianisme: sources et pratiques. Actes du colloque international de Paris, septembre 2016, Leuven: Peeters, 2022, p. 187–210.

    Grons, Anne: 30. Letter Concerning Land- and Grain-Tax. In: Anne Boud'hors / Alain Delattre (Ed.): Coptica Sorbonensia. Textes de la 6e école d’été de papyrologie copte, Paris, 2-11 juillet 2018 (P. Sorb. Copt.) (Studia Papyrologica et Aegyptiaca Parisina 4), Paris: Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2022, p. 199–206.

    Grons, Anne: The Question of the Effectiveness of Coptic Pharmacological Prescriptions. Trends in Classics 13, 2021, 122–153.

    In print

    Grons, Anne: Medizinische Rezepttexte in koptischer Sprache. In: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete - Beihefte, vol. 56, 2025, De Gruyter, 550 pages, with 60 coloured illustrations, 15 line drawings and 15 tables.

    Grons, Anne: P.Méd.Copt. IFAO - Die umfangreichste Quelle koptischsprachiger Arzneikunde. Nur eine unsystematische Rezeptsammlung?! Journal of Coptic Studies 26, 2024, 193–225. 

    In preparation

    Grons, Anne: Kryptografie und die Kunst der Verrätselung in der koptischen Rezeptsammlung P. Méd. Copt. IFAO, approx. 14 pages.

    Grons, Anne: Medizinische Rezepttexte in koptischer Sprache – Status quo und erste Erkenntnisse. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress for Coptic Studies, approx. 10 pages.


    Grons, Anne / Pommerening, Tanja / Richter, T. Sebastian: Coptic Pharmacological Prescriptions. Are Coptic pharmacological prescriptions effective and how can we know?, DPhG Annual Meeting 2021, 29.9.–1.10.2021, online.


    Grons, A.: Coptic Pharmacological Texts. The Present State of 
    Research. As part of the 12th International Congress of Coptic Studies. July 2022, Brussels, Belgium.

    Grons, A.: Medizinische Rezepttexte in koptischer Sprache. Status quo und Perspektiven. As part of the 53th SÄK 'Ägyptologie an der Schwelle zum nächsten Jahrhundert Traditionen · Trends · Perspektiven'. July 2022, Würzburg, Germany.

    Grons, A.: Coptic medical prescriptions. Status quo and future perspectives. As part of the 1st Marburg Dialogues on Ancient Healing Arts. June 2022, Marburg, Germany.

    Grons, A.: Coptic Medical Prescriptions. Status quo and Future Perspectives. As part of the 4th "Colloquia Ceranea" (hybrid) at the Centrum Badań nad Historią i Kulturą Basenu Morza Śródziemnego i Europy Południowo-Wschodniej im. prof. Waldemara Cerana (CERANEUM). May 2022, online.

    Grons, A.: Coptic Pharmacological Prescriptions – Introduction to the sources of Coptic medicine in late antique and early Islamic Egypt. Evening lecture of the British Society for the History of Pharmacy. December 2021, online.

    Grons, A.: Materia medica in Coptic Medical Prescriptions. Im Rahmen der Konferenz "Traditions of Materia Medica" at the SFB 980 'Episteme in Bewegung. Wissenstransfer von der Alten Welt bis in die Frühe Neuzeit'. June 2021, Berlin, Germany.

    Grons, A.: 'Nimm dir Realgar, PZDYYD, KCDCCDZ und Gummi. Wende es an' – Verschlüsselungstaktiken und die Kunst der Verrätselung in koptisch-sprachigen Rezepten. As part of the workshop "Verrätselung von Geschriebenem" at the SFB 933 'Materiale Textkulturen'. December 2019, Heidelberg, Germany.

    Grons, A.: The Coptic Herbal P.Carlsberg 500 and the Treatment of 'Mist' in an Eye. As part of the conference "Scientific Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East" am ISAW (NYU). September 2019, New York City, USA.

    Grons, A.: On Minerals and Stones as Ingredients of Coptic Pharmacological Prescriptions. As part of the summer school "Structuring Nature. An Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Summer school" at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. July 2019, Berlin, Germany.

    Grons, A.: The Coptic Herbal P. Carlsberg 500. As part of the workshop "De materia medica. Herbals and botanical classification from ancient to early modern times in cross-cultural perspective" at the Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Freie Universität Berlin. July 2018, Berlin, Germany.

    Grons, A.: Coptic Pharmacological Texts. Cryptographic Drug Names in P.Méd.Copt. IFAO. As part of the lecture series "Mythographies of Scripts and Alphabets" at the Berliner Zentrum für Wissensgeschichte. June 2018, Berlin, Germany.

    Grons, A.: Pharmakologische Rezepte in koptischer Sprache. Entlehnungen aus der griechisch-medizinischen Fachsprache. As part of the Papyrologic Colloquium at Freie Universität Berlin in cooperation with Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. June 2018, Berlin, Germany.

    Grons, A.: P. Carlsberg 500. Scientific Text on Plants and their Use. As part of the conference "Ancient Egyptian Scientific Literature in the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection" at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at Københavns Universitet. May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Grons, A.: Medizinisch-pharmakologische Texte in koptischer Sprache. Berlin P. 8116 und P. 8117. As part of the workshop "Neue Texte zur altägyptischen Medizin" at the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. November 2017, Leipzig, Germany.

    Grons, A.: Coptic Medical Texts: An Overview of the Corpus and the Structure of Coptic Pharmacological Texts. Evening lecture at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at Københavns Universitet. May 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Grons, A.: Coptic Medical Texts: An Overview of the Corpus and the Present State of Research. As part of the conference "Médecine et christianisme : sources et pratiques". September 2016, Paris, France.

  • Current offices and memberships

    Representative of the Mittelbau on the Board of Directors of the Marburg Center of the Ancient World (MCAW)

    Representative of the Mittelbau on the Board of Directors of the Institute for the History of Pharmacy and Medicine

    Coordinator of the working group "Marburg Talks on Ancient Medicine"

    Member of the International Association for Coptic Studies

    Contributor to the project "The Coptic Magical Papyri: Vernacular Religion in Late Roman and Early Islamic Egypt" (University of Würzburg)

    Contributor to the international research co-operation "Scientific Papyri from Ancient Egypt: New Medical and Astrological Texts (SPAE)" (University of Copenhagen, in close co-operation with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, Johns Hopkins University and Freie Universität Berlin)

  • Scholarships and awards

    Prize of the Rudolf Schmitz Study Foundation for an outstanding dissertation on the history of pharmacy.

Status of information: September 2024

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