Katrin Weber

Katrin Weber
Foto: Fotofabrik Frankfurt

Research Fellow

Contact information

+49 6421 28-22872 +49 6421 28-22878 katrin.weber@pharmazie 1 Roter Graben 10
35032 Marburg
R|07 Institutsgebäude (Room: 209 resp. 02009)

Organizational unit

Philipps-Universität Marburg Pharmazie (Fb16) Institut für Geschichte der Pharmazie und Medizin

Research fellow, pharmacist

  • Research interests

    History of Anatomy and Anthropology (18th/19th/20th century)

    History of Science, Medicine and Pharmacy

    Provenance Research: Human remains

  • Academic CV

    Since 07/2023
    Coordinator of the BMBF-funded project ‘Agency and Ethics - Sensitive Objects in University Collections’ (AESOH)

    Since 10/2022
    Research fellow at the Institute of the History of Pharmacy and Medicine

    Coordinator of the seminar-series "Ethics in Pharmacy" (Start: winter term 2024/25)

    3rd State Examination in Pharmacy and approbation

    2nd State Examination in Pharmacy

    1st State Examination in Pharmacy

    Pharmaceutical studies at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

    Chemistry studies at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

    Medical studies at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

  • Publications


     Brömer, R., Franke, E., Halbmayer, E., Pommerening, T., Rodemeier, S., Schweitzer de Palacios, D., Weber, K.: Colonial discourse in the history of Marburg university collections. In: ICOFOM Study Series 52.1, 2024, 37–52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/11zlj [external link].

     Schönfeld, D., Krüger, D., Christe, L., Schütz, A., Weber, K.: Hämorrhagische Viren (Ebola): eine Bedrohung für Europa? Fertigarzneimittelseminar "Erkrankungen durch Viren: Die Corona-Krise" der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (FB 14: Pharmazie) 2021.


    Weber, K., Pommerening, T.: Die "Rassenschädelsammlung" der Marburger Medizinhistorisch-anatomischen Sammlung .

  • Positions and memberships

    Member of the Research Network on the History of Bioethics and Medical Ethics (GBME)

    Member of the Society for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology (GWMT)

    Member of the German Society of Pharmacy (DPhG)

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