Main Content
Archive of the former interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine

Information on past events and lectures
Conference reports
39th meeting of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine
(Aleksandar Milenković)
38th meeting of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine
(Sandra Hofert)
37th meeting of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine: "Body and medicine in the Ancient World"
(Marie-Charlotte v. Lehsten; Katharina Zartner)
36th meeting of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine: "Medicine and death in the Ancient World"
(Carrie Schidlo)
35th meeting of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine
(Sarah Prause)
34th meeting of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine: "The recipe against thirst for knowledge"
(Simone Gerhards)
30 years of working group Ancient Medicine
(Hans-Werner Kümmel, published in: Les Études classiques 80 (2012), p. 7–11)
Greeting from the Vice President of University of Mainz, Prof. Dr. phil. Mechthild Dreyer for the 30th meeting / anniversary of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine (published in: Les Études classiques 80 (2012), p. 3-6)
20th meeting of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine: "Bit of a fluke – experimental Archeology, faint and an outline of medicine in form of a poem"
(Klaus-Dietrich Fischer, JoGu-Magazin 2000)
19th meeting of the interdisciplinary working group Ancient Medicine: "Diagnosis: Hand of a Spirit of the Dead"
(Klaus-Dietrich Fischer, JoGu-Magazin 1999)