11.07.2024 Hot off the press: Proceedings of the workshop ‘Decolonizing academic disciplines and collections’ (ICOFOM Study Series 52.1–2024)
New publication: proceedings of the workshop ‘Decolonizing academic disciplines and collections’

In June 2023, an interdisciplinary group of academics from Marburg University organized an international workshop on the topic of ‘decolonizing academic disciplines and collections’. The informal research team in Marburg includes scholars from the fields of contemporary history, social and cultural anthropology, the study of religions, the history of pharmacy and medicine, and biology. Aim of the workshop was the creation of an international network for joint research. Funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG grant 527030496) supported the participation of researchers and practitioners from universities and museums in eight countries on different continents. The edited versions of eight of the workshop presentations were included in a themed issue of the ICOFOM Study Series (52.1–2024), with an introduction by the hosting team and a brief overview over some of the relevant collections at Marburg University. ICOFOM, the International Committee for Museology of ICOM, the International Council of Museums, is one of the most important platforms for professional debates about approaches to collections in museums and universities. The hosts are planning to continue their activities in interaction with international academic and professional communities.
Prof. Dr. Tanja Pommerening
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28-22829
Mail: igphmmr@uni-marburg.de
Institute of the History of Pharmacy and Medicine
Roter Graben 10
35037 Marburg