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·         DMi8 CS inverted microscope with Super Z galvo stage and Okolab incubator box

·         Diode lasers: 405 nm, 488 nm, White light laser 440 – 790 nm

·         Detectors: 2 x HyD S, 2 x HyD R, 1 x HyD R (detection range 440 – 850 nm)

·         FOV Scanner

  • STELLARIS 8 objectives

    ·         PL APO 20x/0,75 IMM CORR

    ·         HC FLUOTAR L 25x/0,95 X VISIR 0,17

    ·         PL APO 40x/1,10 W mot CORR

    ·         PL APO 63x/1,30 GLYC CORR DIC

  • STELLARIS 8 applications

    ·         Long-term live cell imaging with temperature and CO2 control

    ·         FRAP

    ·         FRET

    ·         FLIM solutions: TauSense (qualitative) und FALCON (quantitative)

    ·         photon counting (HyD X und HyD R)

    ·         Navigator

    ·         LIGHTNING (deconvolution)

    ·         DSE (Dynamic Signal Enhancement)

    ·         Lambda Scans

    ·         Live Data Mode

  Leica TCS SP5 (KLSM)

·         Long-term live cell imaging with temperature and CO2 control

·         FRAP

·         FRET

·         FLIM solutions: TauSense (qualitative) und FALCON (quantitative)

·         photon counting (HyD X und HyD R)

·         Navigator

·         LIGHTNING (deconvolution)

·         DSE (Dynamic Signal Enhancement)

·         Lambda Scans

·         Live Data Mode

  • SP5 objectives

    ·         HC PL FLUOTAR 10x/0,30

    ·         HC PL APO 10x/0,40 IMM CS

    ·         HCX PL APO 20x/0,70 lmm Corr Lbd. bl. HCX

    ·         PL APO 40x/1,25-0,75 Oil Lbd. bl. HCX PL

    ·         APO 63x/1,40 oil PH3

    ·         HCX PL APO 63x/1,3 GLYC CORR CS 21

  • SP5 applications

    ·         Multidimensional recording and analysis of image series

    ·         FRAP

    ·         FRET

    ·         Mark & Find

    ·         Lambda Scans

    ·         Live Data Mode

Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 (Epifluoreszenz)

·         Inverted microscope with motorized xyz stage

·         Filters: DAPI, GFP, YFP, CY3, CY5

·         Camera: Hamamatsu C9100-02
