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Zeiss LSM980 with extra Rapp UV-Box (CLSM)

·         Axio Observer, inverse, motorized XY, 10 nm focus steps, Z-piezo with 500 µm range, motorized filter ring, condensor with shutter, black incubator box

·         Solid state laser 405nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, 594nm, 639nm

·         Airyscan 2 array detector, Spectral GaAsP detector, 2x photomultiplier detector

·         Photoncounting mode

·         Autofocus, focus control in longterm imaging

·         Second independent scan module (Rapp UGA-42 caliburn)for illumination via epiport

·         UV laser box: 355/42 nm (pulsed), 375/70 nm (continuous wave)

·         large system table NLO table, 1.5x1.8m

·         second computer, linked to system for real-time data transfer and processing

  • ·         C-Apochromat 40x/1.2 W

    ·         Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.4 oil

    ·         LCI Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.2 multi immersion

  • o   Recording based highresolution imaging down to 120 nm lateral

    o   Multiplex imaging (up to eight lines simultaneously)

    o   FRAP

    o   fluctuation analysis and FCS

    o   Laser ablation with pulsed UV laser, junctions cuts, wounding, organelle ablation, microsurgery

    o   UV uncaging with 375 nm UV laser, e.g. NP-EGTA für Ca2+ uncaging

    o   realtime processing and data transfer to second computer

    o   longterm (multiple hours) time lapse imaging with readjusted axial focus

    o   tiling of large objects (mm scale)

Zeiss AxioObserver (Epifluorescence)

·         AxioObserver Z1, inverted, differential interference contrast, phase contrast, motorized stage with joystick

·         Detectors: AxiocamMR, emCCD (photometrics evolve 512), ApoTome

Zeiss AxioPlan (Epifluorescence)

·         Axioplan 2, upright, differential interference contrast, phase contrast, darkfield optics

·         Detectors AxiocamMR, ApoTomeI

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