Main Content
Publications 2025
[3] Size matters: larger fragments of riparian forest in urban areas support functional diversity of soil bacteria more than smaller ones. Koster G, Jaźwa M, Przemieniecki SW, Musielok Ł, Azarbad H, Klimek B (2025) Frontiers in Microbiology, 16:1517545;
[2] Life history traits in microarthropods: Evidence for a soil animal economics spectrum. Lu J-Z, Pfingstl T, Junker R R, Maraun M, Erktan A, Scheu S (2025) Geoderma, Volume 455, 117206;
[1] Tolerance to land-use changes through natural modulations of the plant microbiome. Zieschank V, Muola A, Janssen S, Lach A, Junker R R (2025) The ISME Journal, Volume 19, Issue 1, wraf010;
Publications 2024
[16] Biological and experimental factors that define the effectiveness of microbial inoculation on plant traits: a meta-analysis. Azarbad H, Junker R R (2024) ISME Communications, Volume 4, Issue 1, ycae122;
[15] Understanding the chemodiversity of plants: Quantification, variation and ecological function. Petrén H, Anaia, RA, Aragam KS, Bräutigam A, Eckert S, Heinen R, Jakobs R, Ojeda-Prieto L, Popp M, Sasidharan R, Schnitzler J-P, Steppuhn A, Thon FM, Unsicker SB, van Dam NM, Weisser WW, Wittmann MJ, Yepes S, Ziaja D, Müller C, Junker RR (2024) Ecological Monographs, e1635;
[14] Comprehensive Overview of Long-Term Ecosystem Research Datasets at LTER Site Oberes Stubachtal. Zagel B, Wiesenegger H, Junker R R, Ehgartner G (2024) Data, 9(10);
[13] Testing the sequence of successional processes in miniature ecosystems. Hanusch M, Xie H, Böll L, Junker RR (2024) Microbiology Spectrum, 0:e01227-24;
[12] Detection of Paecilomyces formosus associated with declining urban forests and beetles in Iran. Alizadeh M, Safaie N, Azarbad H, Mehrabadi M, Shamsbakhsh M (2024) Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, Vol. 133;
[11] Effects of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions and its multitrophic consequences. Trunschke J, Junker R R, Kudo G, Alexander J M, Richman S K, Till-Bottraud I (2024) Alpine Botany;
[10] Steccherinum pudorinum comb. nov.: Taxonomie und Ökologie einer missdeuteten Art. Popa F, Ahertenstein A, Blumenstein K, Relinque Gantert L M, Ordynets O, Rexer K-H, Wieners M, Spirin V (2024) Zeitschrift für Mykologie - Journal of the German Mycological Society, 90_2024: 63 - 81;
[09] Intermittent water stress favors microbial traits that better help wheat under drought. Schmidt R l, Azarbad H, Bainard L, Tremblay J, Yergeau E (2024) ISME Communications, 4(1), ycae074;
[08] Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae as a Causative Agent of Tree Decline in Urban Forests and Its Potential for Transmission by Reservoirs. Alizadeh M, Safaie N, Azarbad H, Mehrabadi M, Shams-baksh M, Amini S (2024) Journal of Crop Health, 76:649–671;
[07] Structural shifts in plant functional diversity during biogeomorphic succession: Moving beyond taxonomic investigations in an alpine glacier foreland. Haselberger S, Junker R R, Ohler LM, Otto JC, Kraushaar S (2024) Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1–17;
[06] Geographic distribution of terpenoid chemotypes in Tanacetum vulgare mediates tansy aphid occurrence but not abundance. Rahimova H, Neuhaus-Harr A, Clancy M V, Guo Y, Junker R R, Ojeda-Prieto L, Petrén H, Senft M, Zytynska S E, Weisser W W, Heinen R, Schnitzler JP (2024) Oikos, 2024: e10320;
[05] Vertically Stratified Interactions Of Nectarivores And Nectar-Inhabiting Bacteria In A Liana Flowering Across Forest Strata. Thiel S, Gottstein M, Heymann EW, Kroszewski J, Lieker N, Tello NS, Tschapka M, Junker RR, Heer K (2024) American Journal of Botany , Volume 111, Issue 3;
[04] The stress history of soil bacteria under organic farming enhances the growth of wheat seedlings. Ornik M, Salinas R, Antonacci G, Schädler M, Azarbad H (2024) Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 15;
[03] Floral and pollinator functional diversity mediate network structure along an elevational gradient. Aguirre L A, Junker R R (2024) Alpine Botany;
[02] Colorful windows to the dark rhizosphere. Azarbad H (2024) Trends in Microbiology, Volume 32, Issue 6, Pages 529-531;
[01] Adding experimental precision to the realism of field observations: Plant communities structure bacterial communities in a glacier forefield. He X, Hanusch M, Böll L, Lach A, Seifert T, Junker RR (2024) Environmental Microbiology, 2024;26:e16590;
Publications 2023
[13] Catchment-scale patterns of geomorphic activity and vegetation distribution in an alpine glacier foreland (Kaunertal Valley, Austria). Haselberger S, Scheper S, Otto J-C, Zangerl U, Ohler L-M, Junker RR, Kraushaar S (2023) Frontiers in Earth Science, 11(2023);
[12] Ecosystem consequences of invertebrate decline. Eisenhauer N, Ochoa-Hueso R, Huang Y, Barry KE, Gebler A, Guerra CA, Hines J, Jochum M, Andraczek K, Bucher SF, Buscot F, Ciobanu M, Chen H, Junker RR, Lange M, Lehmann A, Ulrich J, Rillig M, Römermann C, Weigelt A, Schmidt A, Türke M (2023) Current Biology, 33:1-10;
[11] Tracking succession by means of 3D scans of plant communities in a glacier forefield to infer assembly processes. He X, Hanusch M, Saueressig L, Schriever A, Seifert T, Villhauer H, Zieschank V, Junker RR (2023) Oikos, 2023: e10095;
[10] The great escape: patterns of enemy release are not explained by time, space, or climate. Xirocostas Z, Ollerton J, Tamme R, Peco B, Lesieur V, Slavich E, Junker RR, Partel M, Sathyamurthy R, Uesugi A, Bonser S, Chiarenza G, Hovenden M, Moles A (2023) Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290: 20231022;
[9] Exploring the Frequency and Distribution of Ecological Non-monotonicity in Associations among Ecosystem Constituents. Hanusch M, He X, Janssen S, Selke J, Trutschnig W, Junker RR (2023) Ecosystems;
[8] Fungicides and strawberry pollination – effects on floral scent, pollen attributes and bumblebee behaviour. Voß A-C, Hauertmann M, Laufer M-C, Lach A, Junker RR, Eilers EJ (2023) PLoS One, 18(7):e0289283;
[7] Proglacial slopes are protected against erosion by trait diverse and dense plant communities associated with specific microbial communities. Ohler L-M, Haselberger S, Janssen S, Otto J-C, Kraushaar S, Junker RR (2023) Basic and Applied Ecology, 71:57-71;
[6] Floral volatiles evoke partially similar responses in both florivores and pollinators and are correlated with non-volatile reward chemicals. Sasidharan R, Junker RR, Eilers EJ, Müller C (2023) Annals of Botany, mcad064;
[5] Digital whole-community phenotyping: tracking morphological and physiological responses of plant communities. Zieschank V, Junker RR (2023) Frontiers in Plant Science, 14:1141554;
[4] Anatomic and neurochemical analysis of the palpal olfactory system in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, HERBST. Trebels B, Dippel S, Anders J, Ernst C, Goetz B, Keyser T, Rexer KH, Wimmer EA, Schachtner J (2023) Front. Cell. Neurosci., Volume 17;
[3] Inter- and intraspecific phytochemical variation correlate with epiphytic flower and leaf bacterial communities. Gaube P, Marchenko P, Müller C, Schweiger R, Tenhaken R, Keller A, Junker RR (2023) Environmental Microbiol., 2023 Apr 3.;
[2] Accuracy of mutual predictions of plant and microbial communities vary along a successional gradient in an alpine glacier forefield. He X, Hanusch M, Ruiz-Herhandez V, Junker RR (2023) Frontiers in Plant Science, 13;
[1] Effect of Tannin Furanic Polymer in Comparison to Its Mimosa Tannin Extract on the Growth of Bacteria and White-Rot Fungi. Eckardt J, Tondi G, Fanchin G, Lach A, Junker RR (2023) Polymers, 15(1):175;
Publications 2022
[13] Quantifying chemodiversity considering biochemical and structural properties of compounds with the R package chemodiv. Petren H, Köllner TG, Junker RR (2022) New Phytologist, 237(6):2478-2492;
[12] Conventional vs Organic agriculture– which one promotes better yields and microbial resilience in rapidly changing climates? Azarbad H (2022) Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:903500;
[11] The response of wheat and its microbiome to contemporary and historical water stress in a field experiment. Azarbad H, Bainard DL, Agoussar A, Tremblay J, Yergeau E (2022) ISME Communications, 2:62;
[10] Relative and quantitative rhizosphere microbiome profiling results in distinct abundance patterns. Azarbad H, Tremblay J, Bainard DL, Yergeau E (2022) Frontiers in Microbiology, 12:798023;
[9] A drying-rewetting cycle imposes more important shifts on soil microbial communities than does reduced precipitation. Wang XB, Azarbad H, Leclerc L, Dozois J, Mukula E, Yergeau É (2022) Msystems, 7(4):e00247–22;
[8] qad: An R-package to detect asymmetric and directed dependence in bivariate samples. Griessenberger F, Trutschnig W, Junker RR (2022) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13(10):2138-2149;
[7] Sugar Concentration, Nitrogen Availability, and Phylogenetic Factors Determine the Ability of Acinetobacter spp. and Rosenbergiella spp. to Grow in Floral Nectar. Morales-Poole JR, de Vega C, Tsuji K, Jacquemyn H, Junker RR, Herrera CM, Michiels. C, Lievens B, Álvarez-Pérez S (2022) Microbiology Ecology, 86:377–391;
[6] Floral and reproductive traits are an independent dimension within the plant economic spectrum of temperate central Europe. E-Vojtkó A, Junker RR, de Bello F, Götzenberger L (2022) New Phytologist, 236(5):1964-1975;
[5] Complex floral traits shape pollinator attraction to ornamental plants. Erickson E, Junker RR, Ali JG, McCartney N, Patch HM, Grozinger CM (2022) Annals of Botany, 130(4):561–577;
[4] Succession comprises a sequence of threshold-induced community assembly processes towards multidiversity. Hanusch M, He X, Ruiz-Hernández V, Junker RR (2022) Communications Biology, 5:424;
[3] Towards an animal economics spectrum for ecosystem research. Junker RR, Albrecht J, Becker M, Keuth R, Farwig N, Schleuning M (2022) Functional Ecology, 37(1):57-72;
[2] On a multivariate copula-based dependence measure and its estimation. Griessenberger F, Junker RR, Trutschnig W (2022) Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(1):2206-2251;
[1] Metabolic phenotype as important and dynamic niche dimension of plants. Müller C, Junker RR (2022) New Phytologist, 234(4):1168–1174;
Publications 2021
[18] The Abl-interactor Abi suppresses the function of the BRAG2 GEF family member Schizo. Lübke S, Braukmann C, Rexer KH, Cigoja L, Önel SF, Pratiti R (2021) Open Biol., 13:bio.058666;
[17] Manipulation of phyllosphere bacterial communities reversibly alters the plant microbiome and leaf traits in the field. Ohler L-M, Seeleitner S, Haselberger S, Kraushaar S, Otto J-C, Mitter B, Junker RR (2021) Alpine Botany, 132:301-314;
[16] Editorial: Flower Metabolism and Pollinators. Borghi M, Junker RR, Lucas-Barbosa D, Zych M (2021) Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:3389;
[15] Divergent assembly processes? A comparison of the plant and soil microbiome with plant communities in a glacier forefield. Junker RR, He X, Otto JC, Ruiz-Hernández V, Hanusch M (2021) FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97(10):fiab135;
[14] Humans share more preferences for floral phenotypes with pollinators than with pests. Ruiz-Hernández V, Joubert L, Rodríguez-Gómez A, Artuso S, Pattrick JG, Gomez Di Marco P, Eckerstorfer S, Brandauer S, Trcka-Rojas C, Martínez-Reina L, Booth J, Lau-Zhu A, Weiss J, Bielza P, Glover B, Junker RR, Egea-Cortines M (2021) Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:3389;
[13] Editorial overview: Tripartite interactions: microbial influencers of plant–pollinator interactions. Vannette RL, Junker RR (2021) Current Opinion in Insect Science, 44:A1–A2;
[12] Invertebrate decline reduces bacterial diversity associated with leaves and flowers. Junker RR, Eisenhauer N, Schmidt A, Türke M (2021) FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97(7):fiab088;
[11] A cell surface-exposed protein complex with an essential virulence function in Ustilago maydis. Ludwig N, Reissmann S, Schipper K, Gonzalez C, Assmann D, Glatter T, Moretti M, Lay-Sun M, Rexer KH, Snetselaar K, Kahmann R (2021) Nat Microbiol, 6, 722–730;
[10] Rehydration of dried mushroom specimens with Aerosol® OT for scanning electron microscopy. Koch JA, Fischer A, Manz C, Rexer KH (2021) Mycol Progress, 20, 747–754;
[9] Volatile organic compound patterns predict fungal trophic mode and lifestyle. Guo Y, Jud W, Weikl F, Ghirardo A, Junker RR, Polle A, Benz JP, Pritsch K, Schnitzler J-P, Rosenkranz M (2021) Communications Biology, 4:673;
[8] Quantification of biogeomorphic interactions between small-scale sediment transport and primary vegetation succession on proglacial slopes of the Gepatschferner, Austria. Haselberger S, Ohler, L-M, Junker RR, Otto J-C, Glade T, Kraushaar S (2021) Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(10):1941-1952;
[7] Engineering microalgae as a whole cell catalyst for PET Degradation. Moog D, Zarzycki J, Rexer KH, Erb TJ, Maier UG (2021) Methods in Enzymology, 648:435-455;
[6] 16S rRNA gene-based microbiome analysis identifies candidate bacterial strains that increase the storage time of potato tubers. Buchholz F, Junker RR, Samad A, Antonielli L, Sarić N, Kostić T, Sessitsch A, Mitter B (2021) Scientific Reports, 11:3146;
[5] Lensless digital holographic microscopy as an efficient method to monitor enzymatic plastic degradation. Schnitzler L, Zarzycki J, Gerhard M, Konde S, Rexer K-H, Erb TJ, Maier UG, Koch M, Hofmann MR, Moog D (2021) Marine Pollution Bulletin, 163:111950;
[4] Evolution of debris cover on glaciers of the Eastern Alps, Austria, between 1996 and 2015. Fleischer F, Otto JC, Junker RR, Hölbling D (2021) Earth Surface Processes and Landforms;
[3] Drought-induced reduction in flower size and abundance correlates with reduced flower visits by bumble bees. Kuppler J,*, Wieland J, Junker RR, Ayasse M (2021) AoB PLANTS, 13(1):plab001;
[2] Changes amid constancy: flower and leaf microbiomes along land use gradients and between bioregions. Gaube P, Junker RR, Keller A (2021) Basic and Applied Ecology, 50:1-15;
[1] Estimating scale-invariant directed dependence of bivariate distributions. Junker RR, Griessenberger F, Trutschnig W (2021) Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 153:107058;
Publications 2020
[13] Myco- and photobiont associations in crustose lichens in the McMurdo Dry Valleys (Antarctica) reveal high differentiation along an elevational gradient. Wagner M, Bathke AC, Cary SC, Green TGA, Junker RR, Trutschnig W, Ruprecht U (2020) Polar Biology, 43:1967-1983;
[12] Insect herbivory strongly modifies mountain birch volatile emissions. Rieksta J, Li T, Junker RR, Jepsen JU, Ryde I, Rinnan R (2020) Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:558979;
[11] Correction to: Using a marine microalga as a chassis for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) degradation. Moog D, Schmitt J, Senger J, Zarzycki J, Rexer K-H, Linne U, Erb TJ, Maier UG (2020) Microb Cell Fact, 19(1):1;
[10] The bacterium Pantoea ananatis modifies behavioral responses to sugar solutions in honeybees. Scheiner R, Strauss S, Thamm M, Farré-Armengol G, Junker RR (2020) Insects, 11(10):692;
[9] Identifying tree traits for cooling urban heat islands – a cross-city empirical Analysis. Helletsgruber C, Gillner S, Gulyás Á, Junker RR, Tanács E, Hof A (2020) Forests, 11(10):1064;
[8] Candida metrosideri pro tempore sp. nov. and Candida ohialehuae pro tempore sp. nov., two antifungal-resistant yeasts associated with Metrosideros polymorpha flowers in Hawaii. Klaps J, de Vega C, Herrera CM, Junker RR, Lievens B, Álvarez-Pérez S (2020) PLOS ONE, 15(10):e0240093;
[7] Ödenwinkel: An Alpine platform for observational and experimental research on the emergence of multidiversity and ecosystem complexity. Junker RR, Hanusch M, He X, Ruiz-Herández V, Otto J-C, Kraushaar S, Bauch K, Griessenberger F, Ohler L-M, Trutschnig W (2020) Web Ecology, 20:95-106;
[6] Deciphering the biotic and climatic factors that influence floral scents: A systematic review of floral volatile emissions. Farré-Armengol G, Fernández-Martínez M, Filella I, Junker RR, Penuelas J (2020) Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:1154;
[5] Global gradients in intraspecific variation in vegetative and floral traits are partially associated with climate and species richness. Kuppler J, Albert CH, Ames GM, Armbruster WS, Boenisch G, Boucher FC, Campbell DR, Carneiro LT, Chacón-Madrigal E, Enquist BJ, Fonseca CR, Gómez JM, Guisan A, Higuchi P, Karger DN, Kattge J, Kleyer M, Kraft NJB, Larue-Kontić A-AC, Lázaro A, Lechleitner M, Loughnan D, Minden V, Niinemets Ü, Overbeck GE, Parachnowitsch AL, Perfectti F, Pillar VD, Schellenberger Costa D, Sletvold N, Stang M, Alves-dos-Santos I, Streit H, Wright J, Zych M, Junker RR (2020) Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(6): 992-1007;
[4] Ecology and evolution of intraspecific chemodiversity of plants. Müller C, Bräutigam A, Eilers EJ, Junker RR, Schnitzler J-P, Steppuhn A, Unsicker SB, van Dam NM, Weisser WW, Wittmann MJ (2020) Ecology and Evolution of Intraspecific Chemodiversity of Plants. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 6:e49810;
[3] Microclimatic effects on alpine plant communities and flower-visitor interactions. Ohler L-M, Lechleitner MH, Junker RR (2020) Scientific Reports, 10:1366;
[2] Bacteria affect plant - mite interactions via altered scent emissions. Karamanoli K, Kokalas V, Koveos DS, Junker RR, Farré-Armengol G (2020) Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46(8):782-792;
[1] TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Kattge J, Bönisch G, Díaz S, …, Junker RR, …, et al. (2020) Global Change Biology, 26(1):119-188;
Publications 2019
[7] A promiscuous CYP706A3 reduces terpene volatile emission from Arabidopsis flowers, with impacts on florivores and floral microbiome. Boachon B, Burdloff Y, Ruan J-X, Rojo R, Vincent B, Junker RR, Bringel F, Lesot A, Henry L, Bassard J-E, Mathieu S, Allouche L, Kaplan I, Dudareva N, Vuilleumier S, Miesch L, André F, Navrot N, Chen X-Y, Werck-Reichhart D (2019) The Plant Cell, 31(12):2947–2972;
[6] Interconnectedness of the Grinnellian and Eltonian niche in regional and local plant-pollinator communities. Junker RR, Lechleitner MH, Kuppler J, Ohler L-M (2019) Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1371;
[5] Using a marine microalga as a chassis for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) degradation. Moog D, Schmitt J, Senger J, Zarzycki J, Rexer K-H, Linne U, Erb T, Maier UG (2019) Microb Cell Fact, 18(1):171;
[4] Die Sammlung Wolfgang Ludwig im Herbarium Marburgense (MB). Gregor T, Hodvina S, Rexer K-H (2019) Botanik und Naturschutz in Hessen, 31:51-86;
[3] Pollination biology reveals challenges to restoring populations of Brighamia insignis (Campanulaceae), a critically endangered plant species from Hawai‘i. Walsh SK, Pender RJ, Junker RR, Daehler CC, Morden CW, Lorence DH (2019) Flora, 259: 151448;
[2] Natural fumigation as a mechanism for volatile transport between flower organs. Boachon B, Lynch JH, Ray S, Yuan J, Caldo KMP, Junker RR, Kessler SA, Morgan JA, Dudareva N (2019) Nature Chemical Biology, 15:583–588;
[1] Chemistry of floral rewards: intra- and interspecific variability of nectar and pollen secondary metabolites across taxa. Palmer-Young EC, Farrell IW, Adler LS, Milano NJ, Egan PA, Junker RR, Irwin RE, Stevenson PC (2019) Ecological Monographs, 89(1):e01335;
26 February 2025