Main Content

BSc. Biodiversity of Plants. In this module we focus on the basics of plant diversity and the methods used to study it, including species knowledge. The module consists of a lecture on selected plant groups and their evolution and three exercises: Species identification on living material, species identification in the field and statistical analysis of botanical distribution data. After completing the module, participants will be able to explain the evolutionary processes that generate plant diversity and illustrate them with examples of individual plant families, as well as carry out simple analyses of botanical distribution data in R. Furthermore, they can confidently apply floristic identification keys and identify 150 Central European plant species in the field without identification literature.
BSc. Morphology of seed plants. In this module, we explore the external form and function of the plant body from the roots to the shoot axis, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. The module consists of a seminar and two exercises with a lecture. After completing the module, participants will be able to recognize and explain the modifications of the plant body with regard to diverse ecological strategies. Furthermore, they will have an extended vocabulary to describe all areas of the plant body morphologically and ecologically.
BSc Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants and Associated Organisms (specialization). This module deepens the study of plant diversity in preparation for the Bachelor's thesis. The module consists of two exercises on species knowledge in plants and fungi (one week each), a laboratory or field practical course to learn relevant methods (4 weeks), and a seminar on good scientific practice. The module also includes participation in the colloquium on biodiversity and nature conservation and the working group seminar. After completing this module, students will be able to apply the basics of scientific work in the field of biodiversity and plant evolution to formulate relevant questions and, under supervision, plan and carry out small scientific projects.
MSc. Biogeography and Macroevolution of Plants. In this module we focus on current issues in plant biogeography and macroevolution, including modern statistical methods for data analysis. The module consists of a seminar on patterns and mechanisms in biogeography and macroevolution, and two exercises: Construction of phylogenetic phylogenetic trees including analysis of diversification rates and analysis of distribution data. After completing this module, students will be able to discuss current issues in biogeography and macroevolution in a technically sophisticated manner and apply methods for data analysis in R independently.
MSc. Expanded Plant Knowledge for Master Students. This module deepens the knowledge of floristic species using the flora of the Mediterranean region and the plant families of sweet grasses, sedges and rushes as examples. The module consists of a large excursion to Mallorca (10 days at the end of the winter semester) with a preparatory seminar, and a special identification exercise on approx. 120 species of the popular plant families Poaceae, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae (2 weeks at the end of the summer semester). On completion of this module, participants will have specialist floristic knowledge of Mediterranean wild, ornamental and useful plants and will be able to identify grasses, sedges and rushes to the species even when dried.
MSc. Biodiversity of Plants (specialization). This module focuses on working on a clearly defined scientific question in the biogeography, phylogenetics, evolutionary biology and morphology of plants. The module represents the first part of the Master's thesis and serves to familiarize students with the working techniques to be used for data collection in the field and laboratory, and statistical data analysis. The module consists of an internship (22 weeks full-time) and attendance at the working group seminar and the colloquium on biodiversity and nature conservation. After completing this module, participants will be able to recognize and understand advanced relationships in the field of plant biodiversity and formulate relevant questions for scientific investigations.
Colloquium biodiversity & nature conservation. In this colloquium, the working groups in the field of ecology, nature conservation and biodiversity invite external guests to present their current research work. Students of all semesters can gain an in-depth insight into the ways of thinking, research approaches, results and areas of work of the research focus.
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